Forums - Why Iceman Owns Cable !!! Fact not Opinion Show all 574 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Why Iceman Owns Cable !!! Fact not Opinion ( Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:10:2001 05:17 AM: im getting totally pissed at some of the rookies on this board saying Cable is so much better than everyone, I personnaly think he isn't, I can beat his ass easily with Iceman, and I don't just beat scrubs, I'm talking your usual 60 game winning streak at the arcade type guys. How Does Iceman Own Him?? Reason: when im playing against cable with iceman, i dont try to match beam with beam, that is silly cuz i know i'll lose, I rush him using that down and Fp ice rock in the air, and follow it to him, then if he blocks, i'll just do like a 3 hit ground combo and chip him to death with safe ice beams, i can pressure anyone with this, until they fucking crack up and let their guard down, then i do an air combo followed by artic attack super, i take advantage of the huge speed advantage in Iceman's favor, and the incredible chipping damage he does. Iceman also dashes fast as hell, and believe it or not is an inferior type beaming player in the game, because of his slow recovery time, but is the best chipper in the game. Oh yeah none of cables beams take chip damage from ice man. I can't believe you guys think Cable is better, get some skills for crying out loud. :^) PEace Posted by Kenny on 04:10:2001 05:23 AM: i block your ice beam and do AHVB.......yes......your ice beam has enough lag for me to do that Posted by LastGod VT on 04:10:2001 05:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Oh yeah none of cables beams take chip damage from ice man. I can't believe you guys think Cable is better, get some skills for crying out loud. :^) PEace You're dumb, any decent Cable player will own Iceman at any level. And this is coming from someone who doesn't really like Cable. Posted by Shin-Mech-Brian on 04:10:2001 05:33 AM: I think you guys put a little too much faith in Cable's abilities. Mind you, I'm not siding with this guys opinion because I do think Cable is a better character but he's not the best. My Ken Masters can take most cable's easily, it's not that hard... Posted by Zero on 04:10:2001 05:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by Shin-Mech-Brian I think you guys put a little too much faith in Cable's abilities. Mind you, I'm not siding with this guys opinion because I do think Cable is a better character but he's not the best. My Ken Masters can take most cable's easily, it's not that hard... Yeah, Cable isn't nearly as God-like as he used to be, but there is no disputing: if Iceman doesn't have the health advantage AND time running out, Cable owns him for free. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:10:2001 05:38 AM: I could write a book on how to beat the shit out of Cable with Iceman, the combo i do is a combo follwed by an attempted launch, and then i follow it with a ice beam, the blocking animation knocks him back far enough, so he can't respond with his gay super move, and no a good Cable player can't beat a good Iceman player anyday. I won't even comment on the HORRIBLE things i can do to Cable with Omega Red.. Posted by HyperViperSniper on 04:10:2001 05:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru so he can't respond with his gay super move what gay super move?? I dont remember this move being listed in the book or any strategy guide.. please even if you dont like him..dont insult other people that may have similar views... I agree with you on the other stuff but I dont like offensive remarks like this.. Oh yeah..and as far as Omega Red.. Cable pretty much OWNZ Omega...Syberninja is THE BEST Omega Red player in Va and no matter what he does Cable can destroy OR.. sorry about that.. HVS Posted by Kenny on 04:10:2001 05:42 AM: the block stun is not enough............i've blocked ice beams and countered with AHVB before Posted by HyperViperSniper on 04:10:2001 05:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by Kenny the block stun is not enough............i've blocked ice beams and countered with AHVB before what are you reading?? where did he say block stun?? READ the entire paragraph and quote where he said that.. He says.. HE DOESNT TRY TO MATCH CABLE BEAM FOR BEAM... READ with a capital R.. sheesh HVS Posted by Zero on 04:10:2001 05:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper Cant you read??? He said he doesnt try to match him beam for beam... you probably didnt read ANY of this.. Apparently YOU havn't, because the simple fact that he USES Ice beam against Cable (which is what he DID say), automaticly means he will get AHVB by any decent Cable. quote: IMO Iceman gives Cable a good run for his money.. If Cable doesnt have levels..he really isnt to be feared.. his combos dont do that much and without an assist Cable pretty much has to run from everyone.. HVS See thats the thing; a lot of factors have to fall into play before Iceman has an advantage. a) Cable can't have meter b) Cable can't have an assist c) Iceman must have the health advantage d) Time must be low. Only when all these factors come to play does Iceman have an advantage. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:10:2001 05:52 AM: Let me simply explain how to beat Cable with Iceman so you don't have to buy my book lol... Okay Step 1: don't Use Iceman as a beamer Step 2 Speed: when you see that blue clad fag, all you have to do is dash at him with iceman's speed induced dash, jump towards him, come down with a ice rock(d+FP) <--this stops him from that psimiter or any of his anti air attacks, then land while he's still in guard mode from the rock, dash again if needed and do 1 or rarely 2 crouching lk, lk, follwed by his launcher, if he blocks add a ice beam(this particular combo stops cable from countering with the hyper beam combo) Step 3 Repetition: do this until he loses his mind, and doesnt block the launcher combo and then do a one or two hit air combo followed by an artic attack.. Practice this alot and you will easily own Cable.. PEace My Mvc2 teams Iceman or Iceman Megaman Omega Red Ironman Ryu Posted by Kenny on 04:10:2001 05:53 AM: read the part where he said he'll do a 3 hit ground combo and chip with ice beam.........since he said "chip" with ice beam i'm assuming that cable is blocking Posted by LastGod VT on 04:10:2001 05:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Step 2 Speed: when you see that blue clad fag, all you have to do is dash at him with iceman's speed induced dash, jump towards him.... And get hit in the face with Cyclops AAA assist, followed by AHVBx3. Iceman gone. Great strat you got there. Posted by Zero on 04:10:2001 05:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Let me simply explain how to beat Cable with Iceman so you don't have to buy my book lol... Okay Step 1: don't Use Iceman as a beamer Step 2 Speed: when you see that blue clad fag, all you have to do is dash at him with iceman's speed induced dash, jump towards him, come down with a ice rock(d+FP) <--this stops him from that psimiter or any of his anti air attacks, then land while he's still in guard mode from the rock, and do a 2 crouching lk, lk, follwed by his laucher, if he blocks add a ice beam(this combo stops cable from countering with the hyper beam combo) Stop right there. Your fatal flaw. That WILL get AHVBed. You have some bad Cable comp if you're getting away with that. quote: Step 3 Repetition: do this until he loses his mind, and doesnt block the launcher combo and then do a one or two hit air combo followed by an artic attack.. Practice this alot and you will easily own Cable.. PEace Also Zero would like to add that most Cable players use Cyclops AAA, which would stomp your rush-in Iceman flat, not to meantion open up for AHVB. [EDIT: Looks like LastGod beat Zero to that one. And it seems that HVS isn't getting it, Kenny...] Posted by LastGod VT on 04:10:2001 06:01 AM: Well... Zero said it better than I did. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:10:2001 06:06 AM: Read the steps, and you will beat Cable with Iceman every time, and don't even talk about help partners, because I use Ironmans unibeam for protection, when i'm rushing at Cable. P.s. It's not my fault you suck, and Cable owns you hahahahahahahahhaahahhahahaahahahah, and no I don't hate Cable i think he's good, I have him ranked #3 in the game. You could get the best Cable player on earth, and i'll get high on purpose pick OMega Red and simply make them look silly. The wretched, vile, disgusting, sinister, qualm, grotesque, diabolical things I can do to Cable with Omega REd are limitless. Also, yes I do know how to match helper move with helper move, so Cyclops little AAA won't make a difference, never has never will... Posted by Devil Lee on 04:10:2001 06:13 AM: LastGod VT Wins! Perfect Hyper Combo Burning Vigor Attack Super Special Finish Victory!! Posted by Zero on 04:10:2001 06:15 AM: quote: Read the steps, and you will beat Cable with Iceman every time, and don't even talk about help partners, because I use Ironmans unibeam for protection, when i'm rushing at Cable. Ironman's Unibeam?! Well then my Cable thanks you, for now Zero will AHVB two characters for the price of one! Ironman will do nothing. Cyclops will still nail Iceman, which will allow Cable to AHVB Ironman and Iceman for free! quote: P.s. It's not my fault you suck, and Cable owns you hahahahahahahahhaahahhahahaahahahah, and no I don't hate Cable i think he's good, I have him ranked #3 in the game. You poor diluted fool. Don't shy away from your current gaming grounds, because if you face REAL comp, your ignorance will hit you in the face like a rocket. [EDIT: LastGod: Not really. Besides pointing out the Ice Beam hole, we said the same thing. ] Posted by LastGod VT on 04:10:2001 06:25 AM: Hehe Devil Lee... lol, thank you, thank you Zero: Yeah... this guys top tier includes Omega Red as #1? and Iceman as #2? Damn.... plus didnt he say that he plays and beats people with +60 wins streaks? He must live in a very sad little town. Posted by NerenatwaH on 04:10:2001 06:40 AM: You must have a lot of faith in Iceman, that or you are just stubborn. I will say though, on a one on one match Iceman should be able to beat Cable if played smart and patiently. All he would have to do is chip Cable once and start turtling. Counter attacking when it's needed. Other than that, Iceman is owned by Cable. Posted by Iceman on 04:10:2001 06:50 AM: Are you blind? Omega Red Guru, you are playing peeps who don't know Cable. Let me put this in large letters for you: CABLE CAN BLOCK AN ICEBEAM THEN HIT ICEMAN WITH THREE (1..2..3!) AIR HYPER VIPER BEAMS, KILLING ICEMAN!!! Everything else has been said. If Iceman has to fight Cable, he loses, the end. Posted by gscan on 04:10:2001 07:01 AM: now i realize why these forums are gay, its due to gimps like omege red guru. Posted by HyperViperSniper on 04:10:2001 07:01 AM: okay first of all I play Iceman and I play Cable.. I have played against some of the best Cable players around.. Iceman does have a decent game against Cable.. Cable RUNS...Cable doesnt have any good combos without a super meter.. Cable even WITH assists still has to have a meter.. Iceman doenst take beam block damage.. Iceman can combo FASTER than Cable jab for jab.. Yes its all in the circumstances of the match.. but a good Iceman Player ONE ON ONE against someone playing Cable has alot better chances of winning than alot of other characters.. NOTICE I SAID ONE ON ONE.. neither of them with Assists.. if the Iceman player is smart enough he wont use any ground moves (icebeam, or icerock drop) against a good Cable player.. Wait for this person to burn out their super meter (assuming they even have one) then pressure them with the trap mentioned about.. Down fierce punch, cancel into icerock.. Cable Jumps up gets knocked back down..while he is getting pushed back down super jump and repeat.. this trap with Iceman is almost impossible to get away from.. reason.. If you DASH on the Ground the first Iceball that you throw down comes @ an angle that will hit you.. If you Jump the iceball pushes you back down.. Cable cant achieve levels becuase Iceman is always in the air and he is stuck on the ground.. either way Iceman is chipping Cable is not.. this works well against almost anyone.. but best against characters that have to run and gain levels.. Now I know alot of you will say "if this, if that" just as I have.. but like I said "its all circumstancial" Now Zero I dont see why you felt the need to jump me over that other kids remarks but either way I hope this cleared it up.. Oh and I read what he said and the first statement he says is "dont try to match him beam for beam" this to me sounds as if he knows better than to beam him unless he is completely sure he can get away with it.. best option is to not beam @ all against Cable with anyone.. but since you think I am the idiot I figured I would play the part.. good day.. HVS Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:10:2001 07:55 AM: Why would i use a trap as Iceman, that Cable can counter with a super??? you are such a dumbass, ask hyper viper sniper, Iceman can dominate Cable with speed, and stay on him like a cheap suit, and if you have the right help partners that complement the iceman trap, cable wont be able to do anything, without getting disemboweled. I wish I could be in a tourney with you guys, who worship that sluggish gun wielding loser Cable. P.S. you don't think Omega Red is Better than Cable?? well I know alot of people don't play him right, so im not mad at you. but I think Omega is the best in this game, if maximized, and believe me it's scary. Posted by DannyCat on 04:10:2001 08:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru P.S. you don't think Omega Red is Better than Cable?? I have one comment for you my lost child, ahahahahahashahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahhahahaah ha Egad...I used to think I was sure of my thoughts on MvC2 ranking, but this line has utterly skewered my entire philosophical stance...I shall now take 17 hours to reevaluate my life. Posted by Nate X Grey on 04:10:2001 08:34 AM: That d+hp in the air and following it up is a good way to play Iceman against Cable. Iceman can also use some assists like Sent or Spiral to protect him during the icebeam lag and sj crossup if the assist gets blocked to protect it. However, Cable ALSO has assists and can easily keep Iceman at bay with j.hps and calling assists such as Blackheart to keep him pinned. Iceman cannot do anything from a full screen away to safely attack Cable and has to find a way to get in close. I wouldn't say Cable owns Iceman. Neither would I say Iceman owns Cable. Its pretty even but the slight advantage will go to Cable due to vitality and mistakes from Iceman. Posted by Nathan Summers on 04:10:2001 08:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Why would i use a trap as Iceman, that Cable can counter with a super??? you are such a dumbass, ask hyper viper sniper, Iceman can dominate Cable with speed, and stay on him like a cheap suit, and if you have the right help partners that complement the iceman trap, cable wont be able to do anything, without getting disemboweled. I wish I could be in a tourney with you guys, who worship that sluggish gun wielding loser Cable. P.S. you don't think Omega Red is Better than Cable?? well I know alot of people don't play him right, so im not mad at you. but I think Omega is the best in this game, if maximized, and believe me it's scary. Guru, judging from your posts, I would have to say that without a doubt, you have absolutely no clue on high level play at MVC2. All the ranked players in the U.S. agree on which characters are on top tier. For you to assume that Omega red, or iceman is better than Cable, just because you beat a bunch of friggin scrubs with iceman or omega is completely ridiculous. I occasionally play at SHGL against Duc Do. Believe me, I know what the hell I'm talking about. Judging from the step by step strategy you've given on how to beat Cable, it's pretty easy to conclude that you and your comp have absolutely no clue. 1 Your iceman trap is a joke. Obviously your comp doesn't know the concept of anti air assist. If they did, your iceman would get hit with one followed by AHVB, the instant you attempted your silly, worthless trap. Also another counter for your trap is a jumping Cable. Cable has complete air dominance against iceman because of his air throw dominance/priority over iceman. If iceman jumps towards an airborne Cable, then Cable gets a free air throw. 2 You also said that you do a three hit combo on the ground, followed by a ground icebeam to chip Cable while he's blocking. Do you realize that doing an icebeam on the ground against Cable is a basic mistake? Cable can do an AHVB, and punish iceman before he recovers from doing the icebeam. Actually this mistake was made by people when the game barely came out. No one makes this mistake anymore. It is now considered common knowledge. For your comp not to know this, shows that they're scrubs. For you not to know this shows that you're even a bigger scrub. The fact that you would brag about your victories against scrubs that have 60 win streaks against other scrubs shows that you're probably the biggest scrub I've encountered in quite a while. I can't believe I'm wasting my time writing this to you. But I guess it was worth it. You're actually quite amusing in your own quirky way. You made me laugh, so I guess you are useful for something. Iceman trap?...............WHAT THE FUCK? Posted by CashCarStar on 04:10:2001 09:17 AM: LMAO! Posted by HyperViperSniper on 04:10:2001 09:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nathan Summers Iceman trap?...............WHAT THE FUCK? I have seen this trap used on a video right here @ SRK from a tournament match.. I believe I will go look for it now..because it owned whoever this person was fighting against.. If you did know what YOU were talking about then you would know this "trap" is a great way of effectively fighting with Iceman.. you did make some great points on your post but like I said before it all comes down to circumstances.. if its just Cable AND Iceman One on One the match could go either way EASILY... there is a difference between and Iceman and Cable one on one match compared to a SonSon Vs Sentinel one one one... I dont think this guy Omega Red Guru is the best but I do believe he is a decent player.. To think that only the Top players that go to tourneys are the foremost authority is a joke in itself.. Whos to say that this GREAT player in the Midwest that doest post here and doesnt enter tourneys inst the best that ever lived..?? We dont know.. You cant rate everyone that posts here by Tourney standards..not everyone has the money nor the transportation to enter big tournaments.. You need to get off the dick of the big tourney folks and make a name for yourself before you start insulting someone because they dont play up to your standards... You havent proven to anyone that you are the game master either.. so people that live in glass houses dont toss stones.. HVS Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:10:2001 09:32 AM: If by some minor miracle i can't beat that loser Cable with Iceman, Omega Red rules everyone on the game anyway why?? Reason 1: you cant beam him or chip him on the ground, if you try I can easily stick my arms in the ground to come under you and disrupt, if you try to do it in the air against Omega, well that's common sense, you know better. I will suck the life out of you, and if you attack me, i will air combo you link an energy drain, toss, and make you fall on top of my omega destroyer which will chip the hell out of your energy bar. Reason 2: Cable will be dead by then Reason 3: he's the best, nuff said... P.S. Nate Summers, I dont give a damn if you played that guy who wins tourneys and stuff, Omega will wear his ass for a scully as well. I rest my case Posted by Paxtez on 04:10:2001 09:43 AM: I got it! This guy is trying to be funny. Seriously, noone can be this stupid. The only way iceman can beat cable, is if cable has no assists, iceman is up at least 1/3 of a bar, cable has no supers, and there is less then 25 seconds left on the clock. Seriously I don't think this guy ever seen even a decent cable, or a ahvb. As for omega red, hes ok, but he can't do anything. The best thing about him is it wierd attacks that confuse people, and cable could ahvb him out of.. well pretty much anything. Dude, seriously go do yourself a favor, goto this link... download and of the matches, that is how people play. Please watch the first match (Duc Do vs. Michael Morse #2 ) and tell us how your would beat them with your iceman/ omega red/ironman team. I've never seen you play before, but come to b5, I'll bet you $100 for one game... I'll even use cable. Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:10:2001 12:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru You could get the best Cable player on earth, and i'll get high on purpose pick OMega Red and simply make them look silly. Someone give Duc a call please. He has a fool to beat. Posted by gscan on 04:10:2001 12:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Paxtez I got it! This guy is trying to be funny. Seriously, noone can be this stupid. The only way iceman can beat cable, is if cable has no assists, iceman is up at least 1/3 of a bar, cable has no supers, and there is less then 25 seconds left on the clock. Seriously I don't think this guy ever seen even a decent cable, or a ahvb. As for omega red, hes ok, but he can't do anything. The best thing about him is it wierd attacks that confuse people, and cable could ahvb him out of.. well pretty much anything. Dude, seriously go do yourself a favor, goto this link... download and of the matches, that is how people play. Please watch the first match (Duc Do vs. Michael Morse #2 ) and tell us how your would beat them with your iceman/ omega red/ironman team. I've never seen you play before, but come to b5, I'll bet you $100 for one game... I'll even use cable. ive never seen paxtez play and im willing to bet $100 myself that he will beat that gimp omega guru =D Posted by FFRonin on 04:10:2001 12:49 PM: well from my experience I think Omega Guru is right. Cable isn't too good against Iceman because of his chipping damage. The recovery time is very small and playing against someone who knows how to use Cable well, with someone who uses IceMan well will put the match in Iceman's favor. The only exception would be the muiltple AHVB connecting. Cable is a better character against a lot of other players which Iceman isn't, but Iceman does beat Cable 1-on-1 Iceman is my most annoying character in the game. Posted by Chocobo on 04:10:2001 01:10 PM: Omega Red: You prove your incompetence. You say you pressure Cable with a chain into icebeam on the ground for block damage- but if Cable blocks your icebeam, that's a free triple AHVB for him. You also state no reasons why Iceman is any good, except you somehow manage to land aircombos with him, no doubt due to the scrubbiness of players in your area (since they don't AHVB all your other stuff either). Well, one dashin combo (chain to launch to super) with Iceman does about 35% damage... but one with combo with Cable (chain to RH to AHVBs) does 90%. That's a pretty big difference. Posted by GiefRules on 04:10:2001 01:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper I have seen this trap used on a video right here @ SRK from a tournament match.. I believe I will go look for it now..because it owned whoever this person was fighting against.. Hmmm...having seen the video you're talking about, I'd have to say that Valle completely owned that trap with Megaman, and ended up winning that match by a very large margin. Omega: Seriously, you must not have played against a good Cable before. If you do half of the things that you say, you should get an AHVBx3 after every one of them. Iceman has way too much recovery time for his specials to be used against Cable. He really doesn't have many options at all against a competent Cable. Posted by Mummy-B on 04:10:2001 01:33 PM: Wow, I don't even PLAY MvC2 anymore and I know better. Omega Red and Iceman can hold thier own against Cable *maybe*, but neither of them have the recovery time or the arsenal to deal with AAA and AHVB. They just don't. If Iceman does an icebeam, and Cable blocks it, simply put: That's his ass. Fire off a fierce punch, run it into a Viper Beam, HVB. That's what I used, and I was never a wonderful Cable player. If I can respond and kick the shit out of Iceman, I don't even want to know what *real* players can do. Omega Red. I can suck the life out of you, disrupt your beams, and throw you from long distances. Yes, providing I don't block and I have no assistants. OR's ground poke thing has a limited distance, and unless you're psychic, you can't *stop* a Viper Beam, but you can certainly trade hits maybe. Sucking the life out of you. Well yeah you can. Or he can assist you, and triple AHVB you. Or even, he can block and AHVB you. Recovery time on those limbs really really suck. Like I said, they can hold thier own. Beat Cable? No. Not really. Like it was said before, if Cable had no assists and decided not to block for some reason yes. But then, everyone would own him, wouldn't they? ^_^ ... I don't even play anymore and I know this. Posted by gscan on 04:10:2001 01:34 PM: chocobo stop wasting your time, its obvious these fools that think iceman will rock cable are gimps =p Posted by EvilCapAmerica on 04:10:2001 01:37 PM: This guy is probably just bullshitting and looking for the attention his mummy and daddy dont give him.One thing Cables beams dont do that much chip anyways so its not much of a lose.Ive seen a pretty good Cable player take on iceman who thought hew could just turtle and not be hurt then was chipped by cables grenade[which did almost as much chip as a VBs] and Sentinels ground then he AHVBed every icebeam and the D.HP was stopped by a simple AAA.Point is I have seen Cable destroy iceman easily and I simply belive this guy is just making this crap up and probably gets slapped around by cable players and this is his way of bitching about Posted by Diamond on 04:10:2001 02:17 PM: Cables combos ccan easily take down Iceman unless iceman's energy can exceed in the air without setting too high a blast of power from the ground and in all of the moves. Posted by powermachine on 04:10:2001 03:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper I have seen this trap used on a video right here @ SRK from a tournament match.. I believe I will go look for it now..because it owned whoever this person was fighting against.. If you did know what YOU were talking about then you would know this "trap" is a great way of effectively fighting with Iceman.. you did make some great points on your post but like I said before it all comes down to circumstances.. if its just Cable AND Iceman One on One the match could go either way EASILY... there is a difference between and Iceman and Cable one on one match compared to a SonSon Vs Sentinel one one one... I dont think this guy Omega Red Guru is the best but I do believe he is a decent player.. To think that only the Top players that go to tourneys are the foremost authority is a joke in itself.. Whos to say that this GREAT player in the Midwest that doest post here and doesnt enter tourneys inst the best that ever lived..?? We dont know.. You cant rate everyone that posts here by Tourney standards..not everyone has the money nor the transportation to enter big tournaments.. You need to get off the dick of the big tourney folks and make a name for yourself before you start insulting someone because they dont play up to your standards... You havent proven to anyone that you are the game master either.. so people that live in glass houses dont toss stones.. HVS The trap losts badly to Valle. The iceman guy couldn't even take one character out, and losts the entire game very fast once Valle trades his joke character(MM) for Sent Posted by powermachine on 04:10:2001 03:20 PM: Omega Red Guru, stop talking bullshit. Did you won any national tourney with your OR or Iceman? No. Will you? Never. The best US players play storm, strider, sentinel, spiral, doom, magneto, cable, blackheart and cyclops. If Iceman and OR could take cable out, they would know. All your tacticas can be broken by an AAA assist(which any decent cable will have). It will go through any beam or ANY assist you call while rushing, so both your characters will be victims of AHVB x 3. And you think OR is the best in the game? hahahahha. All american and japanese top players knows that OR is bullshit compared to the top tiers. Why don't you go to B5 or ECC6 and back here after get smacked with your pathetic little teams. Posted by Nathan Summers on 04:10:2001 03:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru If by some minor miracle i can't beat that loser Cable with Iceman, Omega Red rules everyone on the game anyway why?? Omega Red is a great character, but by no means does he rule everyone. He's only 2nd tier. Omega is one of the best batteries, and a hell of a good fighter. Omega Red has been used in tournaments in the past by Duc Do when the game was really young, but as the game evolved, Omega Red could not keep up with the rest of the top tier. Inevitably, Omega's rankings went down to 2nd tier. quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Reason 1: you cant beam him or chip him on the ground, if you try I can easily stick my arms in the ground to come under you and disrupt, if you try to do it in the air against Omega, well that's common sense, you know better. I will suck the life out of you, and if you attack me, i will air combo you link an energy drain, toss, and make you fall on top of my omega destroyer which will chip the hell out of your energy bar. Reason 2: Cable will be dead by then Reason 3: he's the best, nuff said... why?? Guru, do me a favor. Listen to yourself, carefully. This is a direct quote from you: "If you attack me, I will air combo you, link an energy drain, toss, and make you fall on top of omega destroyer. Cable will be dead by then" Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? For argument's sake I'm going to sink down to your level and use your debate style. Just for kicks: "Oh yeah, well if you do omega destroyer on me then, I'll attack you even more, and I'll do triple magnetic tempest with Magneto!" After that I'll do a guard crush on your second character and perform a magnetic tempest, then OTG combo into another magnetic tempest. That's two of your characters dead by now." quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru P.S. Nate Summers, I dont give a damn if you played that guy who wins tourneys and stuff, Omega will wear his ass for a scully as well. I rest my case This statement makes me regret that I actually wasted my time writing this. I can't believe I actually debated with a scrub who has absolutely no clue whatsoever. I guess I'm just bored. At first, he made me laugh. That's probably why I actually responded. But now, it's not very funny anymore. The absence of any genuine up to date knowledge on high level play, combined with the absence of the slightest hint of common sense and logic has irritated me. For your information this guy who wins tourneys and stuff, is arguably the best player in the world. And you claim that you can beat him with a second tier character? Guru I hate to admit this but you've made a profound impact in my life. After reading all your previous statements, I've come to realize that...............there is no god. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:10:2001 03:49 PM: And I can't believe HVS actually agrees with this guy... hey HVS and OR Guru, come to B5, look for me and I'll bet you $100 to a game of your icemans and omega reds agaisnt my Sentinel/Storm/Cable... OMG this will be fun. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:10:2001 04:02 PM: And for the record HVS... i have the video where the person used the Iceman trap against Valle, his name was Tong Ho and he used Iceman/Storm/Psylocke against Valle's MegaMan/Sentinel/Blackheart. PLEASE... that iceman got his ass handed to him in a mere 19 seconds! Haha. And it wasnt even by Cable, but by Megaman. No disrespect to you HVS, but you also said that: To think that only the Top players that go to tourneys are the foremost authority is a joke in itself.. Whos to say that this GREAT player in the Midwest that doest post here and doesnt enter tourneys inst the best that ever lived..?? We dont know.. You cant rate everyone that posts here by Tourney standards..not everyone has the money nor the transportation to enter big tournaments.. Actually, the people that win at these games should be considered the top autorithy BEFORE some random guy that posts his OPINIONS (not facts) in a public forum. If he's so damn good, how come no one ever heard of him? Don't give me that bullshit about no money to go to tourneys, because if you don't compete agaisnt the best, then how can you be?? That's like me saying, how yeah I can play Ball better than that foo Kobe... but I just dont got money to go prove myself. Trust me, if you were among the best, people would know it. While I certainly think that Omega Red and Iceman are good SECOND tier characters, good to build meter and whatnot, they certainly have NO place in the top tier. Case closed. Posted by Chocobo on 04:10:2001 04:02 PM: gscan: unfortunately I have too much time to waste... Posted by ej_333 on 04:10:2001 04:26 PM: OR Guru, are you in love with Iceman or something? 1 on 1, I think Iceman has a good chance against Cable. But then again, who doesnt have a good chance against Cable 1 on 1? As for 3 on 3, no way. Posted by Dangerous on 04:10:2001 04:33 PM: Are you guys trying to say that iceman doesn't stand a chance against cable? That's almost like saying Roll doesn't stand a chance against Abyss. It's obvious that AHVB just about rules anyones moves. But don't go on writing that AHVB will make Cable unbeatable to lower tiers, especially to Iceman. I'm not completly agreeing with the strats being discussed here, but we do know this one thing: iceman doesn't take chip damage from cable. There, that's all I'm going to say, since I'm a scrub and all. Do have two questions though. 1) which has more recovery, icebeam or artic attack? 2) which has more priority, iceball or anti-air assist? Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:10:2001 04:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dangerous Are you guys trying to say that iceman doesn't stand a chance against cable? That's almost like saying Roll doesn't stand a chance against Abyss. It's obvious that AHVB just about rules anyones moves. But don't go on writing that AHVB will make Cable unbeatable to lower tiers, especially to Iceman. I'm not completly agreeing with the strats being discussed here, but we do know this one thing: iceman doesn't take chip damage from cable. There, that's all I'm going to say, since I'm a scrub and all. Do have two questions though. 1) which has more recovery, icebeam or artic attack? 2) which has more priority, iceball or anti-air assist? 1. Icebeam has more recovery I believe. Also the closer yoru opponent is to you after the Artic Attack, the easier they can attack you, because while Iceman is recovering there are still snow balls on farther part of the screen. Cable can AHVB you after both though. 2. Iceball would most likely trade hits with AAA, because it breaks after it hits something, unless it was an invincible one(Cammy, Ken). Technically, grenades, crackdown, and Psimatar, all chip Iceman. They aren't really practical though. Posted by WGallahad on 04:10:2001 05:13 PM: NOTHING cable does Chips Iceman. His Grenades DON'T, and i'm not sure, but Scimitar probably doesnt' either. Too many factors must be applied for Iceman to win. I'll admit though, if Iceman has more life, the match is His, cause Cable can never lower a Turtling Iceman's life. And this usually results in a Cable, who is lower in life, being forced to move in, to try and throw and maybe Psimitar, if that chips, and that usually leads to an oppurtunity for Iceman to launch into an artic attack. But the ONLY way Iceman will win is if he has more life. ALso this doesn't include the fact that Cable could have an assist like Sentinal that does chip iceman. Overall, too many factors to say who is better, but OMega Guru's tactics would not work if they both have equal life and level. which is how most matches begin. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:10:2001 05:24 PM: Actuallyh the grenades do chip iceman, infact anything Physical chips iceman, just no beams. Take Sentinel with Doom Beta assist. Iceman can block all he wants, he will get chipped to death with: 1. Drones 2. Molecular Shield 3. Rocket Punch Posted by Renagade on 04:10:2001 05:29 PM: Allright, just a quick note. The tiers are the way they are due to Cable. Who beats or stands equal to cable? 1st tier. Who loses to cable but does well against alot of other chars? 2nd tier who gets owned? everyone else. OR guru. You said yourself that Cable was #3. I assume since you've gone on for so long about them, Omega Red and Iceman are #1 and #2, since they beat Cable for free, right? Well, then why aren't the #1 and 2 characters in the game showing up in the tourney results? Go check. Count how many times you see Cable or Iceman in the top 5, count how many cables. You'll be amazed. Iceman takes damage hard. One Icebeam blocked... 90% life gone. Has anyone did 3 air hyper viper beams to you? I'm thinking not. Posted by StiltMan on 04:10:2001 05:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by LastGod VT And for the record HVS... i have the video where the person used the Iceman trap against Valle, his name was Tong Ho and he used Iceman/Storm/Psylocke against Valle's MegaMan/Sentinel/Blackheart. PLEASE... that iceman got his ass handed to him in a mere 19 seconds! Haha. And it wasnt even by Cable, but by Megaman. Be fair here. The guy was a complete pattern player, up against one of the two or three best players in the world. And he was actually playing even up or a little better with Iceman against Valle's Megaman. However, it's also pretty obvious that Megaman was the throwaway goof-off char; the game went very badly, very fast for the other guy once Sentinel took the field. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:10:2001 05:35 PM: Uhh be fair? This guy is saying that he can beat ANYONE in the world with his Iceman and Omega Red. Which has to be one of the most ridicolous things I have ever heard. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:10:2001 05:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by Renagade Has anyone did 3 air hyper viper beams to you? I'm thinking not. Hehe, I dont think he has. But it will happen eventually, it always does. Then he'll realize NOT to pick Iceman agaisnt Cable if he wants to survive. I think he should just go to B5 and win the tourney, easy enough right? Since a lot of people there will be using Cable, this shouldnt be a problem for Omega Red Guru and his unstopabble Iceman/Omega Red/Iron Man trio. Posted by Million on 04:10:2001 06:16 PM: Remember, not EVERYONE who wants to can go to these tourneys. Not everyone has the time and/or money to come out there and prove themself. And another thing, you guys here always act like the ONLY good players are those who who go to tournaments and that EVERYONE ELSE IS SCRUBBY TRASH who can't play worth a damn. That's pure bullshit. And yeah, I think Iceman has a decent chance against Cable. The odds are slightly tilted in Cable's favor, but Iceman still has a decent chance at winning. Everyone also seems to assume that the "good" Cable player in question is absolutely perfect and will NEVER make ONE mistake, like missing an opportunity for the AHVBxwhatever. It's like most people here think Cable is an Invincible God in this game, and he simply isn't. Posted by Diamond on 04:10:2001 07:27 PM: Why Doesnt anyone care for my post? I had good wisdom to say. Anyways, Omega Red CAn inflict a suprise of damage. Check it out guys, take alittle more time to play the game. It sgonna do you good. By the way, Mega man can beat cable , in any form. Posted by Frankie on 04:10:2001 07:33 PM: Iceman stands no chance against Cable... That makes me laugh... Whoever started this thread needs to play me and get their ass kicked... Posted by State of Nature on 04:10:2001 07:41 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by FFRonin "The only exception would be the muiltple AHVB connecting. " That's a pretty fucking huge exception, especially in a one on one scenario. It means that Iceman loses if he flinches. Posted by sonicboom2k1 on 04:10:2001 08:08 PM: from what i have seen cable never seems to stand a chance agains a good ice man player Posted by Zero on 04:10:2001 08:56 PM: I already layed the 4 factors that need to occur for Iceman to have an advantage: 1) Ice's Team has significantly more life altogether. 2) Cable has no assists. 3) less than 20 seconds on the clock. 4) Cable has no meter. If even one of these factors is not in play, Cable has the advantage. If Ice has less life, Ice will have to rush in. All Cable would do is super jump fierce -> grenade to build meter, and play lots of run away, with jump back roundhouses. If Iceman summons a helper, Cable WILL AHVB him, weither Iceman likes it or not. Hell, he might even hit Ice too. Iceman's dashing in is no match for the jump back family roundhouse. If Cable has an assist (and it will more than likly be Cyclops), Cable WILL mop the floor with Iceman. Cable will rush his ass down with Cyclops AAA. Iceman is done. If there is more than 20 seconds on the clock, Cable has enough time to kill Iceman. If Cable has no meter, Cable can do super jump fierce-> grenade to build meter (Iceman can do nothing about this, since Cable can cancel the grenade at any time). Get a level or two, and Iceman is back in the disadvantage. And like I and many others have said before, if Cable has meter, Iceman CANNOT do an Icebeam. He WILL get AHVBed. Posted by ShinX on 04:10:2001 09:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper Down fierce punch, cancel into icerock.. Cable Jumps up gets knocked back down..while he is getting pushed back down super jump and repeat.. this trap with Iceman is almost impossible to get away from.. reason.. If you DASH on the Ground the first Iceball that you throw down comes @ an angle that will hit you.. If you Jump the iceball pushes you back down.. Cable cant achieve levels becuase Iceman is always in the air and he is stuck on the ground.. either way Iceman is chipping Cable is not.. this works well against almost anyone.. but best against characters that have to run and gain levels.. HVS Sorry man, doesn't work. Cable wavedashes underneath the rocks, and surprises Iceman by coming up right under his ass...easy air combo. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:11:2001 12:00 AM: Why I have no respect for Duc, or any character ranking whatsoever First of all talk is so cheap, people automatically think I can't take out Cable with Iceman, they assume I only play scrubs, when i've played tons of Cable/Spiral/Capcom teams Cable/B.b Hood/Cyclops, the list goes on and on. I have had 70+game winning streaks throughout the entire southern U.S, (New Orleans to Florida)True I'm never in tournaments, that's only because they occur on the east and west coasts primarily. Also, People are telling me that Omega Red is a 2nd Tier character, when they have no idea how I use him.. Who the hell is anyone to rank a character, when they have no idea how skilled you are with them?? I'm geniully getting pissed off with people saying that I can't Icebeam without getting Super Hyper beamed or whatever, first of all most people are put under so much intense presure when I use my Iceman/Omega Red/Ironman or Megaman team, that they only think about blocking, it's a mind game. Everyone on the game with the exception of joke characters like servbot and roll(who are made completely weaker than the other characters have a chance) Just because you guys have no idea how to stop Cable and his helpers from dominating you, don't get mad at me. And yes I use Cable on my team occasionaly I think he is definitely top 5 in this game, but he isn't dominate, due to the intense pressure I put on opponents.. P.S. Tell Duc or whoever to bring it, I'll fly to Cali or wherever to hand him his ass. :^) Peace Posted by Paxtez on 04:11:2001 12:30 AM: Re: Why I have no respect for Duc, or any character ranking whatsoever quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru First of all talk is so cheap, people automatically think I can't take out Cable with Iceman, they assume I only play scrubs, when i've played tons of Cable/Spiral/Capcom teams Cable/B.b Hood/Cyclops, the list goes on and on. I have had 70+game winning streaks throughout the entire southern U.S, (New Orleans to Florida)True I'm never in tournaments, that's only because they occur on the east and west coasts primarily. Also, People are telling me that Omega Red is a 2nd Tier character, when they have no idea how I use him.. Who the hell is anyone to rank a character, when they have no idea how skilled you are with them?? I'm geniully getting pissed off with people saying that I can't Icebeam without getting Super Hyper beamed or whatever, first of all most people are put under so much intense presure when I use my Iceman/Omega Red/Ironman or Megaman team, that they only think about blocking, it's a mind game. Everyone on the game with the exception of joke characters like servbot and roll(who are made completely weaker than the other characters have a chance) Just because you guys have no idea how to stop Cable and his helpers from dominating you, don't get mad at me. And yes I use Cable on my team occasionaly I think he is definitely top 5 in this game, but he isn't dominate, due to the intense pressure I put on opponents.. P.S. Tell Duc or whoever to bring it, I'll fly to Cali or wherever to hand him his ass. :^) Peace You my friend are a moron. Tiers have been established, people from all over the country have contributed tactics and stragies about all the charaters, and now there is a ranking. Omega red isn't top tear, I don't even think hes 2nd, but that may just be me. Ice man does not apply presure, go play a rush down mag or storm, that is presure. Ice man with his slow ass attacks is nothing at all. Do you know what a ahvb is??? Cable hops up like 1/2 an inch of the ground and supers, it has a 1 frame start up. 1 frame, the ONLY move I know that can counter it (sometimes) is the sprial teleport. If I have 3-4 supers, and you use your ironman assist, I will kill him you push the assist button you lose your guy. Please don't make us laugh duc will kill your team with like 1/2 of one guy. But come to B5 (aug 4th,5th at folsom ca.) and I will play you, $100 bucks, best of three, I'll use cable and you WILL die. Posted by BarrelO on 04:11:2001 12:34 AM: What a splendid topic. It pleases me to know that there are people who actually think that Iceman owns Cable for free. Omega Red Guru, I only have one question for you. Do you know what a Tiger Knee AHVB is? Have you ever seen one? Have you ever done one? Have you ever had one done to you? Yeah, okay. That was four questions. But I prefer to think of it as one four-part question. Posted by Dem-Dem on 04:11:2001 12:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru im getting totally pissed at some of the rookies on this board saying Cable is so much better than everyone, I personnaly think he isn't, I can beat his ass easily with Iceman, and I don't just beat scrubs, I'm talking your usual 60 game winning streak at the arcade type guys. How Does Iceman Own Him?? Reason: when im playing against cable with iceman, i dont try to match beam with beam, that is silly cuz i know i'll lose, I rush him using that down and Fp ice rock in the air, and follow it to him, then if he blocks, i'll just do like a 3 hit ground combo and chip him to death with linked ice beams, i can pressure anyone with this, until they fucking crack up and let their guard down, then i do an air combo followed by artic attack super, i take advantage of the huge speed advantage in Iceman's favor, and the incredible chipping damage he does. Iceman also dashes fast as hell, and believe it or not is an inferior type beaming player in the game, because of his slow recovery time, but is the best chipper in the game. Oh yeah none of cables beams take chip damage from ice man. I can't believe you guys think Cable is better, get some skills for crying out loud. :^) PEace 1st any good player will never fall for a d+fp in the normal or super jump, U do that I'll wave dash. rushin for a combo I'll advance gaurd and AHVB U X3 end of Iceman. 2nd because of Iceman slow lage time Icebeam AHVB. And last but not least because of all the traing I've done with a friend (i'm paranoid) U do something I don't like (say throw a punch) AHVB. Posted by BarrelO on 04:11:2001 01:31 AM: By the way, Tong Ho is not a "complete pattern player." He's legit. He placed fifth at the February MvC2 tourney. Posted by arcticninja on 04:11:2001 01:36 AM: First of all, you have no right to post this topic. Have you ever been to a tournament? No. Have you played against people who regularly place 5th or higher at tournaments? No. When you do, feel free to post this topic again, and maybe we'll have a little more respect for you. Cable beats Iceman. Period. Jump, icebeam? Guess what, you can't block on your way down. Dead. Your little "trap"? Guess what, Blackheart will own you. I may be one of the top MVC2 players in my area, but I don't all of a sudden develop a superiority complex and think I can take on the world (watch out for me at Midwest though!). Fact is, we do have you to thank for one thing: You have helped us define the word scrub. Thanks for coming out. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:11:2001 01:50 AM: ONE COMMENT Ask 9 out of 10 people on the planet who the best is the question'll go unanswered till I show up. Posted by on 04:11:2001 02:16 AM: Bullshit. The Arctic Attack is nearly worthless unless it's done extremely close...otherwise, the Timeflip does more damage than it. The Icebeam is good for chipping but for keepaways, Cable's gun is better. Cancelling 4 shots into the HVB results in a hefty amount of damage. The Electric Grenade is just as good as the Avalanche...and who needs an Icefist when the Crackdown is such an effective and quick attack? Oh...Iceman has nothing else, but Cable still has 2 other moves (Scimitar and Kinetic Charge) that can be equally as deadly if an Iceman player doesn't look for them. The Kinetic Charge is almost a surprise attack if someone attepts a jump in, fails and get's caught in the attack. Other than his superb defense, which is his only strong point he has...since Cable's VB and HVB can't chip off of him....IMO, Cable still has Iceman beat. Posted by on 04:11:2001 02:19 AM: Oops... Posted by That One Guy on 04:11:2001 02:22 AM: HmMmm... I wouldn't agree Ice Man OWNS Cable. They'll BOTH have a hard time fighting each other, one on one. If Cable has any GOOD assists, Ice Man loses. Posted by TS on 04:11:2001 02:27 AM: two things: 1. Cable beats Iceman. If you want to argue the opposite, do it intelligently. A lot of people have all ready given reasons why Cable beats hims in most situations. Do the same. 2. Iceman air combo into Arctic Attack does like 50% damage. Posted by That One Guy on 04:11:2001 02:47 AM: True, true, TS. I figured I shouldn't say why Cable can beat Iceman because everyone whose played should know the advantages/disadvantages both of these characters have. Posted by kyo717 on 04:11:2001 03:39 AM: cable is overated I have to agree with omega red guru, iceman does beat cable. Well this is just my opinon but i think cable is like number 8 or so for best top tier for these reason: 1.lack mobility 2.relies on aaa too much making him thus predictible 3.relies on super most of the time 4.besides supers, can't hold ground that well (most of the time it is just grenade) 5.cable don't provide any orginal/special assist im not saying cable is the weakest charater in the game, but i think there are better characters then him.cable is probably only good because of ahvb x3 and good guard breaking ablilty. Posted by HyperViperSniper on 04:11:2001 04:07 AM: Originally posted by LastGod VT And for the record HVS... i have the video where the person used the Iceman trap against Valle, his name was Tong Ho and he used Iceman/Storm/Psylocke against Valle's MegaMan/Sentinel/Blackheart. PLEASE... that iceman got his ass handed to him in a mere 19 seconds! Haha. And it wasnt even by Cable, but by Megaman. No disrespect to you HVS, but you also said that: To think that only the Top players that go to tourneys are the foremost authority is a joke in itself.. Whos to say that this GREAT player in the Midwest that doest post here and doesnt enter tourneys inst the best that ever lived..?? We dont know.. You cant rate everyone that posts here by Tourney standards..not everyone has the money nor the transportation to enter big tournaments.. Actually, the people that win at these games should be considered the top autorithy BEFORE some random guy that posts his OPINIONS (not facts) in a public forum. If he's so damn good, how come no one ever heard of him? Don't give me that bullshit about no money to go to tourneys, because if you don't compete agaisnt the best, then how can you be?? That's like me saying, how yeah I can play Ball better than that foo Kobe... but I just dont got money to go prove myself. Trust me, if you were among the best, people would know it. While I certainly think that Omega Red and Iceman are good SECOND tier characters, good to build meter and whatnot, they certainly have NO place in the top tier. Case closed. ------------------------------------- No offensive taken.. keep in mind I am not agreeing with this guy as if I didnt feel this way before hand.. I have always thought Iceman was a good character and an excellent choice against Cable.. Iceman is one of the top counters for almost every beam character.. think about this.. when a beamer gets you down to like oh lets say 5 percent life.. and they run.. you can still rush them and chip away life little by little.. they on the other hand CANT...Cable lives and dies by his AHVB therefore if this person likes to run then Iceman can combo..combo..combo and even if the combos DONT connect you are still chipping... Cable doesnt chip well..we have almost all agreed on that.. end of argument.. One on One against Cable Iceman still has a much better chance of winning than alot of other characters.. I am not saying that Iceman OWNS Cable...he just has a damn good chance of taking him out one on one.. but by no means does Cable Own Iceman either... as far as my comments about top players being the foremost authority.. for advice purposes yes... telling someone they cant play NO.. I dont think just becuase someone can take first place in a tourney compared to someone else that just doesnt have a high profile following is BS.. thats like saying Mariah Carey is the ONLY BIG SINGER just because she is all we have heard... That is totally upsurd...there could be a million other Mariah Careys out there that just havent had the chance to step into the spot light.. I am a more optimistic person..and a leader NOT a follower.. I dont listen to someone just because they have a big following and win events.. you can learn alot from losing too..the more you lose the more time you have to correct your mistakes.. then when you are standing @ the top you know what it takes to get dont need a bunch of lackys going "tell him to go get Duc or get Valle" who cares if they can win or not..if you cant beat the person with YOUR character then thats all in material.. this is a no win situation..we could sit here all day arguing it.. its circumstancial and is totally depending on the person.. if this was the other way around and Duc was saying "My iceman ownz Cable" everyone would be on his dick ...right?? right.. Later HVS Posted by Nathan Summers on 04:11:2001 04:08 AM: Re: Why I have no respect for Duc, or any character ranking whatsoever quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru P.S. Tell Duc or whoever to bring it, I'll fly to Cali or wherever to hand him his ass. :^) Peace There is......there is no god. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:11:2001 04:12 AM: Actually, I saw that same video and it seemed to me that Megaman wasn't doing quite so so well and it was more Sentinel and Blackheart. Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:11:2001 04:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper combo..combo..combo and even if the combos DONT connect you are still chipping... How do the combos chip exactly? A special move or super is required for that, none of which are safe against Cable with meter. Posted by HyperViperSniper on 04:11:2001 04:33 AM: Originally posted by DarthSalamander How do the combos chip exactly? A special move or super is required for that, none of which are safe against Cable with meter. ummm you dash up and do a little three hit.. and you dont do it when he has levels..thats the key..a good iceman player isnt going to set himself up for a Viper Beam.. and No you just dont do a random artic attack..we all know that would be suicide.. again that still isnt putting the favor in cables ballcourt.. HVS Posted by Nathan Summers on 04:11:2001 04:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper combo..combo..combo and even if the combos DONT connect you are still chipping... yeah, man. Would you care to elaborate on this statement HVS? Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:11:2001 04:51 AM: I Have to come out of the a damn labyrinth, Nathan why don't you ask me?? I'm the one who has Cable's ass in my piggy bank!!.. If you were half the player I am you would already know how to beat the shit out of Cable with Iceman. First of all the combo involves you jumping over Cable's Head dropping Ice rocks, (and no Cable will not be able to dash under the rocks if done correctly) then you follow the ice rocks with safe combos, which you can use helpers to assist you with so that you can safely throw in an ice beam every now and then(and no you don't get caught by Cable's super because you will be crossing him up, while you are doing it) and 90 pluse percent of the time, you will get in a crouching low kick, that's all you need to launch them and hit them in the air with a combo and finished it with an artic attack, (also while you are doing this repititous, continous attack your levels go up fast!!) so if you crack up and let me get even a crouching lk on you, Cable is gonna get a team beatdown.) P.S. the catch is, you have to know what helpers to use to assist you when you are playing Cable with Iceman, so that cyclops or blackheart or somebody can't squash you, i know what helpers to match tit for tat with so basically i own Cable, and I own anyone who plays me. :^) Peace i came to save you all!!!!!!! Duc and all his groupies are in big trouble. Posted by Naslectronical on 04:11:2001 05:01 AM: If you jump in on Cable and throw ice rocks, you're going to eat a Cyclops AAA assist, eventually leading to a AHVB X 3, and you die. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:11:2001 05:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper if this was the other way around and Duc was saying "My iceman ownz Cable" everyone would be on his dick ...right?? right.. Later HVS Hehe, I agree with you on that! Ok, HVS you made some really good points, and I can see Iceman putting up a decent fight Cable when the fight is in its critical state. I didnt mean to make you think that I thought you were agreeing with this guy... but i think you got my point. ^_^ Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:11:2001 05:54 AM: How many times do I have to tell you guys you have to know what type of assist type to counter Cable's assist type, in order for it to work. Please learn how to comprehend what you read you dumb fuck!!!! Posted by Iceman on 04:11:2001 05:56 AM: This arguement has gotten ridiculous. Omega Red Guru: Just stop. You're wrong, and you're too blind to see what everyone here is talking about. Answer this, do you know about the Air Hyper Viper Beam? Do you realize it is the fastest super on the game? Do you realize a player can like at least three of these together? You don't sound like you do. Anyway, Cable can block an Icebeam, and as long as it is within 3/4 screen distance (maybe full screen but I"m not positive, can anyone confirm this for me) he can use the Air Hyper Viper Beam to punish it. Call Iron Man right before throwing the beam if you'd like. All that will do is get Iron Man killed as well. To my knowledge, the only assists I can think of that make an Icebeam safe to Cable is Spiral-a, and maybe Sentinel's drones. As for Iceman super jumping and dropping things on Cable, what is to stop Cable from super jumping after Iceman? You haven't said anything that will stop this. Most competent Cable's are not going to let you just jump safely. Iceman vs. Cable 1-on-1, with meter, Cable still holds all of the cards. What, now that it's 1-on-1 Cable loses the AHVB? No, afraid not. Iceman messes up in the slightest, and Cable kills him off. Cable is not "Cammy fast" like Iceman is, but Cable is not completly slow. I want to know what Iceman has to stop Cable from jumping in with a roundhouse. Cable isn't 100% keepaway, he has some offense. His keepaway is much better it overshadows what offense he does have. The same rules apply 1-on-1 as those that apply 3-on-3. Iceman only has an advantage if energy and time are on his side. IF he has to fight Cable, he loses. True, it is much easier for Iceman to fight Cable 1-on-1 then 3-on-3, but Cable still holds the edge either way. Posted by BrazilionBH on 04:11:2001 05:57 AM: you are a big fool my freind and i wish i could play your ice man!! Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:11:2001 06:04 AM: this is the last fucking time i'm gonna explain this, to you scrubs who have absolutely no reading comprehension skills what so ever. THis is my final time explaining how to do this shit. "Beating the shit out of Cable with Iceman for Dummies" nah forget it, since you guys can't play Iceman like me, telling you the steps is pretty useless. Cable will just rule you guys for all eternity or something I guess lol. P.S. All I can do is show pity for you all. Posted by powermachine on 04:11:2001 06:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru How many times do I have to tell you guys you have to know what type of assist type to counter Cable's assist type, in order for it to work. Please learn how to comprehend what you read you dumb fuck!!!! Everyone knows that you're a scrub by now, but I just want to ask you which assist would you use to counters cable's aa then? Let's say cable haa Cammy A or Ken A, and calls it while you're trying your strategy. How would you avoid to get hit or being forced to block(which will make you lose control and block some Hps and a grenade, which will build meter for cable and even chip you a little)? I would like to see your answer... Posted by State of Nature on 04:11:2001 06:32 AM: Me too. How do you deal with a good AAA on cable's side? Assuming you can jump in on him and he doesn't superjump (big big ifs), a good AAA will stop you, your rocks, and everything else. As I mentioned in another post, we know plenty of ways to beat cable. Just that Iceman is not the best choice to do so, and you have yet to convince us otherwise. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:11:2001 06:33 AM: By this thread alone I know I can hand at least 98 percent of the people on this board their ass. You guys make me feel so special because I'm the only guy who owns Cable with Iceman. Also for counter assist types here are the people I use,.. figure it out your damn self Iceman,Anakaris,Ryu,Megaman,Ironman,Ruby Heart,Cable,Megaman These people have it ok. now leave me alone you worthless scrubs, I KNOW YOU ALL SUCK NOW, BECAUSE YOU ALL THINK CABLE IS DOMINATE IN THIS GAME. P.S. You scrubs are perfect examples of why I have 0 competition, and why I barely play this game anymore. Posted by kyo717 on 04:11:2001 06:44 AM: i never disagreed, i said iceman beat cable.i also said there also plenty that can beat cable. like i said before, cable relies too much on aaa making him too predictible. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:11:2001 06:54 AM: Oh god... please use your Iceman/Ryu/OmegaRed agaisnt my Storm/Sentinel/Cable. Thats not even a match, its an execution! Posted by HyperViperSniper on 04:11:2001 06:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by LastGod VT Oh god... please use your Iceman/Ryu/OmegaRed agaisnt my Storm/Sentinel/Cable. Thats not even a match, its an execution! hahahaha like I said "its all circumstancial" but..I have to admit...Storm, Sent, Cable..that IS team execution..SHEESH... to beat that team you need something like... Blackheart for the anti Storm... Capcom for the anti Sentinel...he comes DOWN DOWN DOWN with the corridor.. and Cable to counter Cable..hehehe nothing like a taste of their own medicine.. LOL again its all circumstancial..but you got a great team there LastGod.. HVS Posted by State of Nature on 04:11:2001 06:58 AM: 1. Nobody on these boards has claimed Cable dominates the game. If anything, most people at high levels argue that Storm is the best character in the game. 2. You never answered the questions: "do you know what AHVBx3 is?," "have you ever seen AHVBx3" or "have you ever been hit by AHVBx3?" 3. You never explained how you can use icebeam to safely chip a Cable with meter. 4. You never explained how you can jump over Cable and drop an Iceball without taking AAA up the butt. Your strategy so far has been rushdown relying on your opponent freezing up, not punishing everything you do with AHVBx3, and not using AAAs. From what you've posted it's obvious you have never played high level comp, and you are a scrub. Go to Chinatown Fair in NYC and you will know what high level competition is. Nobody here takes you seriously. Nobody will until you address the 4 points above. Even if you do, most people won't be satisfied until you show up at a tournament. Go to B5 and win if you are so sure of yourself. I'm betting money I won't see your team make it past the first round. Don't bother writing back if you don't address the 4 points above, or telling us your name and teams for B5 so we can see how badly you do if you have the balls to show up. Posted by TS on 04:11:2001 07:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom Actually, I saw that same video and it seemed to me that Megaman wasn't doing quite so so well and it was more Sentinel and Blackheart. Look how much damamge the Storm assist had taken. MegaMan's Fierce is ridiculous. And no offense to Valle, but he didn't really get the Rockball trap going. There would have been a lot more stuff on the screen. OmegaRed Guru: Tell you what, come to B5 this August, and I'll rock you with Team Shoto on the big monitor. Posted by MULDER on 04:11:2001 07:45 AM: interesting.... Posted by ReCharredSigh on 04:11:2001 08:21 AM: hah, Omega Red Guru, I'd love to see you play against that idiot that goes by the name of Golden Misnor on these forums. he and his stupid "All Star Team" and his stupid "100% chip combo" against your stupid rushdown iceman. this could be interesting. *state of nature, you remember golden mismor? wonder which scrub'll win?* i said it before, i'll say it again. go to b5 and win(or at least make it into the top 3)if you're so sure of yourself. for the most part, people are naturally skeptical at heart. so you can only prove to us how good your team is if you go to b5. if you get owned by Duc's Team Shoto, i'm downloading the video and watching it. Posted by Chocobo on 04:11:2001 11:21 AM: Omega Red: I assume you play only scrubs because you give evidence of it constantly. You say you win with a weaker character (Omega Red) and that you can make those huge mistakes with Iceman and opposing Cables don't kill you for it. This is evidence. Who the hell is to rank a character? Um, about the top level experts at the game who practice often, play against the best and learn from the best so that they ARE the best, travelling hundreds of miles for tournaments in order to get better by playing the best competition in the world. Not you, who plays against scrub Cables who let you chip them with icebeams on the ground. If your opponents "only think about blocking" when you are rushing up and chaining into an icebeam, they suck. Bottom line. This proves that your competition is weak. If they were good, they would see that they're blocking an icebeam and realize that now it's time to take off 90% of your life. They would pick Sentinel and hold Omega Red in place far across the screen with traps and win with little effort. I tell you this to inform you that your competition is weak and therefore you know a little less about the game than people lucky enough to live in good areas for SF, unfortunately you'll never believe me until when/if you travel to one of those places yourself. Oh well. We have trouble against Cable because he has the ability to instantly remove an entire character from the game by using his completely risk-free, instantaneous super anytime while you are attacking, or even after he blocks your attacks. Your opponents have trouble against Iceman because for some unknown reason, they can only think about blocking. There's a bit of a difference there. HVS: Top players are the top players BECAUSE they go to tournaments... tournament attendance is not just a badge so you can say "I care enough about SF that I did this"... it is what makes you good at SF. You see lots of different styles of play, you learn a lot about the game you didn't know before, it makes you better. It is realistically impossible for anyone living in the middle of nowhere to be anywhere as good as tournament players since he doesn't have these advantages. He has to do it all himself. While other players see Strider/Doom, copy it, improve on it, learn its counters, and move on to learn other things... it might take that guy months before he even thinks to combine ouroboros with Doom's second assist. Omega Red again: You wanna tell me how the hell you cross up with an Icebeam? The game doesn't work that way. "90% of the time, you land a crouching low kick into launch to aircombo" you say? Again, this is because your opponents suck. Why are they not blocking this? And if they are attacking, why are they not landing a crouching kick of their own and chain it into three AHVBs for 90% damage? I seriously doubt that you have even had the AHVB used against you, if you even know what it is. "Beating the shit out of Cable with Iceman for Dummies" you say? May I remind you, that most of us are on the expert level (or getting close to it), and don't care about how to win "dummy" level SF, which is exactly the level you're playing at, as I can tell from the evidence you keep giving me. Omega Red, if you're so sure you're right, then prove it at a tournament. If not, quit yapping. If you can't be expected to believe some of the top level tournament players in the country, then certainly we can't be expected to believe some random guy on a message board. You can't just show up and say "hey, the world is really flat after all, it's only an optical illusion that makes it seems round, now be careful before you sail off the edges" unless you bring solid proof. Posted by HyperViperSniper on 04:11:2001 12:08 PM: Originally posted by Chocobo HVS: Top players are the top players BECAUSE they go to tournaments... tournament attendance is not just a badge so you can say "I care enough about SF that I did this"... it is what makes you good at SF. You see lots of different styles of play, you learn a lot about the game you didn't know before, it makes you better. It is realistically impossible for anyone living in the middle of nowhere to be anywhere as good as tournament players since he doesn't have these advantages. He has to do it all himself. While other players see Strider/Doom, copy it, improve on it, learn its counters, and move on to learn other things... it might take that guy months before he even thinks to combine ouroboros with Doom's second assist. Top players are just that TOP players...not because they are the ONLY good players that have ever walked the face of the earth.. my point being..just because they are the only players we know about nationally doesnt mean they are the only good players that exsist.. I dont take everything they say as the gospel..I listen to what they have to say..if it makes sense to me then I try it..if it works for me then I use it.. otherwise I try to make stuff up on my own and use what I already know.. To say that someone CANT improve just because they arent playing against Valle..Duc or Tone is like saying progress wont happen in the middle of nowhere..which is BS.. yes you can recieve alot of good competition and knowledge from Tourneys but that doesnt automatically make you the BEST EVER.. yes you are the BEST that happens to make it to that tourney and play.. but for instance..If you or BLT had the chance to go play in Cali and couldnt make it..does that make you a SCRUB that doesnt know anything? NO it makes you a great player that didnt get the chance to prove your ability.. does that give them the right to say whatever knowledge you have is BS because it didnt come from someone that lives 20 mins from where all the major tourneys are held? NO it doesnt.. All I am saying is these people need to stop hiding behind the words of top players.. everyone that comes on here and says they are good with a certain character is not a LIAR or a just means YOU dont know..I dont know and if they havent played a top player in a tourney then THEY dont know.. Videogames might not be the LIFE of someone and they might naturally be good @ playing them..that doesnt mean they have to prove anything on a tourney level.. just because Duc says it works for him perfectly doesnt mean it will work for you..or for me..or for the next guy.. Just because John Doe says his Iceman ownz Cable doesnt mean it does..or it doesnt or for fuck sakes WHO really cares..? Maybe this guys Iceman just is that on point.. We cant prove or disprove..and obviously to think that everytime someone says they are good we cant hide behind a rack of top players and go.."oh I bet you wouldnt beat Valle" Can YOU BEAT Valle? Is your Cable as good as Valles? see my point.. you cant compare someone to a level of play if you havent exceeded that yourself..that would make you just as much a scrub as them..correct??? HVS Posted by Chocobo on 04:11:2001 12:31 PM: The top known players aren't the only good players, sure... but there are very very few people who have the first clue about how to play SF, who don't already go to tournaments. You can improve without playing against Duc or Valle or Choi or whoever... you just can't improve as much as the people who DO play against them. If blt or myself had a chance to go to CA and passed it up, it wouldn't make me a scrub, since we already travel all over and have played in a pile of tournaments all over the east coast. (not like one temporary visit to CA means anything... it's repeated practice against them that matters. putting a scrub in CA for 2 days doesn't make him good... even though it would make him a hell of a lot better) Nobody said anything about "where knowledge comes from"... it doesn't matter if you learned AHVB from, from a magazine, or from some random guy at an arcade... it still works the same. What matters is if this so-called "knowledge" is actually knowledge or not. It is a provable fact that Iceman is much weaker than Cable. How do I know that this guy isn't some expert hidden from the world until now? Because he's just the 378652385th guy in history to show up and brag about himself when in truth he's just another scrub. It ALWAYS works that way. Assuming that he might be anything else is foolish, because you'll be wrong 99.9999% of the time. (that in addition to the fact that he gives clear evidence of his lack of SF knowledge, of course.) I'd never ask him if he could beat Valle... that doesn't matter. I'd ask if he could beat me. Though that kind of stuff is a waste of time, because everyone knows these guys never show up to play anyone for real, they just sit and talk. Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:11:2001 12:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper Originally posted by DarthSalamander How do the combos chip exactly? A special move or super is required for that, none of which are safe against Cable with meter. ummm you dash up and do a little three hit.. and you dont do it when he has levels..thats the key..a good iceman player isnt going to set himself up for a Viper Beam.. and No you just dont do a random artic attack..we all know that would be suicide.. again that still isnt putting the favor in cables ballcourt.. HVS Yeah but doing a little three hit does not chip. You said chip, as in chipping away at his life. But a little three hit combo blocked does not do that. Cable can just block(and tech hit) all day. Please don't tell me you are going to use Iceman's fistball thingy to chip with, you will get AHVB'ed for sure. Edit: Also I don't think everyone would just follow Duc if he said Iceman owns Cable. People like Fluffy, Viscant, Jinmaster, Pryde, would all be asking for an explanation, and Duc would have to explain and justify his statement. Hell even I would want a good reason. Also I think at this post Omega Red Guru has reached a Golden Nismor level, and we should just ignore his sorry ass, or flame it to hell. Constructive discussion is no longer called for. Posted by FFRonin on 04:11:2001 12:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature That's a pretty fucking huge exception, especially in a one on one scenario. It means that Iceman loses if he flinches. That's only if Iceman flinches. Everyone says that it is possible to counter the ice beam with multiple AHVB but when Iceman super jumps and uses the fierce Ice Beam he isn't left vunerable. Anticipation might catch Iceman but that doesn't mean you can do more than one AHVB since it is a super jump. Iceman pattern that I dealt with. Iceman Helper, Super Jump, D.Fierce, Fierce IceBeam. One on One I think Iceman would win but that doesn't mean I think he'll win against other characters like Magneto, Storm, or even Ken because of his speed. Anyone faster than IceMan wins. But that's from my personal experience. Posted by Diamond on 04:11:2001 02:00 PM: Icemans supers will be effetive against cable whenb he is idel. Posted by Bruton on 04:11:2001 03:34 PM: I play a bit of Iceman and Cable, and Cable usually has the advantage. Iceman can't throw a ground Icebeam against Cable because Cable is so fast that if he blocks it, he AHVB3's. Everyone should know that. I think that Iceman can do well against Cable though. You really need to be a super-turtle, though. My strategy is to SJ and go straight to the FP.Icebeam(maybe do a quick fierce and cancel quick for meter), with helper calls if they can survive however many supers he has(Sentinel is good). It REALLY depends on the assists, though. If it's somebody like Cable/IM/CapCom, they can't really do ANYTHING to you just so long as you SJ and block correctly. Cable with Cyke assist is much worse, as he can J.RK pressure and Cyke assist chips. It can get extremely dangerous for Iceman with things like a AHVB->Hailstorm while he's doing a SJ.FP, but then Iceman can also do the same(though not to the same degree). I'd play the fight as Iceman, but it's certainly not an easy victory for him. I'd put it at 6-4 in Cable's favour, but that's just me and it REALLY depends on assists and how they play. Posted by Diamond on 04:11:2001 03:46 PM: Ice man and cable are lovers. Cable delicately slides his tongues into iceys mouth. Ice man respond with a super cop and feel combo. Posted by Iceman on 04:11:2001 04:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru By this thread alone I know I can hand at least 98 percent of the people on this board their ass. You guys make me feel so special because I'm the only guy who owns Cable with Iceman. Also for counter assist types here are the people I use,.. figure it out your damn self Iceman,Anakaris,Ryu,Megaman,Ironman,Ruby Heart,Cable,Megaman These people have it ok. now leave me alone you worthless scrubs, I KNOW YOU ALL SUCK NOW, BECAUSE YOU ALL THINK CABLE IS DOMINATE IN THIS GAME. P.S. You scrubs are perfect examples of why I have 0 competition, and why I barely play this game anymore. The cry of the scrub who know's he's been proved wrong. "Whaa, I...I...I'm not talking any more...(snif) none of you are good enough to comprehend my amazing stratagy. (sniffle) I can DOMINATE you all. I don't even like this game, I...I...I...just wanted to mess with scrubs like you (yeah, that's it)." Go away, no, on second thought, keep it coming this is pretty funny. Posted by Sentinels Force on 04:11:2001 04:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Let me simply explain how to beat Cable with Iceman so you don't have to buy my book lol... Okay Step 1: don't Use Iceman as a beamer Step 2 Speed: when you see that blue clad fag, all you have to do is dash at him with iceman's speed induced dash, jump towards him, come down with a ice rock(d+FP) <--this stops him from that psimiter or any of his anti air attacks, then land while he's still in guard mode from the rock, dash again if needed and do 1 or rarely 2 crouching lk, lk, follwed by his launcher, if he blocks add a ice beam(this particular combo stops cable from countering with the hyper beam combo) Step 3 Repetition: do this until he loses his mind, and doesnt block the launcher combo and then do a one or two hit air combo followed by an artic attack.. Practice this alot and you will easily own Cable.. PEace My Mvc2 teams Iceman or Iceman Megaman Omega Red Ironman Ryu Man u are so stupid cable can take out iceman like a piece of shit for one thing i play with cable and ive played so many people using iceman thinking that his special blocking is gonna save and thats when they get whooped for one thing if u try to throw iceman boulder in the air if the cble player is smart he could bust ur ass with a AHVB or just a regualar gun shot and if u do a that combo lk mk fk and them ice beam if its a good cable player he will catch ur ass everytime u try it and if he has three bars u might ass well let go of the controller because u aint going no where Posted by Iceman on 04:11:2001 04:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper Top players are just that TOP players...not because they are the ONLY good players that have ever walked the face of the earth.. my point being..just because they are the only players we know about nationally doesnt mean they are the only good players that exsist.. I dont take everything they say as the gospel..I listen to what they have to say..if it makes sense to me then I try it..if it works for me then I use it.. otherwise I try to make stuff up on my own and use what I already know.. Exactly, they are not necessarly the only good players, but they are the only "top players" we know of. But how did they get that way? No, everything they say isn't the gospel, but most top players give some decent advise, so I myself at least listen. As for making up your own stuff, that's what every player should do. quote: To say that someone CANT improve just because they arent playing against Valle..Duc or Tone is like saying progress wont happen in the middle of nowhere..which is BS.. yes you can recieve alot of good competition and knowledge from Tourneys but that doesnt automatically make you the BEST EVER.. yes you are the BEST that happens to make it to that tourney and play.. but for instance..If you or BLT had the chance to go play in Cali and couldnt make it..does that make you a SCRUB that doesnt know anything? NO it makes you a great player that didnt get the chance to prove your ability.. does that give them the right to say whatever knowledge you have is BS because it didnt come from someone that lives 20 mins from where all the major tourneys are held? NO it doesnt.. Now for what makes those top players the best. They have the competition to play. There is someone there to raise the bar and make them have to play better or lose. If someone in North Dakota is trying to get that good, they are going to have to find the best competition they can. IF they can find an opponent to raise the bar and make them improve, and then that opponent raises his game and gets better and it goes back and forth, then the North Dakota player has a chance to become one of the "Top Players." But it is difficult to find such competition on a regular basis. All this is possible, but highly unlikely (1 in 10,000). quote: All I am saying is these people need to stop hiding behind the words of top players.. everyone that comes on here and says they are good with a certain character is not a LIAR or a just means YOU dont know..I dont know and if they havent played a top player in a tourney then THEY dont know.. Videogames might not be the LIFE of someone and they might naturally be good @ playing them..that doesnt mean they have to prove anything on a tourney level.. Agreed, they don't need to hid behind them. But I don't recall anyone in this post hiding behind a top player. So I don't see where this is nothing but some personal ranting. Next. quote: just because Duc says it works for him perfectly doesnt mean it will work for you..or for me..or for the next guy.. Just because John Doe says his Iceman ownz Cable doesnt mean it does..or it doesnt or for fuck sakes WHO really cares..? Maybe this guys Iceman just is that on point.. We cant prove or disprove..and obviously to think that everytime someone says they are good we cant hide behind a rack of top players and go.."oh I bet you wouldnt beat Valle" Can YOU BEAT Valle? Is your Cable as good as Valles? see my point.. you cant compare someone to a level of play if you havent exceeded that yourself..that would make you just as much a scrub as them..correct??? HVS Once again, the "Don't hide behind top players" rant. I agree with this, but I don't recall anyone doing that in this topic, so it's pointless here. True, what works for Duc, Valle, Viscant, Ortiz, etc. isn't going to work for everyone. Not sure where this was going, but it is true. As for John Doe coming in here talking Iceman beat Cable, we aren't talking about John Doe, we're talking about this Omega Red Guru character. And from what he has said, we can assume he has no idea what a good Cable looks like. Things most of us take for granted (AHVB) he hasn't shown that he can understand it. Everytime someone asks him a question, he ignores and sprays us with "Only scrubs can't beat Cable with Iceman..." crap. While I agree with most of your points, they just aren't relavent to this topic, which is argueing or laughing at this Omega Red Guru. Posted by Sentinels Force on 04:11:2001 05:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru If by some minor miracle i can't beat that loser Cable with Iceman, Omega Red rules everyone on the game anyway why?? Reason 1: you cant beam him or chip him on the ground, if you try I can easily stick my arms in the ground to come under you and disrupt, if you try to do it in the air against Omega, well that's common sense, you know better. I will suck the life out of you, and if you attack me, i will air combo you link an energy drain, toss, and make you fall on top of my omega destroyer which will chip the hell out of your energy bar. Reason 2: Cable will be dead by then Reason 3: he's the best, nuff said... P.S. Nate Summers, I dont give a damn if you played that guy who wins tourneys and stuff, Omega will wear his ass for a scully as well. I rest my case for one thing omega red sucks he might have good reach and a little chipping power but against a good player like the sentinel they sentinel will dominate the match and another i dont know who lied to u and told u that omega red can take out anybody because thats a damn lie i bet even servebot can take his sorry ass Posted by JaHa on 04:11:2001 05:08 PM: P.S. you don't think Omega Red is Better than Cable?? whats so hard to understand????omega can rush and SEMI trap but he doesnt have the power of the AHVB 1.prolly the fastest super in the game 2.has the capabilty to kill 1 02 characters.. 3.has no vunerability etc.etc. omega doesnt have those capabilities i wanna know where u play at to see ur omega but i think that ur over confident from lack of competition Posted by StiltMan on 04:11:2001 05:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by LastGod VT Uhh be fair? This guy is saying that he can beat ANYONE in the world with his Iceman and Omega Red. Which has to be one of the most ridicolous things I have ever heard. Dude, I put a context in there for you: the video with Valle against the other guy doing Iceman/Storm/Psylocke, I believe it was. I was pretty clearly not addressing the issue of Tweedledee the Wonder Dummy here. And for the record, I agree with you on this Iceman/OR stuff. The guy obviously has never played a Cable competent enough to AHVB in his life. Posted by Sentinels Force on 04:11:2001 05:23 PM: hey do u ever go to flippers Posted by JWangSDC on 04:11:2001 05:37 PM: Shouldn't a board moderator close this post? All it is doing is agravating people. A couple things I loved to read though. ORG said Iceman's attack worked in the video, being the only intermediate player I am. I only looked at the action and not the health bars and I thought so too. But then I looked up and realized even before MM was switched out, valle was OWNING Iceman and storm. Next it was funny to see people spend time explaining rationally and strategically how Iceman would lose, then only to hear ORG's unrational thoughts because of his stubbornness. I think this post should end here and someone should pay for ORG's expense to get to ECC6 of B5, then if he loses. Just beat his ass with a bat. Whose with me? Posted by StiltMan on 04:11:2001 05:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper All I am saying is these people need to stop hiding behind the words of top players.. everyone that comes on here and says they are good with a certain character is not a LIAR or a just means YOU dont know..I dont know and if they havent played a top player in a tourney then THEY dont know.. Stop. Right here is where you are wrong. Anyone who's ever played at a tournament level can look at this statement, which Omega Red Guru has made repeatedly, and know, merely from the fact that he said this, that this person doesn't know what he's talking about : quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru then you follow the ice rocks with safe combos, which you can use helpers to assist you with so that you can safely throw in an ice beam every now and then(and no you don't get caught by Cable's super because you will be crossing him up, while you are doing it) I can read this rant and tell you right now that he's a scrub. Duc could read this rant and tell you right now that he's a scrub. Chocobo is reading this rant and telling you right now that he's a scrub. Why? Because we can pick out something that an expert Cable will do that will kill him for trying this, pretty much in his every sentence. This fool does not understand, and is failing to understand even though everyone on this forum is telling him, that Cable can block an icebeam and immediately AHVB and kill Iceman. It doesn't matter if Iceman is crossing up -- the guy seems to think that you have to anticipate it. No... Cable can sit there and block his combo, and after the ice beam, after blocking the ice beam, ICEMAN IS GOING TO DIE. This isn't something that's dependent upon the guy's credibility. This isn't something that's dependent upon whether the guy's entered a tournament or not. It's a fact that the fool does not know even though he's being told this repeatedly. If he ice beams on a loaded Cable and the Cable blocks it, he's going to die. That he isn't well known does absolutely nothing to change this. It's a fact: Iceman's recovery time from an ice beam is longer than the combined time that it takes Cable to get out of block stun and release an AHVB. That's all there is to it. The fact that this guy thinks you can throw an ice beam at Cable and not get killed for it says to anyone who knows WTF they're talking about that he's a scrub, and that the Cables he's playing against are scrubs. That's not to say that Iceman is no good at all -- anyone who takes a look over the SRK tournament results forums might notice that Rattana Phanthourath, Seattle's best player, recently went to the latest SHGL tournament and placed 3rd with Iceman as a key figure on his teams. But I can tell you as a statement of fact, without needing to watch any video at all, that he didn't do it with anything he "learned" from this thread. Posted by Diamond on 04:11:2001 06:18 PM: Cable also will sometimes use lavish gift purchaSE TO WIN ICE MANS HEART Posted by akumatrunigga on 04:11:2001 07:31 PM: Does it matter? I would say does it matter on who can you use to beat cable. But in my opinion capt commando (assist) You cyc MOB at all times when cable gets hit then its all over. I done it to many cable players and fucked them up so if you want to say some harsh words, come on up to maryland and play me. Posted by Diamond on 04:11:2001 08:41 PM: akumatrunigga : why deny your desire to see ice man kiss cable? Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:11:2001 09:43 PM: (sarcasm) hey everyone, i'm an idiot, i'm gonna get up to Cable at point blank range ON THE GROUND, and throw an ice beam, without using any sort of help character for backup. P.S. I give everyone at this board the permission to beat the shit out of me literally, if I ever get caught by a AHVB from Cable, when i'm using Iceman. looking at all these movies i've seen online with people using Iceman--->IMO<----(don't get pissed), im the best Iceman player on Earth.<---the thing at the end of this sentence is a period, acknowledge that. Posted by Bastion on 04:11:2001 10:07 PM: quote: --->IMO<----(don't get pissed), im the best Iceman player on Earth. IMO equals... In My Opinion o·pin·ion (-pnyn) n. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof. That is the meaning of an means nothing. Posted by Diamond on 04:11:2001 10:18 PM: you please all suk myd dik Posted by StiltMan on 04:11:2001 10:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru (sarcasm) hey everyone, i'm an idiot, i'm gonna get up to Cable at point blank range ON THE GROUND, and throw an ice beam, without using any sort of help character for backup. You still don't understand, and yes, you're an idiot for not understanding. Let me see if this makes you understand: 1. The range doesn't matter -- your comment about needing to be at point blank is an indication that you still think it does. We're not talking about poking and then hitting you with an AHVB out of a combo. The AHVB itself releases quite fast enough on its own. 2. Whether you're on the ground doesn't matter -- if you're anywhere in the same horizontal plane, it's going to hit you. 3. Cable does not need to go through a full jump to throw the AHVB. He can execute a controller motion that makes it possible to super jump and throw the AHVB instantaneously upon leaving the ground. The release time for this is, for all intents and purposes, instantaneous. 4. Your ice beam's recovery time is not instantaneous. In fact, it's more than the block stun time. 5. Your reference to "point blank" indicates that you seem to understand that if you're in jab range, throwing an ice beam is a bad idea. What we're trying to tell you is that Cable's AHVB is faster than a jab, and it reaches the entire horizontal area in front of him. If you are anywhere in that area after you make him block an ice beam, and you don't have something continuing to keep him in block stun after the ice beam itself, your Iceman is going to be hit. Is there any part of this you don't understand? Why not? Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:11:2001 11:23 PM: Why the bleep would I throw an ice beam on the damn ground when Cable has his meter up??? I only chip him when he doesn't have meter, and I pressure so much, believe me you wont be able to do anything besides block!!! YOu cant get your damn meter up at all i don't believe by blocking you know. Chocobo I think you are a decent player, but with your typical way of thinking you could never beat me. I've beaten the shit out of a Cable expert with Tron Bonne, I bet a simple minded person like you would say that's impossible aswell. Boy o Boy I would love to show you some shit with Anakaris, that would totally erase the way you think of how characters are ranked in this game. Posted by Bruton on 04:12:2001 12:40 AM: Omega Red Guru: You have to realize exactly what a competant Cable can do. Yes, the Iceman player from that other video was crap. But Cable will beat Iceman usually if he has meter. It's not just about Iceman, it's about his helpers, too. When Cable gets enough meter, you essentially can't call helpers. However, he can use his. You can't call helpers as as soon as he sees them, he can AHVB3-5 them. You CAN get away with them on rare occasions, but it's hard. Cable's AHVB is so fast that you can block a Mega Optic Blast by Cyke, and counter with it. Good Cable players will AHVB3 as soon as they see the flash of a super(before the super starts), including BBH's Cruel Hunting. It's THAT fast. The thing is, that Cable will get meter. Even if he starts the match, you can't do a regular horizontal Icebeam as he has one level. You can call your helpers a bit at the start, though. His AAA keeps you off his back. The helpers are the main weakness in Iceman's game. HE can block the beams all day, but the helpers are the ones who get hurt. You have to be on the receiving end where you try to call a helper and SJ out of the way, but he locks you down with one AHVB and gets the helper, and then follows up with the rest of them, where you can do NOTHING. Cable can call helpers freely, and if you dare to attack them(either yourself or with your own helper, it's AHVB time. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:12:2001 01:11 AM: HOW THE FUCK can you make a ignorant comment like that?? you have no damn idea how i use Iceman, or how and which assist types i use as well.. P.S.. you Americans all blow, and are very close minded, I'm moving to Japan where the real Dhaslim players are. You people have no idea who the good characters really are, you are all just a bunch of followers and scrubs. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:12:2001 02:10 AM: This has to be one of the worse threads that I have seen in a while. I don't give a flaming shit about Iceman. Hell you have time to jump out of his super at point blank range. His little trap isn't that great to me since he's open over 95% of the time that it is going on. To me he's basically block damage and even then its avoidable. Plus he takes hits rather poorly. Cable with a meter will definity beat him and Cable without a meter should beat him. Posted by arcticninja on 04:12:2001 02:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru HOW THE FUCK can you make a ignorant comment like that?? you have no damn idea how i use Iceman, or how and which assist types i use as well.. P.S.. you Americans all blow, and are very close minded, I'm moving to Japan where the real Dhaslim players are. You people have no idea who the good characters really are, you are all just a bunch of followers and scrubs. Uummmm...who's being closed minded? We are trying to help you by giving you tips and showing you *why* Cable beats Iceman, but all you seem to do is give us a whole lot of arrogant non-rebuttals and not a whole lot of substance. If you're so confident that Iceman owns Cable, tell us why, and be specific. You say you use the right assists to put the pressure on. Yeah? Which ones? You haven't told us a whole lot about *how* you're accomplishing this feat. *And* you still haven't answered many of the questions posed by the other people who have posted on this thread. Judging from your statement above, you're not in the States. If you're Canadian, I must apologize to the rest of my fellow SRK'ers for our errant son. If not, then tell us whereabouts you play, so that one of us can verify your unsubstatiated claims. Remember, *YOU* started this. Don't think you can post here claiming you're the best in the world if you can't back it up. I rest my case...back to my hockey game. Posted by Deathscythe on 04:12:2001 02:23 AM: this thread just really sucks. no way in hell can iceman own cable. cable just has to jump around and just nail the HVB x3 and thats it and why the hell would you use cable against iceman? Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:12:2001 03:00 AM: During the last 3 days that this thread as been very active nobody still hasn't figured out how to own Cable with Iceman besides me, I've been knowing how for some time, thus proving my point which is....I AM THE BEST ICEMAN PLAYER ON EARTH! P.S. you guys might aswell close this thread because you will never believe me or agree with me because you aren't the Iceman player that I am. Now doesn't that make sense? Also you've never seen me play, nor do you know how I use my helpers, and since you guys are clueless I aint tellin Posted by Lord Doom on 04:12:2001 03:03 AM: BLAH, BLAH, your the best Iceman player on Earth. It still doesn't mean that you can beat anybodies Cable. Peace. and finally STUP THE HELL UP! Posted by State of Nature on 04:12:2001 03:05 AM: The best players in the country have determined that Cable beats Iceman. You say otherwise. The burden of proof logically lies with you. Nobody's holding their breath waiting, cause you're not the first scrub to come here and make fantastic unsubstantiated claims of greatness, and then fail to show anything to back up your crap. We've explained to you why Cable beats Iceman. For anybody to care about what you are saying, YOU have to prove to US what Iceman can do that's so powerful against Cable. I don't expect anything great, considering you've never even seen AHVBx3. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:12:2001 03:10 AM: Why do you guys lie and believe your fucking selves, how in the fuck have i never seen a AHVPx3, when i fucking play Cable,?? Ever since people figured this out with Cable they have been sucking Cable's penis, it isn't dominate to the trully skilled which I am. That's why you don't see me jumping on the Cable bandwagon, because I do know how to own Cable, and not only with Iceman, this isn't a joke you ignorant imbecile!!!! Posted by Lord Doom on 04:12:2001 03:12 AM: I rather taste some of Psylocke's juices if you ask me. Hey, if you want to suck on Cable's penis then by all means go ahead. Posted by Deathscythe on 04:12:2001 03:15 AM: i can kill a cable user and a magneto user with captain commando alone. and iceman can be schooled with captain commando too easily. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:12:2001 03:16 AM: True that. I'm a Magneto user and have trouble fighting against Captian Commando. Never had trouble versus Iceman though.....especially when I have Mag/Doom. Posted by Psycho Gorath on 04:12:2001 03:26 AM: Can we get one thing straight my little ice-scrub? 1. Bob DOMINATES the regulars at his local arcade. 2. Bob is a DOMINANT force at his arcade. any questions? Posted by arcticninja on 04:12:2001 03:35 AM: Can someone get skill in here to beat some sense into this guy??? Omega Red Guru: Are you even reading these posts??? You still haven't answered a single question. If you're not going to tell us, then fine, you might as well go make love to a block of ice. You TELL us WHERE you play, and you BACK UP what you're saying by playing one of US. Posted by JWangSDC on 04:12:2001 05:34 AM: Omega Red Guru, where do you live? Any players who are known live near you? Posted by DannyCat on 04:12:2001 06:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Why do you guys lie and believe your fucking selves, how in the fuck have i never seen a AHVPx3, when i fucking play Cable,?? Ever since people figured this out with Cable they have been sucking Cable's penis, it isn't dominate to the trully skilled which I am. That's why you don't see me jumping on the Cable bandwagon, because I do know how to own Cable, and not only with Iceman, this isn't a joke you ignorant imbecile!!!! Alrighty then. Explain your strategy, the assists(w/types) you use, and use specifics to define how you use Iceman on point(+helpers) shut down a Cable that has both meter and an AAA. (If you're facing a decent Cable, he will be packing both of these. Speaking of which, it would also be nice if you could explain your strategy for dealing with whatever battery character Cable's also going to have...unless you're somehow going to keep them in inescapable blockstun from the starting bell, they're going to be handing Cable some levels to work with.) Going on and on about how nobody's witnessed your l33t sk1llz is leading to a whole lot of shouting for no real reason, so if you could explain your gameplan without getting all defensive, it would probably help things... Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:12:2001 06:48 AM: DannyCat if you aren't an Iceman expert you are wasting your time asking, but if you are. IM me it's on my profile.. P.S. thanks for having an open mind Posted by ReCharredSigh on 04:12:2001 07:12 AM: ORG, you seem to be assuming that iceman will win against cable. i haven't said anything yet, but you based it on two assumptions: 1)cable doesn't have super combo meter 2)he's on the ground. first of all, any decent cable user will use a battery character as their first character, combined with a good assist. examples? spiral/sentinel, runaway storm, doom/bh, etc. these are all very effective, and had to stop from building meter. therefore, cable will have meter before he even jumps in. it gets even worse with sprial/sentinel, cause she can use her swords to tag in cable with a max level ready. second of all, cable users aren't dumb. they will super jump if they feel like it. they will dash if they need to, and with the discovery of the wavedash, that makes ground movement for anyone much more effective. and if you try taking to the skies, they can even opt to switch out to a character that better suits that, like spiral/sentinel, or storm, or doom/bh. ok, lesse, you're basic strategy with iceman was call iroman projectile, jump, throw downward ball, land, and do 3-hit combo into launch. if blocked, do icebeam. first of all, even if cyclops' aaa doesn't beat out ironman's projectile, i can push block your iceman off when he attempts his 3-hit combo, then ahvb ironman in his recovery. iceman will instantly be locked down in the beam, even if he is blocking it and taking no damage. case closed. or, let cyclops aaa take the hit from the downward ball while i ahvb ironman and wave the beam around to cover more space. again, case closed. 2nd of all, you said something about crossing up with icebeam. i'm assuming that you drop assist, super jump over them and then fire it. most of the time, that won't work, cause the typical cable trap involves continously moving back. if i am wrong, please debate it in A SENSIBLE MANNER, jeez, all your replies have been an accusation of us being scrubs and repeating that iceman owns cable. if you think this is true, ELABORATE MORE. jeez, if SRK people wrote articles like you talked, it would damn suck, and i wouldn't be here. i can see an article now; cable rules! you scrubby people, you all suck! and the article is done. Posted by HyperViperSniper on 04:12:2001 07:26 AM: to everyone that said no one was "hiding behing the top players"... well look @ the first and second page 3 out of 5 responses ends with someone like "play valle with that" or "try and beat duc with that"... Also I never said that Omega Red Guru was John Doe from the midwest.. I said that its ignorant to believe that just because the top players say something doesnt mean it works for everyone.. and to think that someone has to play these West Coast players to become good is BS.. There are alot of great east coast players..there are alot of great Florida players.. did they get great by playing folks on the West Coast?? some did ..some didnt.. its all in material.. I dont agree with this guy Omege Red Guru...I dont like the way he is addressing everyone.. but I dont agree with calling him a liar either.. neither of you are right..neither of you are fair.. He says he can say he will lose..who the fuck cares? no one has proof one way or the its better to let it end then carry on.. I got involved in this conversation because I thought I could voice my opinion on why I think that Iceman is a decent player against we are fighting about how good Omega Red Guru is and if a player has to play in tourneys to be good.. I dont think I will comment anymore...I have proven my points... if I see anything worth responding too I will... Later HVS Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:12:2001 07:35 AM: Just because the Cali players say so. That does not mean so. Can Iceman beat Cable yes? Can Cable beat Iceman? Yes. It all comes down to ultimatley who the better player is. They are evenley matched to a certain extent. If the Iceman Player is just gonna shoot out Ice Beams all day than the Cable player will go to the area that Icebeams can not hit him and Light Iceman up. It is about who has the better Stratagey. Posted by Diamond on 04:12:2001 01:30 PM: Still, a refrain from comment conerning love of these two men. I wonder why. Posted by Ryu1999 on 04:12:2001 02:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper to everyone that said no one was "hiding behing the top players"... well look @ the first and second page 3 out of 5 responses ends with someone like "play valle with that" or "try and beat duc with that"... Also I never said that Omega Red Guru was John Doe from the midwest.. I said that its ignorant to believe that just because the top players say something doesnt mean it works for everyone.. and to think that someone has to play these West Coast players to become good is BS.. There are alot of great east coast players..there are alot of great Florida players.. did they get great by playing folks on the West Coast?? some did ..some didnt.. its all in material.. I dont agree with this guy Omege Red Guru...I dont like the way he is addressing everyone.. but I dont agree with calling him a liar either.. neither of you are right..neither of you are fair.. He says he can say he will lose..who the fuck cares? no one has proof one way or the its better to let it end then carry on.. I got involved in this conversation because I thought I could voice my opinion on why I think that Iceman is a decent player against we are fighting about how good Omega Red Guru is and if a player has to play in tourneys to be good.. I dont think I will comment anymore...I have proven my points... if I see anything worth responding too I will... Later HVS i think they mentioned Duc and Valle since they were just saying try those tactics on good players and you will get killed. and since duc and valle are big-name players they're easier to use as examples. but that aside, Omega Red Guru has told us his "strategies" and everyone of them has been refuted by another member on this board. so i seroiusly doubt his standing against genuine good players Posted by Diamond on 04:12:2001 04:00 PM: Omega red guru has suffeciently responded to queries. Give da props! HE could take you home Posted by The Fearless Decoy on 04:12:2001 04:13 PM: OK. I've read the entire thread, and feel it's time for me to add to it. I admit that I'm just a step above scrub level, and know only what I've seen with my own eyes at the arcades. I use OR/Gambit/Cyke (form you opinions now). I only need to know a few things to clear this whole situation up. 1. What in the game can punish a blocked air FP Icebeam? 2. What in the game can punish Iceman's jump-in d.FP? 3. Who uses Cable as point to start?!?!?! 4. Why do I think this OR Guru is a Nismor? 5. What assists go through Ironman's Unibeam assist? Eve without these questions answered I'm sure Cable beats Iceman 80% of the time, all other things being equal. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 04:12:2001 04:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru I've beaten the shit out of a Cable expert with Tron Bonne. Boy o Boy I would love to show you some shit with Anakaris, that would totally erase the way you think of how characters are ranked in this game. Ok IN CAPS SO U CAN UNDERSTAND. HOW COULD U BEAT AN EXPERT CABLE WITH TRON BONNE. EXPLAIN THE MATCH PLEASE. AND PLEASE INVIGORATE ME WITH YOUR KNOWLEDGE ON HOW ICEMAN OWNS CABLE. DO U KNOW HOW TO READ? DO U KNOW WHAT I'M TRYING TO ASK? Posted by LastGod VT on 04:12:2001 04:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL HOW COULD U BEAT AN EXPERT CABLE WITH TRON BONNE. EXPLAIN THE MATCH PLEASE. AND PLEASE INVIGORATE ME WITH YOUR KNOWLEDGE ON HOW ICEMAN OWNS CABLE. Hey Omega Red Guru... i dont think you're little brother qualifies as an 'expert cable'... no no, your mom doesnt either. ^_^ Posted by phillip on 04:12:2001 05:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by Kenny i block your ice beam and do AHVB.......yes......your ice beam has enough lag for me to do that lol, true. cable can bust out AHVB on practically everyone in the game. just a little lag is all it takes from getting an ass whoopin Posted by Voodoo on 04:12:2001 05:31 PM: Ok, let's just say Iceman "owns" Cable... Does that mean that Iceman "owns" Sentinel, Spiral, Storm, Doom, Magneto or anyone else in the top tier as well? The magic 8-ball says "Doubtful". Posted by JWangSDC on 04:12:2001 06:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper to everyone that said no one was "hiding behing the top players"... well look @ the first and second page 3 out of 5 responses ends with someone like "play valle with that" or "try and beat duc with that"... Also I never said that Omega Red Guru was John Doe from the midwest.. I said that its ignorant to believe that just because the top players say something doesnt mean it works for everyone.. and to think that someone has to play these West Coast players to become good is BS.. There are alot of great east coast players..there are alot of great Florida players.. did they get great by playing folks on the West Coast?? some did ..some didnt.. its all in material.. I dont agree with this guy Omege Red Guru...I dont like the way he is addressing everyone.. but I dont agree with calling him a liar either.. neither of you are right..neither of you are fair.. He says he can say he will lose..who the fuck cares? no one has proof one way or the its better to let it end then carry on.. I got involved in this conversation because I thought I could voice my opinion on why I think that Iceman is a decent player against we are fighting about how good Omega Red Guru is and if a player has to play in tourneys to be good.. I dont think I will comment anymore...I have proven my points... if I see anything worth responding too I will... Later HVS I'm sorry, but with this. I think you're totally wrong and causing trouble. You're on the wrong side for the wrong reason. First off, no one said that the best player in the world couldn't be unknown, he/she could be unknown, but with people's common sense. they follow Ockam's Razor. A law like Murphy's which helps people think more clearly. It states that with all things being equal, the simplist solution is the most likely. So what's more likely, some dude who just happens to not been able to get to any tourney's or play any good people is the best in the world, or duc or ricky or justin is. People who have won many tournaments and are known for their skill? I think the second. But I know your point was just to say we don't know and can't be for sure. You're right, BUT the burden of proof is still on Omega Red. Not on us. On him, so don't give that BULLSHIT which helps him out because he doesn't deserve help. I like to be on the minority side of things sometimes too, but OMEGA RED GURU is SPEWING GARBAGE, and you go and say something that he can hide behind...WHY? Get what we're saying? We're jumping on him because he keeps talking shit. We use Duc and Valle, because which sounds worse? Hey I'd like to see you play me(an unknown player, or at least not a champ and a player who will definitely loose to duc or ortiz or valle) and I'll kick your ass. Or does it sound better and say let's see you try that against Duc or Valle or Ortiz? Get it, by saying that we are actually being MORE realistic.Damn, I bet most of the people here just lose their patience and dont write the logic they've been saying because it's much easier to say this "FUCK YOU HVS, YOU DON"T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT" and "FUCK YOU OMRG you piece of shit. Stop talking shit you fucking suck and your icemans bites nuts" Because it gets the same point across and they know they are right and I'm going to have to agree with them. Posted by Chocobo on 04:12:2001 06:25 PM: Nice try Omega Red Guru... at least you're giving it a better effort than some of the other scrubs on this board. As Stiltman explains every little detail of why your Iceman patterns do nothing but get him killed, after you read it you pretend that you knew that stuff already and try to cover it up- "oh, I only do that stuff on the ground with an ice beam when Cable has no meter"... even though you never mentioned that before, and only hours earlier claimed that you can do it any time. So you only can beat Cable when he has no meter... and how often does Cable not have meter? Never. You only think you've beaten a Cable expert, because you beat the best Cable you've seen in your area. I'm sorry, but that Cable was not a skilled Cable... your general lack of knowledge about the game proves it. I don't mean to insult you, it's not your fault you live in an area where no one else can figure out the advanced tactics in the game... I would completely suck if I didn't have good competition here. What would you show me with Anakaris? Dropping coffins from the top of the screen, I assume? If you're really so good with Iceman, why don't you offer a single bit of anti-Cable strategy that actually works? Please... I want to see it. I mean, you still seems to think that it's safe to throw an icebeam from full screen range against Cable. Posted by Diamond on 04:12:2001 06:26 PM: Are my important icemans moves Ice Ball Ice Beam punchin Posted by Bruton on 04:13:2001 03:06 AM: 1.What in the game can punish a blocked air FP Icebeam? Depends what height, among other things. If you SJ and Cable blocks it without calling Blackheart or something, then it's safe. If it's near the ground, he can still AHVB. You have to SJ. If Cable doesn't block it, he can jump and AHVB(may, may not hit, depending on their reaction time), or AHVB and DHC to Storm(since it's so fast and it's a popular team) 2. What in the game can punish Iceman's jump-in d.FP? Anti-air. That ball goes down so the only way that you're going to hit is if you're almost above them, which is where a lot of anti-airs go anyway. Also see above response with DHC to Storm, etc. 3. Who uses Cable as point to start?!?!?! I do sometimes. Although you can't kill anyone, you can control from the start. Cable can afford to lose some life, too. 4. Why do I think this OR Guru is a Nismor? Because he probably is. 5. What assists go through Ironman's Unibeam assist? Take your pick. Depends who calls, but lots will. Storm Alpha will go through everything if it's out. BH stops alot. Icebeam comes out faster that Unibeam, I think. Storm Beta is super fast, too. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:13:2001 03:27 AM: Hey Omega, check this out. I can fly in real life! I swear to God I can! I found out this new technique of flapping my arms the other day and I can fly! What, you don't believe me? Well you ignorant cause you have never seen me do it! How do you know what I can and can't do? You don't, so you are just ignorant. I can fly! We're not debating your skill here Omega, we're just telling you the physics of the game. You can't change the physics, so don't tell us you can. Don't tell us we're ignorant for "telling" you something that has already been proven. If you think that your iceman rush down including helpers will not be punished by an AHVBx3, then come over to my house so I can teach you to fly. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:13:2001 03:46 AM: HEY CHOCOBO you make a good point, I'm contradicting myself, that's only because I will never tell you losts souls how I own Cable with Iceman, I hope you guys think I'm lying and I suck, but don't hop on my bandwagon when I hand Duc, Valle, etc their asses. P.S that technique has more loopholes than lassos you are right. Omega red has this move called Energy Drain, where he takes away super meter. and he has this move called Death Factor, where he drains life, while replishing some of his own life. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:13:2001 03:49 AM: Well, I'm back and it looks like Mr. Iceman has been quieted. I would like to see him play or play him just so I could pick apart his game with Iceman. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:13:2001 03:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru HEY CHOCOBO you make a good point, I'm contradicting myself, that's only because I will never tell you losts souls how I own Cable with Iceman, I hope you guys think I'm lying and I suck, but don't hop on my bandwagon when I hand Duc, Valle, etc their asses. P.S that technique has more loopholes than lassos you are right. Omega red has this move called Energy Drain, where he takes away super meter. and he has this move called Death Factor, where he drains life, while replishing some of his own life. Those moves can be blocked and then AHVB'd by the way. Are you going to be at b5? Posted by JWangSDC on 04:13:2001 03:59 AM: He said he is going to hand Duc and Valle their asses...LoL. We should stop responding now, no one can say that without having any experience against top notch tourney players. Since OMRG doesn't have any experiece, he's talking out of his ass. He can't know how good Duc and valle are simply by watching their video's. He's full of shit. Let's leave his dumb ass alone. He obviously knows nothing and just needs something to do. What a freaking faget. Posted by Omega Teal Guru on 04:13:2001 05:03 AM: I saw my Fearless Leader's tactic with my own two eyes! It totally shut Cable down. Once the FP couldn't do anything to him, he just rushed that crap down and won it in a close match. And everyone cheered! No longer would they have to put up with that one annyoing Cable/Cyclops/Marrow player! I mean, he was hitting those buttons HARD, and he kept DROOLING on the joystick. We were all glad when his mother finished paying for her smokes and came and took him home to watch some Barney, ya! But he was the best damn 3-year-old we ever saw! Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:13:2001 05:14 AM: OMEGA TEAL GURU, welcome to my exclusive haters list, where people follow me from thread to thread trying their hardest to insult and disagree with me. This cool list includes the imposter 0mega Red Guru <--- with a zero Lord Doom Jin Rules Shuma Death Scythe etc.. etc.. at least Duc isn't nearly the hater you guys are. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:13:2001 05:15 AM: Holy shit this is the funniest shit I've heard in a while. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:13:2001 05:18 AM: Hey everybody I made the list of top haters. In fact I'm one of the first names mentioned. I feel special. I'm officially a Omega Red Guru Hters club and since I was the first to answer I also get to be the president. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:13:2001 05:22 AM: ROTMFFLMMFAO Posted by Lord Doom on 04:13:2001 05:27 AM: Hey we're finally thinking the same thing. Posted by Omega Teal Guru on 04:13:2001 05:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru OMEGA TEAL GURU, welcome to my exclusive haters list, where people follow me from thread to thread trying their hardest to insult and disagree with me. This cool list includes the imposter 0mega Red Guru <--- with a zero Lord Doom Jin Rules Shuma Death Scythe etc.. etc.. at least Duc isn't nearly the hater you guys are. You... wha... ah... OH! it's a joke! Ha ha! Good one,fearless leader! We've been through a lot, eh? That kid, that one Hindu guy at the 7-11 who made up some excuse of testing the joysticks for his customers when we challenged him and kicked his ass, and that dishonorable old lady who tried to fool us by acting like she thought it was a Keno Machine... what an underhaned tactic! One of these days, though, that dishonorably, throw-happy Roll/Zangeif/Dan player will go DOWN! And then we will be unbeaten once more! Posted by ELLwarriors on 04:13:2001 05:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Teal Guru You... wha... ah... OH! it's a joke! Ha ha! Good one,fearless leader! We've been through a lot, eh? That kid, that one Hindu guy at the 7-11 who made up some excuse of testing the joysticks for his customers when we challenged him and kicked his ass, and that dishonorable old lady who tried to fool us by acting like she thought it was a Keno Machine... what an underhaned tactic! One of these days, though, that dishonorably, throw-happy Roll/Zangeif/Dan player will go DOWN! And then we will be unbeaten once more! LMAO! Those underhanded old women. You never know what they're capable of. Posted by Diamond on 04:13:2001 06:37 PM: People should be so picky Posted by Monkeyking on 04:13:2001 06:42 PM: i read this thread an' decided to try iceman...i haven't used iceman in awhile...but i got wicked wins against my team wuz iceman/cable/ cable is very weak but iceman did his damage before it wuz too late...i took out teams like strider/doom/' cable/doom/cyclops...etc...this Omega Red Guru could be onto something... Posted by cocoumi on 04:13:2001 06:56 PM: I've never played with Iceman... Posted by batsu13 on 04:13:2001 07:19 PM: no he does not. Posted by Diamond on 04:13:2001 07:49 PM: Ice man can win if he uses total power Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:13:2001 10:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by Diamond Ice man can win if he uses total power Woo hoo! Super Saiya-jin Iceman! Posted by POOP_EATER on 04:16:2001 03:34 AM: How effective are the ice beams? Posted by Nighthawk on 04:16:2001 04:00 AM: iceman is immune to ahvb Posted by ej_333 on 04:16:2001 04:26 AM: This thread is hella funny, lol. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:16:2001 05:39 AM: I think so too even though it has gotten somewhat boring Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:16:2001 06:03 AM: This thread is getting tired. So let me sum it all up, so people will understand. Iceman doesn't own Cable in general. I'm the only person who knows how to own Cable with Iceman Case or thread closed. Posted by Monkeyking on 04:16:2001 06:18 AM: by sayin' that ONLY u know how to own cable w/ iceman...won't stop this thread at all...ur just making more controversy among urself... Posted by Lord Doom on 04:16:2001 06:28 AM: Whatever man, i want to see it. I won't believe you until you do because of all the unbelievable shit that you have been talking. Posted by Monkeyking on 04:16:2001 06:35 AM: i didn't mean to start ne trouble peeps...who knows??? Guru could be that good...i believe that i'm good...but that's me right??? sorry peeps...i just wanted to point out the flaw in his reply... Posted by 0mega Red Guru on 04:16:2001 02:57 PM: Greetings, I am not the real Guru. I am the one imposter who has been impersonating him. I just wanted to announce that I will not be impersonating him any longer. He's free to make rants without any interference from me. Originally I was one of the first to ridicule him and his tactics. When everyone started ragging on him, I felt bad. I felt guilty for ganging up on a poor scrub, so I decided to try to assume his identity and redeem myself by helping him out a little. I also found it to be a personal challenge to pull it off and fool people into think that he actually has some intelligence and decent knowledge of the game. But now, I've come to realize that he's lame. He will never realize his lack of knowledge. I've grown sick of trying, because it's utterly impossible to make this guy look good at all. If you analyze everything he said, he doesn't even possess the knowledge to dominate scrubs. In all probability he is one of the scrubs in line against their head scrub with 70 wins in a row. He is probably a jealous guy hating their top scrub. Posted by Diamond on 04:17:2001 01:24 PM: So! A imposter among us real ones! Posted by StiGgZ on 04:17:2001 02:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru This thread is getting tired. So let me sum it all up, so people will understand. Iceman doesn't own Cable in general. I'm the only person who knows how to own Cable with Iceman Case or thread closed. hehheeee....kool....aye not trying to start beef, i just wanna see how good exactly your ICEMAN really is....i personally have the best Cable that some peeps have ever seen....i played Duc Do in the Texas tourney and i came back on his Spiral, Sentinal, Blackheart Team with my Cable alone....he beat me best 2 outta 3....i won the first match and he won the next 2...the last and final match, i had killed on character and had both of his last ones down to 1/2 an inch of life after the dust had cleared...mainly because i dont play the keep away game with Cable...ill fight u straight up...Wave Dash into that ass....i dont play the bullet, bullet, VB drain game....but i would really wanna hook up with you one time since you're not that far away....I live in Houston and N.O. is about a 5 hour (driving slow) drive from here...anytime you're up for it, gimme a holla...peace.... Posted by Diamond on 04:17:2001 02:35 PM: Diamond is pleased to see a civil and composed reply at last Posted by StiGgZ on 04:17:2001 03:03 PM: like i said...i dont hate...ive never really played a good iceman....maybe OMEGA could show me how a good iceman i really wanna hook things up ya know...if he beats me, then kool, i guess, the better character won...if i win, then so be it.... Posted by Diamond on 04:17:2001 03:38 PM: like i said...i dont hate...ive never really played a good iceman....maybe OMEGA could show me how a good iceman i really wanna hook things up ya know...if he beats me, then kool, i guess, the better character won...if i win, then so be it.... but If i loose, THEN HOLY CARP! Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:17:2001 04:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by StiGgZ hehheeee....kool....aye not trying to start beef, i just wanna see how good exactly your ICEMAN really is....i personally have the best Cable that some peeps have ever seen....i played Duc Do in the Texas tourney and i came back on his Spiral, Sentinal, Blackheart Team with my Cable alone....he beat me best 2 outta 3....i won the first match and he won the next 2...the last and final match, i had killed on character and had both of his last ones down to 1/2 an inch of life after the dust had cleared...mainly because i dont play the keep away game with Cable...ill fight u straight up...Wave Dash into that ass....i dont play the bullet, bullet, VB drain game....but i would really wanna hook up with you one time since you're not that far away....I live in Houston and N.O. is about a 5 hour (driving slow) drive from here...anytime you're up for it, gimme a holla...peace.... Just to be fair you won against Team 100%(Bulleta, Hulk, Jugg), not Spiral/Cable/Sent. Posted by StiGgZ on 04:17:2001 04:48 PM: ....true....but id love to see u get Duc down to 1/2 of life on any character... Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:17:2001 04:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by StiGgZ ....true....but id love to see u get Duc down to 1/2 of life on any character... I beat Duc's Mag/Storm/Psy the day before the tourney. EDIT: Sorry if you didn't get to see it. Posted by StiGgZ on 04:17:2001 05:07 PM: i did before.....not to mention Ricky's and Ohio's... P.S. did i get to play u? Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:17:2001 05:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by StiGgZ i did before.....not to mention Ricky's and Ohio's... P.S. did i get to play u? Good for you. I didn't get to play them. I think I played once before the tourney and you won. My point anyway was you made sound like you beat Duc's bidness team in a tourney, when you didn't. Posted by Diamond on 04:17:2001 06:30 PM: can the tourney prove the champ? Posted by POOP_EATER on 04:17:2001 06:32 PM: what is this?!?! you guys are wack! the code for the game contra is up up down down left right left right elcet start!!!!!!!! AAAAAH!!!! Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:17:2001 06:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by POOP_EATER what is this?!?! you guys are wack! the code for the game contra is up up down down left right left right elcet start!!!!!!!! AAAAAH!!!! Good point. Posted by StiGgZ on 04:17:2001 06:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander Good for you. I didn't get to play them. I think I played once before the tourney and you won. My point anyway was you made sound like you beat Duc's bidness team in a tourney, when you didn't. just wondering how i can "make something sound" like something...i win is a win...if he was playing servbot, dan and amingo and i won i would still say i won....i wouldnt be proud of it but i still won... Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:17:2001 07:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by StiGgZ just wondering how i can "make something sound" like something...i win is a win...if he was playing servbot, dan and amingo and i won i would still say i won....i wouldnt be proud of it but i still won... I said you made it sound like you went 1-2 with Duc's team of Spiral/Cable/Sent, which you did not. You beat Duc's Team 100%, then you lost the next two rounds to Spiral/Cable/Sent. Now in your first post you just mention the fact that you played Duc and that he used Spiral/Cable/Sent, and that you won a round, and lost the set. You failed to mention that you won against Team 100%, which is a lot different in terms of achievement than beating Spiral/Cable/Sent. So to someone who just read that one post, they would most likely conclude that you did beat Duc's Spiral/Cable/Sent in a tournament, but you didn't. So I just pointed out that he played Team 100%. Also how I did myself against Duc or Rciky or you or whoever is completely irrelevant. Even if I was the worse player there, my point would still be valid. Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:17:2001 07:20 PM: I played Duc once in MvsC one. I used Shadow lady and Jin. I like the Cyborgs. I won the fioght! Maybe he let me win though. And maybe it wasn't Duc. But I was happy all the same! Posted by State of Nature on 04:17:2001 07:29 PM: Darthsalamander makes a good point. The way Stigz phrased it i thought he took down Duc's bidness team, which would have been a lot more impressive than team 100%, which is a joke team like team shoto. There IS a difference between which Duc team you beat. This thread is completely off topic now, but the topic sucked to begin with. Hopefully ORG took Apoc's advice, acknowledged to himself that he was called on his ignorance, made a new screen name, and has moved on. Posted by Diamond on 04:17:2001 07:43 PM: topic doesnt suck, YOU SUCk! Posted by StiGgZ on 04:17:2001 08:21 PM: im wrong, and i suck at MVC2.....and i lie to try to make myself look kool Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:17:2001 08:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by StiGgZ im wrong, and i suck at MVC2.....and i lie to try to make myself look kool Excellent rebuttal Posted by Diamond on 04:17:2001 08:37 PM: I am the cream that rose up the top Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:17:2001 08:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by Diamond I am the cream that rose up the top ewwww.... Aren't we kind of just spamming now? Totoro is cool. Posted by StiGgZ on 04:17:2001 08:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander Excellent rebuttal yup i suck...yet i took u out...what does that make u? Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:17:2001 09:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by StiGgZ yup i suck...yet i took u out...what does that make u? Right. You are side stepping the issue(and you have done it before, because you can't defend yourself) that originally brought this up: You misleading(intentional or not) people into thinking you beat Duc's true team of Spiral/Cable/Sent in a tournament. So don't try saying "yet I took you out" or mention that you beat Ricky casually or whatever. You were still wrong for misleadning people. Just read State of Nature's post. Skill in MvsC2 has nothing to do with this anyway, and maybe once you drop your middle school mentality of "If I can kick you ass in competition, obviously I'm right in debate," and grow up, you will stop it. On a side note, it's great that you think you suck, because I know I don't. I guess i just had a really bad match versus you the one match we played. Ask anyone who knows me on the board. Hell ask Bunn, he played me in Austin. Of course by your logic, Bunn sucks too, because we have played only 1 game and I won. Hmmm... sounds stupid, right? So does your statement. But, hey, it's your logic, not mine. EDIT: In me previous reply, I gave you a because I saw that you had obviously retreated from the realm of intelligent debate(if you had ever truly entered it), and were just trying to sleaze by on sarcasm. No one says you suck by the way at MvsC2, Duc is a tough guy to beat, just don't mislead or make yourself bigger than you are. Posted by StiGgZ on 04:17:2001 10:01 PM: good deal...lets bury the hatchet...come down to houston and lets see if my fake i.d. (since im in middle school) can buy us a round of beers.... *CHEERS* Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:17:2001 10:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by StiGgZ good deal...lets bury the hatchet...come down to houston and lets see if my fake i.d. (since im in middle school) can buy us a round of beers.... *CHEERS* Ok . Posted by Diamond on 04:18:2001 02:22 PM: I feel it glow to see the peasce Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:18:2001 03:48 PM: If this board is really good for anything, it's to find other player in your area. Hey Diamond, wanna fight? Posted by Diamond on 04:18:2001 04:35 PM: you fag . shut up Posted by strider hiryu 002000 on 04:18:2001 05:02 PM: i agree that an experienced ice man will whoop mostly any body cable but if you have the right team my cable will beat the shit out of any ice man Posted by Diamond on 04:18:2001 07:02 PM: I dunt see why everyone wants to say iceman is so tuff. Never seemed Tuff enuff for me. I like to use him. Hes not good Posted by StiGgZ on 04:18:2001 09:02 PM: ICEMAN bangs goats.. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:18:2001 09:06 PM: o_O Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:18:2001 09:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by strider hiryu 002000 i agree that an experienced ice man will whoop mostly any body cable but if you have the right team my cable will beat the shit out of any ice man Unfortunately ignorant people like State of Nature doesn't know that team mechanics come into play when I say Iceman owns Cable, and besides even if it was a one on one match a conservative Iceman would beat Cable everytime. Posted by Demroth on 04:18:2001 09:45 PM: Ermm... well I think this topic is done. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:18:2001 09:48 PM: An experienced Cable with a good supporting cast should easily beat a experienced Iceman with an equally talented supporting cast. Therefore Iceman vs. Cable equals death to Iceman. Posted by Pimpwitagun on 04:18:2001 09:51 PM: F it, my servbot kills BOTH fable and ice woman!!!!! whasshuup..... lego mania fo dat ass Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:18:2001 10:46 PM: Doom you are wrong!!! How can you say an Iceman with the same supporting helper cast would lose to a Cable with the same exact helpers and assist, first of all, everyone doesnt use the same assist the same way. and what do you mean an Iceman expert would lose to a Cable expert anyday? Every Iceman expert doesnt play the same way. ON the flip side every Cable expert does, because cable is a one dimensional character he has no respectable aggresive game. That is why I feel --->MY<---- Iceman can own any Cable. P.S. saying something like "equally talented helpers" shows me you are a scrub and will be another victim to me at the tourney. There is no such thing, everybody doesnt use the same helpers the same way. Bring your Cable, I want you to be an example for the innocent bystanders who have to watch me obliterate you with Iceman Posted by Sentinel on 04:18:2001 10:59 PM: no way cable owns iceman... the only bad thing about taking cable against iceman is if you miss the AHVB iceman doesn't take the block damage which is totally stupid... and his icebeam does have enough lag so you can pull a quick AHVB... Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:18:2001 11:08 PM: I guess you didnt read what my last reply huh Sentinel. *horns in the background* hey sentinel here comes the short yellow bus to pick you up. Grab your lunch buddy. Posted by Spider-Dan on 04:19:2001 12:08 AM: Earlier in the thread, somebody asked why you would start Cable first. If you look in previous MVC2 tourney results (esp. in Norcal) you will see Cable/Storm/Cyclops listed. This order is accurate. The gameplan is to dick around with Cable until you get two levels, then once you land your first AHVB on a point, DHC into hailstorm and run away for 80 seconds. 3 level alternative is alpha counter to Cyke, supercancel to SOB (aimed up), DHC to hailstorm, run away for 70 seconds. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 01:06 AM: Listen here ORG, what I meant was helpers to max out Iceman's abilities a.k.a. the best team for that particular Iceman would lose against a Cable with helpers that boost him up the most. Therefore, as everybody would say, Iceman loses to Cable get it scrub. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 01:19 AM: You still aren't making sense, I dont pick my help moves so that they maximized Iceman's abilities, Omega Red is the meat of my team, everything including helpers revolve around him, and it just so happens that they help me against Cable, and Cable loses to Iceman you mindless, bandwagon boarding scrub. Not my fucking fault you dont know how to beat Cable with Iceman. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 01:49 AM: Whatever, do you still not get what I'm saying Super Scrub. When I play Cable I do center the team around him and Storm usually. Cable/Storm/Ken. I really have no stupid ways of getting a free Hyper Viper Beam on anybody but your helper which is fine with me besides of course Storm's alpha assist which I really don't use that often since most of the people I play against will attempt to rush Cable, therefore Ken will appear the most. I live with Cable to beat the shit out of your helpers and if that means sacrificing somebody so be it. I always feel that I can beat almost anybody one-on-one with either Storm or Ken. So there. Posted by Insomnia on 04:19:2001 02:28 AM: omega red guru still won't play me. if i were all of you, i'd take the "ignore him and he'll go away" approach Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 04:31 AM: you really arent playing me now Insomnia you backstabbing fag, kiss my ass. You arent worth the quarter i'll have to put in the arcade to beat your scrub ass. You arent worth the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome i'll develop a day faster 30 years from now, from playing you in a video game. P.S. Doom, you beat mostly anyone, one on one you play with Ken lol, get the fuck out of here. I plan on beating you on the game then i plan on doing a air combo on your bitch ass in real life. My Iceman can beat Cable, since day one, forever more. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 04:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru you really arent playing me now Insomnia you backstabbing fag, kiss my ass. You arent worth the quarter i'll have to put in the arcade to beat your scrub ass. You arent worth the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome i'll develop a day faster 30 years from now, from playing you in a video game. P.S. Doom, you beat mostly anyone, one on one you play with Ken lol, get the fuck out of here. I plan on beating you on the game then i plan on doing a air combo on your bitch ass in real life. My Iceman can beat Cable, since day one, forever more. My Iceman can beat a CPU Cable on the hardest setting too, with no dificulty what-so-ever! He gets raped by good human cables tho.... Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 04:42 AM: Jin Rules notice i said MY Iceman owns Cable MY MY MY MY MY MY MY MY P.S. repeat this to yourself over and over until you believe me and understand. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 04:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Jin Rules notice i said MY Iceman owns Cable MY MY MY MY MY MY MY MY P.S. repeat this to yourself over and over until you believe me and understand. Hmm, what level is your iceman at? Did his icebeam get fast enough to not lag for the AHVB? Mine is only a level 12, so I guess your right. Man, I love MvC2-mon! Please tell me, what does "your" iceman have that other peoples dont? Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 05:06 AM: Well JIn it's a matter of how people use Iceman, and how they use all his attributes, most people use Iceman as a beamer i use him more aggresively, but it's all about the person behind the wheel, it's all about how mind boggling talented I am with Iceman, but I do believe their are other Iceman experts that know how to take Cable aswell. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 05:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Well JIn it's a matter of how people use Iceman, and how they use all his attributes, most people use Iceman as a beamer i use him more aggresively, but it's all about the person behind the wheel, it's all about how mind boggling talented I am with Iceman, but I do believe their are other Iceman experts that know how to take Cable aswell. Hmmm i don't use iceman as a beamer yet i still see his weaknesses. Don't get me wrong ORG, I think Iceman is a solid 2nd tier character. He just gets raped by a good Cable though. I mean if you wiff out a beam once your dead, you do an ice avalanch your dead, ice fist your dead. I get what your rush down strategy is, but it has too many holes to work against cable. sorry Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 05:15 AM: well Jin i cant tell you everything, but your best friends against Cable are Ice rocks D+FP and super jumping downward Icebeams, pressure is also key. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 05:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru well Jin i cant tell you everything, but your best friends against Cable are Ice rocks D+FP and super jumping downward Icebeams, pressure is also key. Thing is, I wasn't asking for advice. I think your forgetting that cable has AAA's and could just scimitar you out of the air. Or throw a grenade. Or super jump to your level and do one AHVB. If Cable blocks an ice rock, to quote Barrel O, he could just AHVB that shit. Your strat has too many holes. Posted by Trinnedy on 04:19:2001 05:30 AM: wow, great... Just what the forum needs... another super scrub... oh, don't mind me, I'm just in here to work on getting my avatar... as for iceman beating cable? not in a million years... Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 05:31 AM: Do you know what an ice rock is? I'm not talking about that huge rock he throws, i'm talking about the small one, and no you cant counter that with an AHVP because it has 0 recovery time and besides you can only do it in the air, and you are supposed to be smart enough to use it safely, and also since you are plain stupid, I guess I have to tell you that you that you have to counter Cables AAA with assists of your own. P.S. only a scrub would get caught by a AHVP while they are super jumping, and I notice you are disagreeing at any and all costs, but that's ok I understand you are confused and cant use Iceman as good as I can, but dont feel bad I dont know anyone who can either. The Scimitar goes no where a downward super jumping Icebeam will eat that up, because its actually 3 hits. Once again you are a scrub Jin, I can tell just by you saying this Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 05:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Do you know what an ice rock is? I'm not talking about that huge rock he throws, i'm talking about the small one, and no you cant counter that with an AHVP because it has 0 recoery time and besides you can only do it in the air, and you are supposed to be smart enough to use it safely, and also since you are plain stupid, I guess I have to tell you that you that you have to counter Cables AAA with assists of your own. P.S. only a scrub would get caught by a AHVP while they are super jumping, and I notice you are disagreeing at any and all costs, but that's ok I understand you are confused and cant use Iceman as good as I can, but dont feel bad I dont know anyone who can either. Apparently you didn't read my post clear enough. Your whole strategy (you said it yourself) is rushing cable down with ice rocks (not avalanches, and yes in the air, no shit), and then super jumping with downward icebeams. Well cable can block all of those. And apparently you don't know what an AHVB (not P, Air Hyper Viper Beam). This has NO start up time (well 1 frame). This means that while your arm is still out from doing the ice beam, i could hit you with an AHVB and you can't block it. After you through your ice rock and land, i could hit you with an AHVB. Or, if your icebeam in the air missed, i could super jump and AHVB u there. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 05:40 AM: BlahBlahBlah...Jin rules tells ORG how he's going to lose to Cable....BlahBlahBlah.....MY MY MY MY MY MY Iceman beats Cable......BlahBlahBlah.....Cable owns Iceman....BlahBlahBlah....MY MY MY MY Iceman wins....anybody see a pattern here??? Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 05:41 AM: Jin you dont know what you are talking about. The beam goes downward on an angle plus i'm super jumping, there is no way in hell you can block it and counter with a AHVP you dumbass. P.S. Just shut up before YOU MAKE YOURSELF LOOK even more stupid. Even if you jam on the up key you would still get served. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 05:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom BlahBlahBlah...Jin rules tells ORG how he's going to lose to Cable....BlahBlahBlah.....MY MY MY MY MY MY Iceman beats Cable......BlahBlahBlah.....Cable owns Iceman....BlahBlahBlah....MY MY MY MY Iceman wins....anybody see a pattern here??? You guys prob found out sooner than i did that reason just does not work with ORG. Ahh well, i tried. Posted by Trinnedy on 04:19:2001 05:44 AM: I was about to suggest rather or not he knows what an AHVB is... Anyone who actually knows what it is knows that it has superb start up time... (if any)... You may as well ask if he knows that people who are blocking can "push" you out of his face... 8 more posts! Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 05:44 AM: He said that he would super jump up with you horse's ass, do you know how to read, what are you going to do then sit there in the air like a lame duck huh. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 05:47 AM: Did you know that I could throw an ice rock D+Fp and and Ice beam downwards while super jumping. This just in, if Cable tries to super Jump in the air with me, i'll do the D+Fk if he's close or the straight Ice beam and knock his dirty ass back down. P.S. Yes These Iceman moves have alot more priority than any of Cables air attacks. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 05:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Did you know that I could throw an ice rock D+Fp and and Ice beam downwards while super jumping. This just in, if Cable tries to super Jump in the air with me, i'll do the D+Fk if he's close or the straight Ice beam and knock his dirty ass back down. P.S. Yes These Iceman moves have alot more priority than any of Cables air attacks. This just in, ICEMAN CAN'T FLY! How long do you plan to stay in the air? Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 05:55 AM: What you said still wouldn't work there is this thing called superjumping then blocking your icebeam/D+RH then AHVB. Ever heard of it. Oh yes and there is a loophole in your plan its called BH's AAA, since Iceman's beam never travels through a character all you really have to do is call out BH and jump to block the icebeam, just thought I'd let you know. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 05:57 AM: Did you know that Iceman can block, even after throwing a downward Icebeam an Ice rock (D+FP) and doing normal attacks on his way to the ground!!?? Did you also know that I could counter BlackHearts assist with an assist of my own!!?? Did you know that the forward Icebeam i thrown in the air while super jumping will catch Cable on his way up, and even if he counters with a AHVP only he wont be in position to hit me with it anyway!! P.S. Now do you believe me?? Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:19:2001 06:00 AM: Yet he is still vulnerable as well. Someone threw down the ice rock at me today. Guess What? They caught an AHVB for their trouble. While their hand is still in the air calling for it you can ahvb them. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 06:06 AM: You can't call out an assist while superjumping dumb ass, hell even if you are able to call out an assist BEFORE you jump that bastard would catch BH fall into AHVBX3, dead then what. I don't play stupid, I don't just call assists out for no reason. block your assist then call out mine. Your assist gets hit, I take block damage.....hmmmmmmmmm what is better???? I think I'll take my chances one-on-one with a lame Iceman. Posted by Trinnedy on 04:19:2001 06:08 AM: Are you some sort of psychic? you know exactly when your opponent will call blackheart AAA? you know exactly when your opponent is going to jump up when you do you little downward icebeam? or maybe you just haven't play anyone good? I mean, it doesn't take a tournament level cable with the right assist to take out an iceman... Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:19:2001 06:09 AM: Calling out assists for no reason is the stupidest thing possible. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 06:12 AM: You losers/scrubs dont understand. I"m not talking about the huge Ice rock i'm talking about the small one. Maximum burst you are a fucking idiot get the fuck out of my thread at once. All you have to do Cable is super jump and throw downward icebeams, if he jumps throw a forward Icebeam, and no he cant counter with a n AHVP because all you have to do is catch him on the way up and he will miss his counter AHVP everytime. the thickness of the Ice beam allows you to do this. you can also pressure him with normal jumping ice rocks(the small ones) and poking. You can also super jump throw a regular small ice rock for extra safety and then throw your icebeam. and if they try to kick you out the air use a D+FK and knock them out of the air. (Iceman's air moves have much more priority than Cables air moves) You also have to match the typical amount of AAA assist Cable players use, you have to do this with using good counter assist of your own. You can also mix it up and cross cable up with a ice rock over his head and combo him from time to time finishing it with an air combo artic attack, and then doing one of your teammates super until he's dead Posted by State of Nature on 04:19:2001 06:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru "Did you also know that I could counter BlackHearts assist with an assist of my own!!??" No I didn't. You are superjumping, and since Iceman can't fly, you can't fly cancel. So how do you call an assist to counter blackheart when you're in the air from a superjump? "P.S. Now do you believe me?? [/B] " You haven't posted any credible strategies. If anything, you've shown repeatedly you can't understand the most basic concepts of the game, like making a charged cable block an icebeam is never safe, that ice rock dies to AAAs like Capcom, and that you can't call assists while superjumping. If you want anybody to take you seriously, start a new thread, and explain in detail your Iceman vs. Cable strategies. Then, when people ask you informed questions, see if you can answer them. Your shitty attitude and your refusal to answer questions are the reasons this dumb debate has gone on so long. If you really are going to B5, and you don't want to post strategies, then shut up. We'll see how you do after the tourney. Otherwise, this is just a waste of space and time, and it makes you look like a scrub. Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:19:2001 06:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature " You haven't posted any credible strategies. If anything, you've shown repeatedly you can't understand the most basic concepts of the game, like making a charged cable block an icebeam is never safe, that ice rock dies to AAAs like Capcom, and that you can't call assists while superjumping. If you want anybody to take you seriously, start a new thread, and explain in detail your Iceman vs. Cable strategies. Then, when people ask you informed questions, see if you can answer them. Your shitty attitude and your refusal to answer questions are the reasons this dumb debate has gone on so long. If you really are going to B5, and you don't want to post strategies, then shut up. We'll see how you do after the tourney. Otherwise, this is just a waste of space and time, and it makes you look like a scrub. So very True. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 06:18 AM: Hey state of Nature i guess you are too stupid to realize that i can call my assist on my way up from a super jump and on my way down. And if you try to AHVP my help character you are gonna get a small ice rock on your forehead. followed by me coming down and comboing the living shit out of you hehehehehe Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 06:20 AM: The "thickness" of an icebeam, WTF is that. I think I'm going to sleep after reading this tiring thread. peace out scrub. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 06:25 AM: First off, dumb ass, let me explain the mechanics of the game to you. Even though I doubt you will understand. We will use the tiger knee version of a AHVB not AHVP. When you do this you cannot call out assists since technically you are doing a SJ. Same with Ryu. You can continiously throw air Shinkuu Haduokens and stay in the same spot but you cannpt call a helper. You see the advantages of jumping are that you can call out assists, but you may only attack or block, not both and you can't super cancel. But by SJ you can both block, attack, and super cancel. But you can't call out assists. Therefore you call them out before you leave the ground. Anything else you need explaining for scrub. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 06:27 AM: Also did you see the part where CapCom's assist will take out your silly rock??? Just wondering blind man. Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:19:2001 06:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom First off, dumb ass, let me explain the mechanics of the game to you. Even though I doubt you will understand. We will use the tiger knee version of a AHVB not AHVP. When you do this you cannot call out assists since technically you are doing a SJ. Same with Ryu. You can continiously throw air Shinkuu Haduokens and stay in the same spot but you cannpt call a helper. You see the advantages of jumping are that you can call out assists, but you may only attack or block, not both and you can't super cancel. But by SJ you can both block, attack, and super cancel. But you can't call out assists. Therefore you call them out before you leave the ground. Anything else you need explaining for scrub. Ha you told him oh well. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 06:29 AM: Try it with Iceman, do a Tiger Knee version of his angled Icebeam or Horizontal Icebeam. You can block afterwards or attack on the way down but not call out an assist. Now do the regular version, see the difference, see why you can't win. Posted by State of Nature on 04:19:2001 06:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Hey state of Nature i guess you are too stupid to realize that i can call my assist on my way up from a super jump and on my way down. You can call an assist when you go up on a super jump, but once you are in the air, you can't call one. So you are wrong, you can't call an assist on your way down from a superjump. You are just plain factually wrong. This isn't even debatable. And then you have the nerve to call ME stupid. You still haven't posted any credible strategies. Here's an even bigger challenge for you: post your real name here. After B5 I think everybody wants to know how you did. I personally just want to hear how bad Justin Wong destroys you. This is my last post. I issue you two challenges: 1. Post credible strats for Iceman vs. Cable, and answer the informed questions about it. 2. Go to B5, and tell us your real name so we can see how you do afterwards. PS- You can't make Cable block an Icebeam without getting AHVBd. You can't drop rocks from SJ height without eating Capcom or BH AAA. And you cannot call assists when you are in the air from a Superjump. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 06:33 AM: Good Night Ladies, talk to you tomorrow. Oh, and Omega Red Guru, care to have your precious Iceman chill a couple of cold ones for me while I'm asleep. I'd appreciate it. Nothin like getting F*cked up in the morning. Night night. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 06:35 AM: You dumb bitches especially state of nature are getting the ice rock confused with the ice avalance so here is the difference ice rock D+FP ice avalance qcf +K and yes i'm willing to answer all questions regarding beating the shit out of Cable with Iceman. And yes I will be at B5 my name is Rahsaan and I will show you how I do it myself. Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:19:2001 06:42 AM: Well than. I might have to go to B5 just to make you Shut The Hell Up! Although I am sure a whole lot of other people will do it even if I don't go. Posted by State of Nature on 04:19:2001 06:47 AM: The Icerock you are referring to still dies to AAA. Also, nobody takes your insults seriously when you make claims like "I can call assists when I am in the air superjumping" and then pretend like you never said it. Your problem is you can't admit when you are dead wrong. As for being willing to answer legitimate questions, that is obvious hypocritical shite. You've been asked several questions, and answered none in a correct manner. When we asked you how you counter AAAs while superjumping, you claimed to use assists. We told you you can't call assists while in the air superjumping, and you called us idiots. You aren't convincing anybody here you are anything more than a scrub. You aren't teaching anybody anything new. You are spreading false information, like the superjump example. You are sucking bandwidth. This is pointless, so shut up already. I hope you do go to B5. Now if you aren't going to say anything helpful or interesting til then, shut up. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 06:48 AM: I have the feeling everyone on this board hates me, and will disagree with me at any and all costs even if i'm right. Guess I'll have to show them first hand. Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:19:2001 06:52 AM: I do not really hate and I would not disagree with you if you were right on certain things. The only good thing I can say about Iceman is his ability to take block damage. meaning that their really is not block damage dealt to him. I still remember the first time fighting him in MVC2. He had like 2% life left so I threw out a HVB to kill him with block damage. To my suprise their was no block damage. That was a hell of a long time ago. Oh Well. Posted by State of Nature on 04:19:2001 06:53 AM: What a surprise, you are dodging the questions and changing the subject. If people on this board dislike you, it's because you post false information ("i can call assists while superjumping"), compare yourself to Jesus, act self righteous, don't post credible strategies, and insult everybody who raises valid criticisms of your scrub strategies. Now stop crying and stop posting unless you have something worthwhile to say. If I were you, I would just go to B5 and let my results there speak for my skill. Of course, thanks to the bad attitude you've shown here, people won't even congratulate you if you do well. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 06:56 AM: I CALL ASSISTS ON MY WAY UP TO A SUPER JUMP AND WHEN I LAND, THAT IS WHAT I MEANT STOP TWISTING MY DAMN WORDS U LOSER. And If you think I"m a phony just ask Executioner about me. He posts here regularly P.S. why would I say i can call an assist why superjumping, and if I did I was high because that's impossible you dumbass, you shouldn't take an obvious typo like that to heart. You know you can Super Jump and call an assist simultaneously right? Anyway i'm going to bed, I have another 50 plus winning streak to obtain at the arcade tomorrow *yawns* State o Nature i'll tell you how to beat Cable more thoroughly tomorrow i promise, but it would be alot easier if i showed you in person or by yourself because everyone is gonna disagree with me at the drop of a dime anyway out of pure hate and jealously including you lol. Anyway later my inferior friends. Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:19:2001 06:59 AM: Ha Ha Ha. Quite Funny! What I like to do is as I am pressing down for the hyperjump press the assit button then up right away. Posted by State of Nature on 04:19:2001 07:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Did you also know that I could counter BlackHearts assist with an assist of my own!!?? Hey state of Nature i guess you are too stupid to realize that i can call my assist on my way up from a super jump and on my way down. hehehehehe Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 07:09 AM: ON my way up meaning down assist button up, and on my way down is as soon as my feet touch the ground, guess it didnt come out right oh well who cares, i know what i'm talking about and your skills are all inferior to me, I have anther 50 plus win streak to obtain, and i still want you to ask executioner about me, so you can find out for yourself that I know what i'm talking about. Goodnight inferior haters/scrubs Posted by The Orochi on 04:19:2001 07:12 AM: You must not have ever seen a good Cable play then ORG! Because I know that my Cable would completely demolish probably any Ice Man out there, let alone yours, with the right partner assist. Like Doom, BH, or Storm Variety. You might be good with Ice Man but that's probably it. And that's also probably the reason why your so quick to say that he's better than Cable. Seeing that you will never be at The Orochi's skill level or his Cable! Posted by Sephren X on 04:19:2001 07:55 AM: Iceman blows... and so does Omega Red Sorry my friend, but if you play any good cable player, iceman wouldnt get within 10 feet of cable. Who cares if iceman doesnt take chip damage? there are a billion assists that will smack your ass when you least expect it, and then the AHVB madness begins (such as cyclops). You must play some really dumb people... Oh, and by the way. I know who would make a good partner to omega red... kobun! they are both equally useful! Posted by Diamond on 04:19:2001 02:07 PM: What a dis at the kobun! Posted by StiGgZ on 04:19:2001 02:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru BlackHearts assist with an assist of my own!!?? its not possible to call out an assist while super jumping...unless u fly.....but....the last time i checked ICEMAN couldnt fly... Posted by Diamond on 04:19:2001 04:27 PM: You can so super assist when in a jump just jump high Posted by Marek21 on 04:19:2001 04:31 PM: iceman owns your mom! Posted by Marek21 on 04:19:2001 04:37 PM: ahahahaha your YOUR FACE! Posted by Orochi Ryan on 04:19:2001 04:46 PM: Strike 1: Iceman doesn't own Cable Strike 2: Own is a poser word Strike 3: You're in denile Posted by akumatrunigga on 04:19:2001 05:58 PM: This thread is really starting to annoy me each time i come here on this site. Anyway all i have to say is that we all have different ways of winning. I have my way so do the rest of you guys, we just cant sit here and fuss over characters like Iceman and cable. In my opinion i dont like either characters. Yes cable is effective but come on now a good cable character is almost predictable, they all have the same moves with him. It is almost obivious. Iceman is only good for assists anyway with his Icebeam assist. Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:19:2001 06:12 PM: The thing about Iceman and Cable is, they are both basic beam characters. One just has a better beam. Like ryu vs. ken for karate men, the diffrence is not so big. Don't hate me for saying this please. Posted by Diamond on 04:19:2001 06:18 PM: WHO HAS THE STRONGER BEAM? Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:19:2001 06:22 PM: You don't know? Ice man's beam does more hits, but Jesus Christ, A HVB is a super attack! Go home and practice! You sound scrubilicious! Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 06:57 PM: Ok ORG, If you call it an AHVP one more damn time.....*shakes head*. It's A..H..V...B.. Air....Hyper....Viper....Beam..... Omega Red Guru, You need to download a video featuring a good Cable. I'm in high doubt that you've seen what a real good cable can do, so I want you to download one. Do yourself a favor, see what breaks your strategy. Otherwise, forever carry the label, "scrub". Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:19:2001 06:58 PM: this topic is bull, there isn't a damn way A GOOD cable player would lose to Iceman... Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 07:54 PM: ahhh... hmmm the same percent of people who knows Iceman owns Cable are the percentage of people who stand a chance at beating me, that's why you never see any quality players disagreeing with me because they no better. P.S. think deeply about that for a second. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 07:57 PM: Hmmm... And I wonder why nobody beats me. The SAME percentage of players who knows Iceman owns Cable is the SAME percentage of players who have a chance. How many people are that, like 2%. Notice Duc or nobody worth playing has disagreed after all this time, hmmm I wonder why? P.S. Think about that very deeply, and try to fathom why I'm one of the best if not the best player on Earth. Posted by Diamond on 04:19:2001 08:41 PM: One must admire the courage of Omega Re d garu Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:19:2001 08:52 PM: He's flaming retard. his only proof that his ideas are at all good is that he is really good a using iceman. But how can you prove that. Could I start a thread that says "Servebot is the best character", then back my claim by saying "because I rule at using him" and still not look dumb? The answer is no. Unless you can back up claims with words, then nothing can be proven. Someday, Message boards will have online fighting tournemnt links attached. Then we could see the truth. Until then, just a flaming retard Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 09:09 PM: True that Foreign man this has turned into a flaming war, nobody will ever believe me until they see it. For extra backup you can always go to under Arcade and go to the Iceman faq created by the SN guy and he says himself that Iceman is used against Doom and Cable You cant win Ice Turns Flame into steam so stop trying to flame me you loser scrubs, You are all wrong!! Hahahaha and now I'm laughing. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 09:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru True that Foreign man this has turned into a flaming war, nobody will ever believe me until they see it. For extra backup you can always go to under Arcade and go to the Iceman faq created by the SN guy and he says himself that Iceman is used against Doom and Cable You cant win Ice Turns Flame into steam so stop trying to flame me you loser scrubs, You are all wrong!! Hahahaha and now I'm laughing. Make a video! You can call it ORG's video for non believers, and we'll all download and look at your game-defying iceman. *chants* do it... Posted by State of Nature on 04:19:2001 09:20 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Omega Red Guru [B]"True that Foreign man this has turned into a flaming war, nobody will ever believe me until they see it." If that's the case, why not shut up til B5? "For extra backup you can always go to under Arcade and go to the Iceman faq created by the SN guy and he says himself that Iceman is used against Doom and Cable" OK, so you are saying because some unknown dude on of all places says Iceman is "used against Cable" that means somehow that it's actually true? I'm sorry, but unless the guy who wrote that faq is somebody i know is good at the game, that info is completely useless. "You cant win Ice Turns Flame into steam so stop trying to flame me you loser scrubs," How's this for a flame: the above sentence is incorrect. Flame turns ice into steam. Flame can never be turned to steam, since it doesn't have water. Nice try at a flame, but you don't even realize that flame itself cannot become steam. Shut up til B5 if you aren't going to post strats or vids of yourself. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 09:59 PM: hehehe sorry man I flunked chemistry, but i do know that ice extingishes fire becacuse it is made of water. Time for me to shut my mouth until B5, one way of accomplishing this, is by none of you guys responding to this post, or requesting to get it closed. Peace Posted by StiGgZ on 04:19:2001 10:23 PM: why not come to HOUSTON for the TExas tourney on May 19th? im sure you wont be talk so much after my cable gets done with your whole squad... Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 10:28 PM: Yo man, I'm and i must say that your Iceman did a good job keeping my drinks cold. At least he's good for something. And by the way, I will almost bet that that guy from said that Iceman can beat Doom and Cable because of the old block damage arguement. I will almost guarantee that. And this shit about the 2% of people that have a chance of beating you, well thats bullshit. You don't see anybody else here self-promoting like yourself Mr. AHVP. That in itself is scrub talk. So yes, keep your mouth shut and your hands and feet ready since you will be needing them to walk back and forth from the change machine and to the coin slot. peace. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 10:42 PM: AHVP AHVB HIV who gives a fuck how you abbreviate it, I wouldn't know and wouldn't care quite frankly, because I have no use for Cable because he is no where near as good as anyone here thinks and I plan on proving that. SRK members thumbs down. I heard Duc uses Cable on his main team. Heheheheheheheh Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 10:54 PM: Yet you have said before that he is one of your "main" characters to use. I hate Cable but I still know that he is better that the Ice Cream Man over there. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 11:05 PM: When I said I didnt respect Duc whatever whatever, I totally take that back, I've come to realize that he uses Cable on his main team, and he is also smart enough to know that Iceman beats Cable, based on the fact that he is smart enough not to make a stupid disagreement like you guys are making. That's what's sets people like he and I apart from you scrubs. P.S. Recognize unconventinal wisdom you losers. Oh yea, if you fail to realize it, i'll just play you and beat it into you anyways lol. Peace Posted by Ma Junior on 04:19:2001 11:05 PM: When/Where is the Houston tournament? This is the first I've heard about it. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:19:2001 11:35 PM: That Texas tournament is going to be nothing more than a clash of super scrubs, I wouldn't risk it. Lord Doom Last God VT<---Idiotic Cable loyalist Posted by Lord Doom on 04:20:2001 12:17 AM: What the Fuck are you talking about. I HATE CABLE, I just have enough sense to know that Cable is better than most everybody especially Iceman. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:20:2001 12:32 AM: And now I know that your a scrub, you don't want to prove to people that Iceman is better than Cable. Why do I say this, your afraid to go to a tourney. Your making excuses why you shouldn't go. Your afraid that YOUR ICEMAN will get stomped by Cable. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:20:2001 12:38 AM: Man you talk about Cable as if he's popular as a FAD or something, ie: the "cable bandwagon". Like everyone just uses Cable cause he's cool or something. No, people use him because he is that good. People have since found that he isn't as good as once thought, but he still remains awesome (keep in mind he was once thought god-like). Cable has the ability to completely kill an assist in seconds. Cable isn't popular cause he looks cool, he's popular because he gets the damn job done. He's not some fad that will be old in a few weeks, he's here to stay because his rape factor is off the scale. Since you still don't grasp this, lets take one of your examples shall we? You super jump, cable uses an AAA, you ice rock, you assist while still in the air (rolls eyes), cable blocks your rock, cable AHVBx3's your assist, and kills him. So now your team has one less member. Want to try that strategy again, and be down to just iceman? Posted by BarrelO on 04:20:2001 12:53 AM: You know what, it's pretty obvious that this is getting nowhere. So let me try something else. Omega Red Guru, you've gone on long enough about Cable. Now I'd like about your strategies against the rest of the established top tier. How would your Iceman play an expert Storm? Doom? Spiral? Sentinel? Magneto? Strider? Posted by Lord Doom on 04:20:2001 12:54 AM: Very good question BarrelO. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:20:2001 12:55 AM: I dont know why I waste my time saying this over and over to you Jin, you are a mindless scrub, but anyway here goes Ice rock D+FP Ice Avalance (the huge rock) qcf +k by the way i follow my rock to Cable so if he even tries to do something i will be starting an air combo on him instantly. Once again you are a silly scrub who thinks Cable is great. Once again you are wrong Once again you dont know how I play Once again kiss my ass, until I show you all at B5 P.S. Who said Iceman was the meat of my team? Posted by Lord Doom on 04:20:2001 01:02 AM: Hold up, didn't you say beforehand that you do a D+FP then a Fierce Icebeam??? How do you do an aircombo off of that. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:20:2001 01:14 AM: It depends on the situation, if he's trying to catch my assist character with AHVB then i'll have to just use the rocks and combos, but if hes trying to catch me, i throw in some safe icebeams. Basically I mix it up and do both. Either way i inflict damage and save my assist characters. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:20:2001 01:37 AM: lol I'm the mindless scrub...ahhh what a world. For the last time ORG, I know the diff between an avalanch and an ice rock. "if he is trying to get my assist, or if he is trying to get me" do establish this? Do you look over to your opponent and go "hey, are you trying to hit me or my assist?" So all of a sudden you're a psychic as well as a person who can bend the game to play as he wants. You know this never occured to me, but how old are you ORG? Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:20:2001 02:05 AM: Jin you ask how do i know when to do what I do. ONe word my lost scrub Experience Posted by State of Nature on 04:20:2001 03:15 AM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Omega Red Guru "by the way i follow my rock to Cable so if he even tries to do something i will be starting an air combo on him instantly." ORG, do you know what "instantly" means in MvsC2? It means one frame start up. Very few attacks are "instant," Juggy's headcrush and Cable's AHVB being notable examples. "Instant" is faster than a jab. Don't throw around the word when you don't know what it means and you are using it incorrectly. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:20:2001 03:21 AM: What was the point of that last reply? State of Nature the word instantly has more than one definition, and when i say i start a combo instantly i mean instantly. I'm talking about the instant the ice rock hits you, i'm their to link it into a devastating combo. Now what can you say?? you are wrong again, and again and again and again, and again. Posted by State of Nature on 04:20:2001 03:26 AM: The point of my last post was to show you are a scrub, and you don't know what you are talking about. There is only ONE definition of "instant" in this game, and I already listed it. I am right about the definition of instant, you are wrong. I am right about when you can call assists, you are wrong. I am right about when you can safely do icebeams against a charged Cable, you are wrong. I am right about flame not being able to turn into steam, you are wrong. I don't see how you can even debate any of these points. You can have different opinions about who is a better character, but you cannot debate the basic features of the game engine. You don't understand the mechanics of the game. This is apparent in several of your threads. That's OK. When people don't know basic facts about a game, they are newbies. Newbies learn and are welcomed into the SF community. It is only when a newbie becomes stubborn and won't admit their mistakes, or try to learn anything, and have a sucky attitude that they become scrubs. Posted by Pungza on 04:20:2001 03:37 AM: put it this way one on one Cable gets own by Iceman. No doubt all ice man really have to do it one good chip damage and he can run and block forever. Cable beam does no damge to iceman. Making have to come to fight hand to hand. so Iceman won Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:20:2001 03:57 AM: State of Nature twists everything I say to make it sound like i'm clueless to this game when i've been playing this game since St.Patrick's day of last year, and I've been playing fighting games for nearly a decade. I love you State of Nature, my victory over you will be extra sweet. Id play you as many times as you want. Even without getting one good chip and then running, Iceman still beats Cable he owns him, he owns him, he owns him, he owns him, he owns him. All you have to do is be good enough not to fall into any of his AHVB, and patiently use the right attacks at the right time, and you too will own Cable with Iceman. P.S. did I mention he owns him. And the ridiculous things you quoted me on were merely typos or, you not comprehending, or the result of me answering your scrub questions over and over when it's late at night and i'm tired or loaded lol. Peace Posted by State of Nature on 04:20:2001 04:42 AM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Omega Red Guru [B]"State of Nature twists everything I say to make it sound like i'm clueless to this game "QUOTE] It's called direct quotations. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:20:2001 04:49 AM: Even if it was direct quotes, it's still just common human error, it has nothing to do with me not knowing the game. P.S. What type of gay goes through the trouble to proofread everything somebody else types?? For crying out loud just become a damn court reporter lol. PEace I'm going to bed, I must get yet another 50+ winning streak tommorrow at the arcade Friday. Posted by Xecutioner on 04:20:2001 06:18 AM: damn 13 pages long? u become quite the person on srk but hey ppl at least he is not annoying like shock mega man x Posted by Marek21 on 04:20:2001 06:31 AM: your face! Posted by Lord Doom on 04:20:2001 07:27 AM: I still think that the Ice Cream Man loses to an Able Cable. Believe me ORG, I really, really hate Cable and hate to give him any props whatsoever. But as I've said facts are facts and until you see Icemen winning tournaments instead of Cable, then I'd have to say that Cable will beat Iceman. Posted by Stuc2K on 04:20:2001 10:49 AM: ........ Iceman doesn't own Cable....thats that. Posted by Biggs on 04:20:2001 11:04 AM: haha I was right, This page is still getting bigger. Posted by idol on 04:20:2001 11:11 AM: How bout this. Why MvC2 suck !!! Fact not Opinion Because it suck, and you all suck for playing such a sucky suck of all suck suckying dick sucking games END. Posted by Biggs on 04:20:2001 11:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by idol How bout this. Why MvC2 suck !!! Fact not Opinion Because it suck, and you all suck for playing such a sucky suck of all suck suckying dick sucking games END. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! Posted by StiGgZ on 04:20:2001 01:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ma Junior When/Where is the Houston tournament? This is the first I've heard about it. its gonna be on May 19th and 20th....CHRIS still hasnt set which game is gonna be on which day but i think its gonna be CVS on the 19th (sat.) and MVC2 on the 20th (sun)... ORG, theres a cash prize for the top 3 players, since you're so good, im sure you'll have no problem getting first place....why not take the 5 hour drive to win $600? Posted by Diamond on 04:20:2001 03:36 PM: It no suck Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:20:2001 06:34 PM: Hey, while topic is around, any other characers who own others? I think Mech Zangief own Hayoto. True, huh? Posted by Iceman on 04:20:2001 06:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by Foriegn Man Hey, while topic is around, any other characers who own others? I think Mech Zangief own Hayoto. True, huh? And owning Hayoto is an accomplishment? Last time I checked damn near everyone owned him. Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:20:2001 06:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman And owning Hayoto is an accomplishment? Last time I checked damn near everyone owned him. WRONG! he is good against Cammy, Strider, and other non-beam top tier characters. Beams make him sad though. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:20:2001 07:11 PM: Iceman has so many advantages over Cable it's not even funny. Just play the mofo safe and you'll beat his ass with Iceman everytime. P.S. and if you are good enough, sneak a few combos in from time to time. Posted by Diamond on 04:20:2001 07:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by Foriegn Man WRONG! he is good against Cammy, Strider, and other non-beam top tier characters. Beams make him sad though. WRONG AT YOU! CAmmy kick his ass hard! Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:20:2001 08:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by Diamond WRONG AT YOU! CAmmy kick his ass hard! Tru, against beamers. But Hayoto's poke, speed and combo make him a fat winner. He OWNS Cammy! Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:20:2001 09:04 PM: Hey if you want to debate Hayato create your own thread you mofo. P.S. this thread is soley about Iceman owning Cable Posted by Lord Doom on 04:20:2001 09:33 PM: Hey believe it or not, Magneto can easily lose to Hayato in this game. If Magneto misses one launcher, he will catch a plasma combo to his rush super. I personally think because of Hayato's reach and speed, yes speed, he is actually fairly decent in a one-on-one fight. Too bad he wasn't in MvC1 though. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:20:2001 09:35 PM: Cable beats Iceman hands down. I want to see you play patiently against a patient Cable/Doom/BH team and see who wins. Posted by Brandon Lee on 04:20:2001 09:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by Foriegn Man Tru, against beamers. But Hayoto's poke, speed and combo make him a fat winner. He OWNS Cammy! Hayato's lag is even worse than Cammy's. Besides she has the better air combos and OTGs. Cammy will do more damage per combo than Hayato. I use Hayato a lot and while his strings are damaging, if you consider how many hits it takes to drain your opponent, you realize Hayato lacks power. His lag gives Cammy the perfect opening to throw and possibly OTG off the throw. I feel Hayato is at his best when he is the hunter and the opponent is the prey. But when Hayato faces other characters that have good up-close games and play the role of hunter for themselves, he gets in trouble. For example, I believe Rogue would defeat Hayato one-on-one as well. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:20:2001 09:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom Cable beats Iceman hands down. I want to see you play patiently against a patient Cable/Doom/BH team and see who wins. Since you realize Iceman Owns Cable one on one you want to throw assist characters in the mix, well guess what I still own him. I know how to counter any attempted trick you can try with your help characters, this is made easy because everyone uses the same help characters. Over and over and over, the same types too, over and over, the same teams, over and over and over, and over and over and over. P.S. and over and over again. Damn when will you ever learn to beat Cable lol. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:20:2001 10:22 PM: I already know how to beat Cable you idiot. My main team that I play is Magneto/Doom/BH note that there is no Cable. I play 9 out of 10 times against Cable and the only real problems I have with him are when he's paired up with CapCom. And yes, I do beat Cable. I do it an awful lot. I hate Cable. I can easily play him because like you have said before everybody plays him the same way. First off all I don't play like everybody else with Cable. I don't give a fuck how many levels I have. I can bullshit for about 5 seconds to get a level to kill you. I can easily do that if I have Ken or Storm who I would usually use Cable with. So, don't even talk to me about not beating Cable. I've been beating that son of a bitch going on a year and a half now. Posted by FFRonin on 04:20:2001 10:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom I already know how to beat Cable you idiot. My main team that I play is Magneto/Doom/BH note that there is no Cable. I play 9 out of 10 times against Cable and the only real problems I have with him are when he's paired up with CapCom. And yes, I do beat Cable. I do it an awful lot. I hate Cable. I can easily play him because like you have said before everybody plays him the same way. First off all I don't play like everybody else with Cable. I don't give a fuck how many levels I have. I can bullshit for about 5 seconds to get a level to kill you. I can easily do that if I have Ken or Storm who I would usually use Cable with. So, don't even talk to me about not beating Cable. I've been beating that son of a bitch going on a year and a half now. so tru, I used to have problems with Cable but ever since I started using Magneto, everyone has gotten easier to deal with. Magneto, Iron Man, Dr. Doom Iceman is *trash* compared to Magneto and Dr.Doom. In fact I killed my brother's Iceman and Cable (he's not that great with Cable but he's pretty good with Iceman, and I'm sure better than you) I can make a vid if you wanna see some tactics to clean up Iceman if you'd like. I know how to beat Cable players with Iceman too, and it's not that hard, but it just requires patience (just because Cable can't chip with the Viper Beams). Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 04:21:2001 03:03 AM: yea? well i own a cat and 2 dogs but does that mean ice man owns cable? no... Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:21:2001 03:10 AM: I never had a problem with Cable even when the AHVB was discovered, and i've been using Iceman on my teams since day one, guess that means he beats Cable. Iceman beats Cable, geez put 2 and 2 together. Posted by Stuc2K on 04:21:2001 03:17 AM: Good greif.... Omega Red Guru are you going to B5? or ECC6? why don't you quit rambling in this topic and save it for a tourney? You know no one's gonna take your word for it unless they see it so just relax man. Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 04:21:2001 03:19 AM: your probly use guile and akuma too dont you? do they own everyone too? Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:21:2001 03:21 AM: No one character owns everyone else you dumbass scrub. The closest thing to that in this game is Omega Red Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 04:21:2001 03:24 AM: hahahahahaha! you are joking right? Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:21:2001 03:37 AM: Ask Clockwork, KNives, etc.. other Omega Red experts, if OMega is capable of taking over, for yourself. Anyway this thread is not about Omega it's about Cable getting his one dimensional ass kicked by Iceman. Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 04:21:2001 03:48 AM: no no, i mean are you joking about the whole cable worse than ice man? i doubt the people you just mentioned think ice man is better than cable. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:21:2001 04:02 AM: I'm not kidding at all sir. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:21:2001 04:06 AM: No I actually think the closest is storm, with her runaway and rushdown and DHC abilities. Hence her being at the top of the top tier. My personal choice is Spiral, but I'm not ignorant. Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 04:21:2001 04:06 AM: oh...ok...imstartingacult.nomorespacebar! Posted by Diamond on 04:23:2001 02:12 PM: Does storm really have a good asiist though? hey think about in! Posted by Aoishi2AL on 04:23:2001 03:21 PM: Yup she's does have a great assist. Or assists. They set up good chip or combos. Posted by Diamond on 04:23:2001 04:11 PM: Not as good as juggernaut Posted by Mister Fixer on 04:23:2001 04:25 PM: This thread will never die... Jesus, isn't 300+ enough? We're not even talking about Iceman v Cable anymore. But then again, neither am I. Oh well. Posted by jedirobb on 04:23:2001 04:27 PM: cable & iceman iceman, to be effective against cable, needs to be closer than cable needs to be to him. a good assist and a poking cable will triumph over iceman any day... dont get me wrong - i dont really like cable & iceman IS good - as far as no block damage.. but cable has him beat as far as range and lag time... = ) Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:23:2001 04:32 PM: Who said Iceman had to get close to beat Cable??? You dont know what the fuck you are talking about so please shut the fuck up and go play killer instinct or something. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:23:2001 04:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Who said Iceman had to get close to beat Cable??? You dont know what the fuck you are talking about so please shut the fuck up and go play killer instinct or something. You did yourself ORG. You said you threw an ice rock and followed it up with a combo if it hit. The rock doesn't have good range since it goes down at 45 degrees, and the combo says you would have to be close to cable. We already told you and then you later admitted that you couldn't beam cable, so what are you going to do? Super jump and throw avalanches at him? Posted by jedirobb on 04:23:2001 04:38 PM: yup you said it - so taking your lil pissy attitude and shove it you ice rock flinging loudmouth = | Posted by jedirobb on 04:23:2001 04:40 PM: jin yeah! - thanks jin.. = ) Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:23:2001 04:42 PM: It's not mandatory to be close, I'll show you rookies how it's done at B5 dont worry Posted by jedirobb on 04:23:2001 04:45 PM: mandatory didnt say it was mandatory... just was commenting on what you had said... anyways - i hope you do trash cable - hes a pud...powerful.. but still a pud.. = ) Posted by Diamond on 04:23:2001 06:50 PM: When I use ice rock it never work right most all the time Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:23:2001 07:05 PM: Somebody help diamond! I'm no good with iceman, so I don't know what to say. But he has been a part of this post as much as anyone. Someone lend him a hand! Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:23:2001 07:11 PM: there's no helping him he's Diamond Posted by Diamond on 04:23:2001 08:35 PM: a mean way is no good time for me! Ha! I can rather have luck. I try to win at the game and I f i have to use ice man. I can fire the ice beam but the other moves is a tough moment in me Posted by Lord Doom on 04:23:2001 10:17 PM: Someone clue me into whats going on in here. I need a recap of what has been talked about the last couple days. Posted by XxElectricxGodsxX on 04:23:2001 10:30 PM: All I got to say is try playing a good cable such as Duc's or Ricky's or even any regular at shgl could probably beat your iceman, just go to shgl or if you can't try B5 and see how good your iceman does. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 03:07 AM: Your talking out of your ass, I just beat a guy who killed 2 of my characters with Ironman. And i came back with iceman single handedly and kicked his ass. P.S. His team was Iroman/Magneto/Gambit Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 03:18 AM: OK, whatever. I just beat a guy tonight using Cable, Psylocke, and War Machine with Gambit, Juggernaut, and CapCom. Notice no, none top tier characters on my team. What does that mean, nothing. I just means I won a match. I fact I won many matches with that team. So what. Posted by OneHandedBandit on 04:24:2001 03:30 AM: AHVB THAT SHIT! Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 03:39 AM: In all seriousness, my Iceman is 2 of your characters saying bye bye. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 03:42 AM: I could easily say that my BH. Thats usually all three of your characters saying goodbye. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:24:2001 03:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru In all seriousness, my Iceman is 2 of your characters saying bye bye. Hmm...seeing as iceman doesn't have any chip ability.....I say that my Spiral/sentinal is at least 2 of your character's saying bye bye in chip damage. Can't do much when you're in permanent block stun. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 03:45 AM: Doom I hope you are telling the truth I know I am Posted by Stuc2K on 04:24:2001 03:49 AM: Iceman has nothing at his disposal...I could take Cable/Spiral duo and give your Iceman a whole heap of trouble (I don't make assumptions over the net because there is no way to prove them, but let's just say it most certainly won't be easy to defeat them using Iceman). You'd be blocking the entire time. There's this thing called Traps....and Iceman can't escape them by any normal means. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 03:50 AM: I am very serious, although I will admit that Iceman is a tough out to BH since one-on-one he literally has to do nothing if he has a lead. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 03:52 AM: Now if I have Doom/BH left then that won't be a problem. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 04:01 AM: like I said before Iceman is top tier, he owns Cable and Blackheart. That's 2 so called top tier players right there. Not to mention his Alpha Assist kicks ass. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 04:10 AM: BH and Cable when he has a lead yes, but if he has to work to beat them then they can still easily win. Its all about who has to chase who when it comes down to those three. Posted by *Magneto* on 04:24:2001 04:14 AM: Magneto owns them both! Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 04:20 AM: I plan on single handedly putting Iceman into the top tier. Omega aswell. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 04:26 AM: Good luck doing it. I really doubt that you will though. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 04:39 AM: Lord Doom why is that? Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 04:41 AM: I jst have no faith in Iceman no matter who uses him. Omega Red is good. I like to use him, but I highly doubt that he can beat most of the top-tier. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 05:03 AM: Doom dont forget I sandwich Omega with Iceman and Storm, or Iceman and Megaman P.S. I have never seen an Iceman as good as mines, have faith!!! I also have a ill ironman, and an ill megaman. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 05:52 AM: I really hate Megaman. I usually kick his ass if I have Doom's AAA going since it soaks up his fireballs. I love Ironman too. I got some nice set-ups for his infinite, not even using helpers. Posted by Mephisto on 04:24:2001 07:43 AM: i agree with the rite helpers i can pretty much beat anyone, except ice man he really does own cable, he is one of the very few characters that can actually equal cable or mayb even be better then him Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:24:2001 08:49 AM: Why is this Thread still going. Have you people not realized this thread is futile. Posted by Diamond on 04:24:2001 01:47 PM: I thin k magneto beat iceman Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:24:2001 02:45 PM: I used magneto once. He had power... Posted by Diamond on 04:24:2001 03:51 PM: magneto has a ggo jum,per Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:24:2001 04:00 PM: He also has good rush down tactics. Posted by Top_gamerz on 04:25:2001 04:37 AM: First thing first. Omega Red , ur a dumb ass....i'm not on any ones side is true that cable has more chance winning over ice man...but the main thing is patience....if you have patience you can beat any charactor using your own charactor. i know from expirience. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:25:2001 04:52 AM: I agree mostly any character has a chance if played patiently, but Since my Iceman is so good, I believe Iceman owns Cable for free or fee. Posted by Drahktar on 04:25:2001 05:14 AM: I don't play MvsC2 much, more like occasionally nowadays because It's about 5th in my list of good fighters, but I know enough to say the CAPTAIN COMMANDO OWNZ YOU ALL. Seriously though, if anyone is the unholy god of chipping, it's Kobun. Posted by Diamond on 04:25:2001 03:19 PM: patience l;ess importance than speed Posted by Iceman on 04:25:2001 03:29 PM: Mephisto: Cable/Doom/BH. Try these 3 and watch your Iceman trouble shrink. Don't forget to AHVB those blocked Icebeams. Posted by TV Puppet Pals on 04:25:2001 03:36 PM: I think what everyone needs to do is watch the new Rattana vs. Duc video. Iceman tried to play an in-close game v. Spiral/Cable/Sentinel, and guess what? It didn't work. Iceman has to resort to Ice Rock/Beam to nail helpers, and that was doing pretty piss poor damage to Sentinel. And the second Rattana found an opening to DHC Iceman out for Cable, he did. Later in the fight you see how bad Iceman's assists are too. Rattana calls Iceman and goes for a electrap. Spiral blocks, counters to Cable and STILL gets the AHVB off twice, killing Iceman and crippling the other Cable. ORG, I suggest you watch that fight a few times over... if you want to own everyone "for free" you'd better not try anything that's on the video. Posted by ID on 04:25:2001 03:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by TV Puppet Pals Later in the fight you see how bad Iceman's assists are too. Rattana calls Iceman and goes for a electrap. Spiral blocks, counters to Cable and STILL gets the AHVB off twice, killing Iceman and crippling the other Cable. ORG, I suggest you watch that fight a few times over... if you want to own everyone "for free" you'd better not try anything that's on the video. You're kidding, right? Did you not see how many times the iceman assist stopped the spiral trap? And, I was there, During the actual match, and i'm not lieing when i say that me, as well as many around me, saw that counterxx ahvb coming hell, look at the video..except for the people who never knew this existed, it was obvious to see coming. Posted by Mech Zangief Master on 04:25:2001 04:38 PM: Jesus christ u put up way to much shit i tried reading the 4th page but gave up 2 3rds down the page Jesus christ Cable is better than Iceman ok there both cheap but Cable is cheaper and better but then again it's the player who is good not the character Posted by Dangerous on 04:25:2001 06:50 PM: FOR FREE YOU SAY. Oh dammit Omega Red Guru, you really took it too far with that one. I hope for sure you have some unbeatable anti-cable tactics because no one owns anyone, espeicially cable, for free! "We could have a fight...what's this life...for..." Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:25:2001 10:09 PM: Rattana's team sucks and his Iceman is no where near as good as mines. You can take that to the bank and cash it. My Iceman/Blackheart/Megaman team owns everyone. My Omega/Anakaris/Iceman also owns. --->My<--- Iceman Owns Cable for free, not yours, not anyone else's not anyone on Earth. My Iceman is unparalled. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:25:2001 10:15 PM: OMG "My Iceman is unparalled." so is your stupidity Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:25:2001 10:23 PM: It's kind of ironic that someone as stupid as me, owns you all in MvC2 for free. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:25:2001 10:25 PM: ok you own us all, and how many national tournaments have you won,yeah thought so Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:25:2001 10:35 PM: I have won zero national tournaments, because I havent had the finance or motivation to participate, but I take proving you all wrong at B5 to heart. I will earn my respect, you can believe that playboy. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:25:2001 10:37 PM: First off don't call me "playboy" insult me with that cash money trash.untill you prove yourself shut up cuse every one is gonna think your a jackass Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:25:2001 10:42 PM: Your right Cash Money sucks, and I live in New Orleans, and people call me that all the time, sorry, but yes I do plan on winning B5 whatever whatever, that's the only way people are gonna believe me. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:25:2001 10:45 PM: why don't you go to ECC first and see if you can take out the New York big dogs. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:25:2001 11:54 PM: Tell me more?? Posted by *Dp on 04:26:2001 02:31 AM: Attention OMEGA RED GURU, not to be on Rat's nuts, but quit your shit-talking/Hating on Rat. Got it? Good boy. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:26:2001 04:17 AM: I've said it before and I'll say again. Cable is better than Iceman overall. ORG, yours MIGHT be better than some people's Cables but the sad truth is, overall Cable kills Iceman. I really do hate to say that. I really, really hate Cable. Fucking son of a bitch can rape your one mistake and run with it. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:26:2001 04:34 AM: Never, Iceman can be just as punishing with 3 levels if played with the right supporting cast, AHVBx3 is only useful against idiots, Iceman can DHC and can ruin Cable. Posted by TRIEUMINATOR on 04:26:2001 05:28 AM: once you knock off icy's dick, he can grow another one. cable's just cums right off. Posted by Diamond on 04:26:2001 03:22 PM: Ice man has some more damaginf asists than cable Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 05:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru I could write a book on how to beat the shit out of Cable with Iceman, the combo i do is a combo follwed by an attempted launch, and then i follow it with a ice beam, the blocking animation knocks him back far enough, so he can't respond with his gay super move, and no a good Cable player can't beat a good Iceman player anyday. I won't even comment on the HORRIBLE things i can do to Cable with Omega Red.. You're sounding just like Mecha Zangief Master ... if U've got an opinion , that's U're opinion , but don't force it on people ... but I must remind U that the computer never uses Cable at his best or any other character for that matter .... try facing human players that aren't scrubs and beat their Cable with IceMan ... better yet , enter the B-5 tournament and beat the people there that use Cable with your IceMan .... some of them will bring out the true capablities of Cable then if U beat them then U can say all this shit .... Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:26:2001 07:12 PM: I'm not trying to impose my impression on anyone, and that strategy you posted is incorrect like hell, nice try though, I already admitted to that being false information. P.S. Dont you ever, ever, ever, compare me to the likes of Mecha Zangief Master, or Golden Nismor in your entire fucking life, you have no idea how much of an insult and and ego blow that is. Posted by FFRonin on 04:26:2001 07:18 PM: What are Iceman's weaknesses? No matter how good a player is, I feel that there is bound to be a weakness. Any thoughts? Posted by Xenster on 04:26:2001 07:18 PM: I think this guy with the omega red avatar is someone's idea of a joke.. anyone else? Posted by Chaotic Blue on 04:26:2001 07:18 PM: Mistake In that Rattana vs Duc video he should have won that by noticing the mistake where duc tried to alpha counter to late. But he doesn't see what he was tring to do so he kept calling out ice man. Of course if he saw this it would have been a diffrent game but still man. Oh, and I think iceman can beat cable if iceman plays patient. A patient iceman will usually beat a patient cable, because theres no such thing as a patient cable. Once cable gets 5 supers and the opponent isn't making a mistake he HAS to waste one. I don't know why but it usually happens like that. And since Iceman takes no block damage from beams and is cammy fast he can just sit there. Theres ofcourse alot of exceptions to this rule however that I'm not going to go thru. But I thikn a good iceman can beat a good cable. C. Blue Posted by FFRonin on 04:26:2001 07:23 PM: Re: Mistake quote: Originally posted by Chaotic Blue In that Rattana vs Duc video he should have won that by noticing the mistake where duc tried to alpha counter to late. But he doesn't see what he was tring to do so he kept calling out ice man. Of course if he saw this it would have been a diffrent game but still man. Oh, and I think iceman can beat cable if iceman plays patient. A patient iceman will usually beat a patient cable, because theres no such thing as a patient cable. Once cable gets 5 supers and the opponent isn't making a mistake he HAS to waste one. I don't know why but it usually happens like that. And since Iceman takes no block damage from beams and is cammy fast he can just sit there. Theres ofcourse alot of exceptions to this rule however that I'm not going to go thru. But I thikn a good iceman can beat a good cable. C. Blue That's so true, i think someone ought to post a poll about this. I'm not entirely sure but is Iceman's Arctic Attack vunerable to an AHVB? I've never seen it done or done it myself but it looks possible. (Similiarly w/ the regular Ice Beam) Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:26:2001 07:32 PM: Your supposed to do the Artic Attack super in an air combo or a DHC only, and you are never supposed to do Icebeams on Cable while you are on the ground. Use downward Icebeams while super jumping, or ice rocks D+FP to set up cross up combos!!!! Posted by ID on 04:26:2001 07:43 PM: If cable blocks a artic attack, he cant counter-AHVB. And ORG, thanks for stating what we already saw in the rattana video. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:26:2001 08:04 PM: What the fuck are you talking about ID, I've been using Iceman since day one, I used to use him with Strider, and use his variety assist to set up the air combo into artic attack, and I've been setting up cross up combos with ice rocks since day one. Just read the thread starter. This was before the Rattana videos were even out.!!!! Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 08:35 PM: Re: Good greif.... quote: Originally posted by Stuc2K Omega Red Guru are you going to B5? or ECC6? why don't you quit rambling in this topic and save it for a tourney? You know no one's gonna take your word for it unless they see it so just relax man. It's seems that U and I have the same opinions on things ... I'd like 2 see him prove his word at the B-5 tournament before he goes ranting all this shit ! U people ever noticed that the longest threads are made by people forcing their opinions on U ? 2 perfect examples : This thread and another one made by Mecha Zangief Master that slices up Cable ... Posted by Don Knotts on 04:26:2001 08:39 PM: Re: Re: Good greif.... quote: Originally posted by Mirai_Trunks It's seems that U and I have the same opinions on things ... I'd like 2 see him prove his word at the B-5 tournament before he goes ranting all this shit ! U people ever noticed that the longest threads are made by people forcing their opinions on U ? 2 perfect examples : This thread and another one made by Mecha Zangief Master that slices up Cable ... I think it's because people get so worked up in ebating there personal view on which player is the best. I'd personally rather read a debate about M&M's vs. Reese's. It's just as arbitrary. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:26:2001 08:41 PM: I dont plan on making anyone believe what I believe until they see it, and they will see me owning them with Iceman at B5. Posted by StiGgZ on 04:26:2001 08:53 PM: ORG, your team sucks balls got about as much chance of getting past the first round of B5 as quadrapalegic midget does dunking a ball on a 10' foot goal....get over it u one believes your horseshit u stupid ass pole smoker....even Javi (the dood who runs this site) says you're a fuckin moron....i commented this thread to him on Friday night when i saw him last and he was like "what fucking moron"....i see my avatar? thats the last thing that frozen cum dumpster is gonna see at B5....if u wanna prove me wrong, drive 4 hours over here to Houston and join in the last Texas Tourney before B5....put oup or shut the fuck one gives a shit about how bad u swing off the dreadlocks that hang off of Iceman's believes you so shut the fuck up...even if they do, what are they gonna say "oh he's right"...then what? you're supposed to be bad now? we fear you because you can take out Cable? HOLY SHIT!!! new flash dickhead, you still got 2 more characters!!! i sincerely hope you come to the texas tourney on the 19th of May so i can post on here the whole video of how my cable raped your lil bitch named ICEFAG.... Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 08:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru I'm not trying to impose my impression on anyone, and that strategy you posted is incorrect like hell, nice try though, I already admitted to that being false information. P.S. Dont you ever, ever, ever, compare me to the likes of Mecha Zangief Master, or Golden Nismor in your entire fucking life, you have no idea how much of an insult and and ego blow that is. That's U're prob if it's an ego blow , I was just comparing U're thread 2 Mecha Zangeif Master's ... Also how can I be inaccurate when it's the skill of the players that descides a match ? Even Mecha Zangief Master knows that (no offense Mecha) ! And this thread is just an opinion of yours ! Just cuz U say this shit is fact doesn't mean it's true .... enter the B-5 tournament to prove U're worth or shut that pathetic fucking shit box that U call U're mouth ... Personally I don't even think U earned that 50+ wins that U said U won .. probably got them on some scrub players and now U're trying to pass it off as a winning streak against good players .... Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 09:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by StiGgZ ORG, your team sucks balls got about as much chance of getting past the first round of B5 as quadrapalegic midget does dunking a ball on a 10' foot goal....get over it u one believes your horseshit u stupid ass pole smoker....even Javi (the dood who runs this site) says you're a fuckin moron....i commented this thread to him on Friday night when i saw him last and he was like "what fucking moron"....i see my avatar? thats the last thing that frozen cum dumpster is gonna see at B5....if u wanna prove me wrong, drive 4 hours over here to Houston and join in the last Texas Tourney before B5....put oup or shut the fuck one gives a shit about how bad u swing off the dreadlocks that hang off of Iceman's believes you so shut the fuck up...even if they do, what are they gonna say "oh he's right"...then what? you're supposed to be bad now? we fear you because you can take out Cable? HOLY SHIT!!! new flash dickhead, you still got 2 more characters!!! i sincerely hope you come to the texas tourney on the 19th of May so i can post on here the whole video of how my cable raped your lil bitch named ICEFAG.... LOL Posted by Diamond on 04:26:2001 09:02 PM: Omega red gurur makes a valic point. Own up Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 09:04 PM: Re: Re: Re: Good greif.... quote: Originally posted by Don Knotts I think it's because people get so worked up in ebating there personal view on which player is the best. I'd personally rather read a debate about M&M's vs. Reese's. It's just as arbitrary. True enough Posted by FFRonin on 04:26:2001 09:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Your supposed to do the Artic Attack super in an air combo or a DHC only, and you are never supposed to do Icebeams on Cable while you are on the ground. Use downward Icebeams while super jumping, or ice rocks D+FP to set up cross up combos!!!! I know that, I've played my brother, and I think he's wise enough to be considered a pretty good Iceman player, He uses ground helpers instead of the jumping D+FP. But I was just curious as I never really got the chance to see it except against a computer opponent. I need something I can use against Iceman tho cause the only way I can beat him now is because I play an Iceman opponent I know well, but if I play i stranger there might be some unexpected results. BTW where's Rat's videos located? I'm interested. Thx in advance. Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 09:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru I dont plan on making anyone believe what I believe until they see it, and they will see me owning them with Iceman at B5. Then show us what U've got .... make it to the top 50 in B-5 then I'll believe in what U're saying ... but until then , prepare ..... Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 09:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru I dont plan on making anyone believe what I believe until they see it, and they will see me owning them with Iceman at B5. I just hope U put more effort in U're fighting technique then in what comes out of U're mouth Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:26:2001 09:36 PM: Some of you guys are purely talking out of anger, and fear, you are scared of me owning you with a team you aren't adapt to facing. But guess what, I'm coming for UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *laughs devilishly* P.S. I will shatter the balance of tiering as you know it. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:26:2001 09:41 PM: Look Omega, calm down the last two posts we head you didn't seem that bad but you need to come down..if you want to prove people wrong go to ECC Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 09:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Some of you guys are purely talking out of anger, and fear, you are scared of me owning you with a team you aren't adapt to facing. But guess what, I'm coming for UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *laughs devilishly* P.S. I will shatter the balance of tiering as you know it. LOL ........ U R so , full of shit ....... LOL Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:26:2001 09:51 PM: I'm not full of shit, you are for not believing me Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 09:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru I'm not full of shit, you are for not believing me Please Omega , your so called skills are a piece of crap just like the shit that's comming outta your mouth in this thread, and U'll realise that at B-5 , compared to the people at B-5 your skill is unfit to lick my boots ..... Posted by StiGgZ on 04:26:2001 09:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru P.S. I will shatter the balance of tiering as you know it. you can shatter these nuts in your mouth.... Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 09:59 PM: Yeah and Big Pete Roasa is right ... Omega U need to take a fuckin chill pill man ! Listen go to a strip joint , have a beer and just chill ... Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:26:2001 10:06 PM: You guys act like I havent seen any of Duc's matches on film, I've seen what the so called best of B5 have to offer, and I'm not exactly shaking in my boots lol. Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 04:26:2001 10:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru You guys act like I havent seen any of Duc's matches on film, I've seen what the so called best of B5 have to offer, and I'm not exactly shaking in my boots lol. Just wait until U face them ... then lets see who laughs ... LOL Posted by Lord Doom on 04:26:2001 10:12 PM: No offense, but I don't see the big deal about the alpha counter shit. Honestly I would have done the same thing. I've been doing that for a least half a year with Jugg, Cable, Storm, Doom, BH, Iron Man, and Magneto. Oh well. I really don't care about this anymore. I personally think that MY Cable could beat your Iceman and I'm sure that you think that your Iceman can beat MY Cable. So let's leave it at that. peace. Posted by Bruton on 04:27:2001 01:03 AM: Omega Red Guru: You really have to play against a decent Cable. I was/am an Iceman fan for how he plays and laughed off Cable initially. But then I fought a good Cable. Cable's not just about run away. He's got rushdown as well. For instance, J.RK from him, S.LK, S.MK, S.RK call Cyke, repeat. It's not exactly a trap or anything, as you can pushblock and call your helpers, but what are you going to do in terms of offense? Even if you go for anti-air to get him off your back, what happens when he gets level three? AHVB your helper while you don't take a pixel of damage, so Iceman survives but his helper does not. If you do NOTHING, Cyke chips away, if you Icebeam, he AHVB's that. If he lands the J.RK, you get the AHVB3 combo anyway. To me, it sounds like you're doing an Iceman/BH trap with MM traps with Ice for chipping and BH for control. Cable WILL destroy that though. Trust me. Posted by ORG on 04:27:2001 01:41 AM: I have played every Cable you can imagine and I still own them all. P.S. Nobody does a damn icebeam on the ground anymore. That's down right suicide. Posted by Diamond on 04:27:2001 01:49 PM: what if cable had an air proton cannon? Posted by Don Knotts on 04:27:2001 01:53 PM: It's me and people like me's responisbility to wonder what you want me to say to that, Diamond. Posted by StiGgZ on 04:27:2001 02:35 PM: your account got deleted cuz you were acting all pissy n shit like a couple of fat bitches at a salad bar with speed bumps, everytime someone would reply to this hot-water-filled dildo ass thread and wouldnt see things your way....dont act like a bitch and expect not to get treated like one.... Posted by Diamond on 04:27:2001 06:52 PM: This si not a copnstreuctoive post Posted by akumatrunigga on 04:27:2001 07:15 PM: I HAVE AN IDEA MAYBE YOU CAN GET A DIGITAL CAMERA AND DEMONSTRATE WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH ICEMAN THEN WE WILL BELIEVE YOU. IT HAS TO BE A CABLE PLAYER WHO IS VERY GOOD AND I MEAN GOOD. Posted by Haik Du on 04:27:2001 07:36 PM: Hey Omega Red Guru, I live in New Orleans and I've got a digital camera. Where do you play? I'd love to document your Iceman skills and size up the action in town. I'm just curious after reading all these posts. Tho I'm really more an ol' school SF2 Hyper player. Posted by ORG on 04:27:2001 08:04 PM: I play at Fun ARcade in Metarie alot, Fun Arcade in New Orleans east, and Pennyland in the French Quarters, feel free to come and video tape my Iceman in action. Posted by Haik Du on 04:27:2001 08:18 PM: alright ORG! I'm at the Pennyland alot, actually I'm going there right now. I'll be sure to bring my camera with me until I see some killa Omega Red/Iceman action going on...what time of day/night do you usually play? Posted by Diamond on 04:30:2001 02:22 PM: look like omega reds guru got a challenge. But can he fail now? Posted by dj-b13 on 04:30:2001 02:27 PM: whoa! this should be interesting get the camera & that ____ in action dudets. Posted by Diamond on 05:01:2001 07:48 PM: allot fo time they brag it but bat cant hold ther un in th earcade. I knwo! I seen dat! We saow it! Posted by AmScott on 05:01:2001 07:50 PM: Well, both characters have their strengths and weaknesses. I guess neither one own either one Posted by Nathan Summers on 05:01:2001 08:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by AmScott Well, both characters have their strengths and weaknesses. I guess neither one own either one I like your sig, but you should spell it: patience not patients Posted by Rahsaan on 05:01:2001 08:46 PM: Nathan you have disrespected me and everyone else on this board with that avatar. Posted by AmScott on 05:01:2001 08:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nathan Summers I like your sig, but you should spell it: patience not patients Whoops! Sorry about that. Thanks for the info. I wouldn't want to go around looking illiterate. This board should have more spell checkers on it. Spelling never was my best subject, (I always did well in science ) Posted by Diamond on 05:02:2001 03:17 PM: I bet you did well at sucking cock too Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:02:2001 04:11 PM: blatant ignorance is always funny. muahahahahha Did you guys know 4 people were banned because of this thread and all 4 of them were me lol. Posted by State of Nature on 05:02:2001 04:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan138 [BDid you guys know 4 people were banned because of this thread and all 4 of them were me lol. [/B] That's gotta be some kinda record. LOL. I know nobody has talked about the thread's title in a loooong time, but y'all should check out to see Duc and Rat's first fight, and Rat plays a much better Iceman vs. Cable than the vid on Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:02:2001 04:52 PM: Rattana played Iceman with the wrong supporting cast, and he is a straight up biter, i've been using that ice rock cross up before anybody in the South. You better recognize fool My new team Iceman, Megaman,Strider a.k.a the death of Omega Red That's right Strider with no Doom Iceman tip 101: Cable has no assists that Iceman can benifit from. Rattana you are an embarrasment to me. Posted by Iceman on 05:02:2001 06:09 PM: I'll agree, Cable really doesn't have good assists for Iceman, but who picks Cable just for the assist? I have two questions. What could Rat had done any different? I thought he played Iceman well. He played Spiral very well. His biggest mistake was overusing Iceman's assist one time too many. Second, I've already agreed, Cable's assist aren't the greatest for Iceman, but what does Megaman do for him? Charged Buster is nothing special (might as well use Iron Man for that), Mega upper isn't that great, and what's his thrid, Leaf Shild? If you are using Leaf Shield you have something I haven't seen before. And Strider?!? His assists plain suck IMO. If you must play Strider with no Doom, then Iceman would be one of the top people to use (along with Sentinel and Spiral), but if you are relying on his assists, something is wrong with your comp or my thinking. Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:02:2001 08:01 PM: You are right Iceman, that idiot Rattana seriously abused Icemans assits. I use Megaman's AAA to give Strider some slack when he's getting rushed down I use Strider Variety type against keep away, and if they try to get my strider with a super i cover him with my own super. Preferably artic attac because AHVB cant even punish it. I also use strider's variety type against people who rush down because if they dont stop to block during their rushdown strider's assist will hit them, then i will instantly launch them for a devastating air combo. Since both Megaman and Iceman have air combos that take killer damage and they can DHC pretty good, especially in the corner. I use Iceman's projectile type for Strider mostly to eat up some of the projectiles people could keep away from me with, and if they try to catch my iceman with a super they are in big trouble because whenever i use iceman's assist with strider i teleport kick or teleport simaultaneously, or i cover him with a legion. P.S. Rattana should know spiral and cable doesnt complement Iceman. That was a plain stupid team to choose, and my Iceman owns his for minimum wage. Yes this is Omega Red Guru, and yes i own you all for free. Alex answer my PM's you punk, i called you out. Bwahahahahah Muahahahah Just kidding. Peace Posted by Iceman on 05:02:2001 08:51 PM: Megaman for AAA? Well, I'm sure we'll agree there are much better AAA out there, but Megaman has to do something as an assist. Spiral and Cable together sucks for Iceman. But Spiral alone with a third character who helps them both out (an AAA? Sentinel?) is a good team for Iceman IMO. Spiral-A is one of the assists that make Icebeams AHVB proof if I remember correct. Spiral's assist also does a ton of chip which helps Iceman chip even more. Don't underestimate Rat. Considering how often he wins Northwest touraments (just about every one that gets posted on this site), he's not a bad player. In that video he just made a big mistake. Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:02:2001 09:57 PM: I agree spiral does help sorta with Iceman. But i cant DHC with her like i want to. Posted by StiGgZ on 05:02:2001 10:33 PM: RAAHSAN, your team still suck fat balls....bring your sorry ass to Houston on the 19th so we can settle this talk too much shit for your own good lil man...back it up and dont hide like the punk faggot pussy that you are...raise up bitch! bring it! I'll give you the utmost props in the world if can get at least one of my characters to half its life...until then, dont be surprised if everyone still calls you a stupid pussy for talking shit in the forums and not backing it up like a man with at least half a nut case you havent noticed, in here, your words mean less to everyone than 2 week old vaginal secretions from your pet goat...i bet your bitch-made ass wont even have the nuts to show up at B5, and then you're still gonna come back talking shit....quit swinging on Cable's hairy, braided nuts u chode...under your name, it should say "LEADER OF FAG EVOLUTION"...go fuck your mom some more and see what other dickheaded, lame stories your sister can concoct while watching you 2... Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:02:2001 11:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by StiGgZ RAAHSAN, your team still suck fat balls....bring your sorry ass to Houston on the 19th so we can settle this talk too much shit for your own good lil man...back it up and dont hide like the punk faggot pussy that you are...raise up bitch! bring it! I'll give you the utmost props in the world if can get at least one of my characters to half its life...until then, dont be surprised if everyone still calls you a stupid pussy for talking shit in the forums and not backing it up like a man with at least half a nut case you havent noticed, in here, your words mean less to everyone than 2 week old vaginal secretions from your pet goat...i bet your bitch-made ass wont even have the nuts to show up at B5, and then you're still gonna come back talking shit....quit swinging on Cable's hairy, braided nuts u chode...under your name, it should say "LEADER OF FAG EVOLUTION"...go fuck your mom some more and see what other dickheaded, lame stories your sister can concoct while watching you 2... Wow, you said half of one of your characters losing half life would be something?? You have another thing coming, and i dont have the mutherfucking finances to rush to your fucking scrub ass town to beat you mutherfuckers. I'm still trying to fianance a trip to B5 and buy clothes and shit for my fucking self. I will be at B5 if you cant wait bitch, then fuck you. Calling me names wont get me there any faster. Posted by The Fearless Decoy on 05:02:2001 11:10 PM: If this is gonna devolve into a screaming match, this thread's gonna get canned by a mod..... Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 05:02:2001 11:41 PM: This thred has turned into a screaming match befor and they didn;t shut it down any way Cable will destroy Ice man simple as that there is no contest Posted by Vash_9000 on 05:02:2001 11:51 PM: everyone owns someone right?Ok then ,u say Iceman owns Cable, I say Capt. Commando owns Iceman!!! cuz most people cant chip Iceman but Capt. Commando's fire beam can chip u. This also goes for heavy hitters, and all other flame throwing people. Got Rich Bitch? Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:02:2001 11:55 PM: Iceman owns Cable for free or fee. Posted by Vash_9000 on 05:02:2001 11:56 PM: when im playing against cable with iceman, i dont try to match beam with beam, that is silly cuz i know i'll lose Iceman owns Cable?pshhhhh don't make me laugh man. If u say u play beam wit beamu lose, so dat don't mean ya own Cable. Well then, u fucking gay azz byatch, why don't u shut ur fucking trap, and use another daymn person who can kill Cable. Personaly i don't kno how old u r, but I'll bet u dat i can kick ur scrawny gay azz any day anytime. Got Rice Bitch? Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:03:2001 12:18 AM: Wow you are mean. Go do your homework little boy, before dad gets mad at you and hurts you again. Posted by Jin Rules! on 05:03:2001 12:30 AM: and how old are you again ORG? Posted by BarrelO on 05:03:2001 12:39 AM: Good God. This dumbass thread is still going? And judging by the following quote: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan138 I use Strider Variety type against keep away, and if they try to get my strider with a super i cover him with my own super. Preferably artic attac because AHVB cant even punish it. It looks like things haven't changed much. Posted by Lord Doom on 05:03:2001 12:43 AM: I can't believe its going on still either. Oh well. Nice avatar by the way BarrelO. such good memories on Bionic Commando. Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:03:2001 01:05 AM: Damn they had a game where you could blow someone's head off, where can i purchase it? Posted by BarrelO on 05:03:2001 01:10 AM: It's from the classic NES game Bionic Commando. You should be able to get a copy at any major used video game store like Funcoland. Posted by Lord Doom on 05:03:2001 02:28 AM: Bionic Commando was a very fun game. I absolutely loved that game. Posted by Xecutioner on 05:03:2001 03:04 AM: I CANT FUCKin believe this thread is still going!its so fuckin sad.damn no one kant post an opinion no more because they will get attacked. Posted by Diamond on 05:03:2001 03:26 PM: why say cable will destroy ice man and then noy say why? Obviuosly some who post here never really play the game. This is the best thread ever. We have not got to the bottom of the debate. Truly its possible ORG has found teh way to finally house cable. LKtes all learn Posted by peetah on 05:03:2001 03:51 PM: Erm... could some mod please delete this thread? I can imagine some newbies reading some of these ridiculously low quality strategies and treating it like gold... eradicating this source of evil would do great good to the SF community... please? Thanks... Posted by StiGgZ on 05:03:2001 04:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by Diamond Truly its possible ORG has found the way to finally breed humans with goats? LKtes all learn yes, it is true....the long term fucking of his pet goat has finally paid off....last week, his goat gave birth to the first 1/2 human 1/2calf....lets just hope that the human part of the baby/calf doesnt think like a stupid fuck like her daddy RAAHSAN..... Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:03:2001 06:05 PM: Why do i have to be stupid? Just because I know how to do something that you cant do I'm stupid all of a sudden. I never said anyone could beat Cable with Iceman I said I could because i've been playing him since day one. Posted by Diamond on 05:03:2001 06:45 PM: do NOT DELETE THIS THREAD! For the sake of those of us who care, dont let arrogent jerks ruin it. Posted by LastGod VT on 05:03:2001 06:58 PM: oh god i cant believe this thread is still here o_O; Posted by Diamond on 05:04:2001 01:49 PM: thise thread rulezzzzz! Posted by Jimmmaaay on 05:04:2001 05:56 PM: Sweet thread Posted by Jinmaster on 05:04:2001 06:55 PM: Man, I can't beleive this is 20 pages long. I read the first 4 pages or so then saw the page count. Geeze. I don't know if this is even resolved yet..but Cable beats Iceman and I personally feel he beats him in a no assist situation as well. All non diagnol from SJ height down on cable icebeams that are blocked are AHVB-able as far as I know, with few exceptions. And Omega red looses to Cable/AAA, like easily. Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:04:2001 07:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster Man, I can't beleive this is 20 pages long. I read the first 4 pages or so then saw the page count. Geeze. I don't know if this is even resolved yet..but Cable beats Iceman and I personally feel he beats him in a no assist situation as well. All non diagnol from SJ height down on cable icebeams that are blocked are AHVB-able as far as I know, with few exceptions. And Omega red looses to Cable/AAA, like easily. not to mention i dont even play like this, i use ice rock cross ups, and use speed. All you have to do is get close to Cable and you can own him for free, his inside game is laughable. He shouldn't even have legs, he should just fight in a wheelchair, with 2 big guns and do AHVB's all day. Not to mention Cable loses miserable to Iceman one on one, all that is needed for you to avoid Cable's one hit wonder AHVB's is to simply super jump and throw down an ice ball D+FP then cancel into ice beam. The rock catches him when he tries to jump up with you, and the beam chips him. Then you can just sit around and block all day or you can hit start and taunt him. And Iceman also owns him in a team dynamic if you have the right assist to compliment Iceman. Posted by Marek21 on 05:04:2001 11:09 PM: where the fuck did my post go? Posted by mad_jackal on 05:05:2001 12:25 AM: Throw a Icebeam and then I'll use the Tiger Knee Air Hyper Viper Beam. Until I get that oportunity, I'll chip damage you with Cable from the Geranades......the beams don't work but the gerandes do. mad_jackal Posted by Rahsaan138 on 05:05:2001 12:35 AM: the grenades dont do shit. Sorry man that wont help, and nobody's stupid enough to throw an icebeam if they are not at super jump height. Posted by Jin Rules! on 05:05:2001 01:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan138 not to mention i dont even play like this, i use ice rock cross ups, and use speed. All you have to do is get close to Cable and you can own him for free, his inside game is laughable. He shouldn't even have legs, he should just fight in a wheelchair, with 2 big guns and do AHVB's all day. Not to mention Cable loses miserable to Iceman one on one, all that is needed for you to avoid Cable's one hit wonder AHVB's is to simply super jump and throw down an ice ball D+FP then cancel into ice beam. The rock catches him when he tries to jump up with you, and the beam chips him. Then you can just sit around and block all day or you can hit start and taunt him. And Iceman also owns him in a team dynamic if you have the right assist to compliment Iceman. Hmmm, this could work against a cable player with large mental disabilities. If you just super jump, throw a D+HP and then icebeam, cable could block both and move closer. Thereby blocking you into a corner and just throwing you. Hell any character could to this. Or cable could just psymitar you when you jump. I mean are you even playing decent Cable's? Are these Cable experiences of yours on your DC on 1 level of dificulty? Posted by Rahsaan5 on 05:05:2001 01:49 AM: If you would have read it dumbass, i said i dont play like that, i use ice rock combos, I only said i did the icebeam thing to get the energy edge in a one on one battle but in a team aspect i use ice rock cross up combos and the whole nine yards, which is why i have the best iceman on earth and you are a scrub who will never in your sorry life understand how i do it. P.S. I dont have a D.C. and please try to understand what i'm saying a little bit, i'm very tired of explaining something you dont seem to understand Posted by Vash_9000 on 05:05:2001 05:08 AM: CABLE RULES BYATCH!!!! OMEGA RED SUKS LIKE SHIET!!!!!!!! MAN JUST SHUT UR FUCKING TRAP OMEGA RED GURU, JUST FACE IT U JUST REALLU SUK, CUZ U CAN'T BEAT CABLE!! GOT RICE BITCH? Posted by Rahsaan5 on 05:05:2001 05:34 AM: hahahahah, I see your anger as pure comedy, you are that stupid 14 year old who keeps saying got rice lmao. But anyway streching your posts like that will get you banned, and i never said i couldnt beat Cable, i said i could, and particularly with Iceman. Posted by ELLwarriors on 05:05:2001 07:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan138 the grenades dont do shit. Sorry man that wont help, and nobody's stupid enough to throw an icebeam if they are not at super jump height. Uhhhhhh.........actually, the grenades do chip him. If you do a sentinel/cable trap, iceman will die a slow painful death. try an icebeam and either a drone will hit you or a bullet. Either way, you're still screwed. Why am I saying this? I've told you repeatedly how much of a scrub you are, why you will get your ass kicked by everyone, proven repeatedly how much of an idiot you are, and yet, you never listen. I didn't that I would ever find the biggest scrub ever next to the whiner(SD nickel crew, you know what I'm talking about), but we seem to have found his replacement right here. All this shit you say will make it even all the better for me when I see some scrub at B5 hand your iceman his ass. I might go just to see that. Posted by BDeVoLi on 05:05:2001 10:14 AM: Well, Chun-Li owns everyone, aight? Posted by Rahsaan5 on 05:05:2001 04:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by ELLwarriors Uhhhhhh.........actually, the grenades do chip him. If you do a sentinel/cable trap, iceman will die a slow painful death. try an icebeam and either a drone will hit you or a bullet. Either way, you're still screwed. Why am I saying this? I've told you repeatedly how much of a scrub you are, why you will get your ass kicked by everyone, proven repeatedly how much of an idiot you are, and yet, you never listen. I didn't that I would ever find the biggest scrub ever next to the whiner(SD nickel crew, you know what I'm talking about), but we seem to have found his replacement right here. All this shit you say will make it even all the better for me when I see some scrub at B5 hand your iceman his ass. I might go just to see that. Oh yeah, i'm gonna really let Cable and Sentinel chip me to death while stupidly trying to throw icebeams on the ground, plus i wont even bother to use my own assist. YOu have no idea how long i've been playing Street Fighter based games do you, i know more than your mama knows about this game, and since I say Iceman owns Cable that's one more than i know that you dont know. Posted by Rahsaan5 on 05:05:2001 04:28 PM: Win i push Iceman to top tier at B5, none of yall better show me yall teeths, and that's all i gots to say. Posted by BarrelO on 05:05:2001 05:49 PM: What the hell. I'm bored. I hate Theory Fighter as much as the next guy, but I think it'll help make things clearer for everyone. Let's say, for the purposes of this discussion, that my team is Cable-B/Storm-A/Commando-B. It's one of the more popular and effective teams that start Cable as the point character, and that's the only way we can do this fairly, since on the teams that have him second, he usually comes in with both a lot of meter and a fairly significant lead. Now name your team (with Iceman on point, since we're trying to determine whether he owns Cable) and outline your strategy. Posted by ELLwarriors on 05:05:2001 06:03 PM: okay genius. How will you get out of the trap then? With what assists? Blackheart will get shot or hit by a drone. same with magneto. Oh, let me guess. Strider with no doom assist. as soon as he comes down, jump back AHVB, kill strider, repeat trap. Iceman dies. Besides, you didn't get my main point. The grenades do chip iceman. And you say you'll always use your rock throwdown or whatever(in the air, D+FP)all i have to do is dash forward, wait till you hit the ground stuck in that motion, and kill iceman. if you throw an icebeam, I'll be on the other side of you, jump up, and depending on what character I have, kill you there. Your start suck. It doesn't matter how long you've played the series. Iceman will always be second tier. No matter what you say. Plus, shut the fuck up about how bomb you are. No one believes you. Even when they've called you out, you still don't show. No one else has seen you play and can verify what you say. So shut the fuck up. Posted by Rahsaan5 on 05:05:2001 06:33 PM: I start with Strider, Anakaris, or OMega Red on point. What do you want me to explain?? My teams are Strider/Megaman/Iceman Anakaris/Megaman/Iceman Omega Red/Iceman/Blackheart Ironman/Iceman/Megaman Anakaris/Ironman/Strider Pick one. Posted by Lord Doom on 05:05:2001 06:51 PM: This shit is still going on. People give it up. He'll always say he can beat you and then you'll say no your stupi, I will win, then it will repeat. Just leave it alone. Posted by Rahsaan5 on 05:05:2001 07:01 PM: Good point. Posted by Drahktar on 05:05:2001 07:34 PM: I think threads that hit the 500 mark need to be locked. Just sort of as a general rule, so shit like this doesn't keep popping up. Posted by diegovaz on 05:06:2001 04:28 AM: Seems like every member of this forum has replied to this thread. Posted by BarrelO on 05:06:2001 04:39 AM: Well, since you're not starting Iceman on point, I'm changing my team to Spiral-A/Cable-A/Commando-B. I choose your Omega Red/Iceman/Blackheart team. Tell me which assists you use and outline a basic strategy against my team. Posted by TheWholeFnShow on 05:06:2001 05:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by BarrelO Well, since you're not starting Iceman on point, I'm changing my team to Spiral-A/Cable-A/Commando-B. I choose your Omega Red/Iceman/Blackheart team. Tell me which assists you use and outline a basic strategy against my team. That sounds like something I'd hear in a Pokémon battle. "Cable, I choose you....Cable, AHVB now!" Anyways, the only way I see Iceman beating Cable is if Iceman (and his team) have a substantial lead over Cable's, then he can turtle all day. Or Iceman would have to be VERY careful against Cable. And this is assuming Cable does not have Spiral-A, Storm-A, Storm-Y, Doom-B, or Sentinel-Y. Posted by Mephisto on 05:06:2001 06:37 AM: For all of u out there that think cable is the very best and that iceman can't beat him go down to seattle and play a guy named rattana if ur good enough for him to pull out his ice man it's pretty much over, there's no way cable can beat him just find a good enough ice man player Posted by Mech Zangief Master on 05:06:2001 07:20 AM: Cable is better and cheper Posted by Drahktar on 05:06:2001 07:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mephisto For all of u out there that think cable is the very best and that iceman can't beat him go down to seattle and play a guy named rattana if ur good enough for him to pull out his ice man it's pretty much over, there's no way cable can beat him just find a good enough ice man player I coulda swore I saw rattana's iceman get ripped a new one by cable. Maybe in a video I downloaded? From this site even? Naw, coudn't have been. That doesn't sound possible after your description of rattana's skills. I'm not sure, but I'd bet you'd feel kinda stupid if there was such a video floating around. You seem to be the well researched type though, I'm sure you're right. Posted by State of Nature on 05:06:2001 07:58 AM: I coulda swore I saw Duc's Cable get ripped a new one by rattana's iceman. Maybe in a video I downloaded? From even? Naw, coudn't have been. That doesn't sound possible after your sarcastic description of rattana's lack of skills. I'm not sure, but I'd bet you'd feel kinda stupid if there was such a video floating around. You seem to be the well researched type though, I'm sure you're right. Posted by Mephisto on 05:06:2001 08:16 AM: UMMM, actually no u saw wrong there's a clip of a match between rattana and duc on shoryuken in the multimedia section. Rattana uses ice man against spiral which is not a good match, cauze spiral can get ice man wid block damage in the trap, so he switches to cable, the reason Rattana lost to Duc so bad was because Duc ex switched into cable and canceled into a super, and got both cable and ice man, and then he killed ice man before he even had a chance to go against him Posted by Paxtez on 05:06:2001 08:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature I coulda swore I saw Duc's Cable get ripped a new one by rattana's iceman. Maybe in a video I downloaded? From even? Naw, coudn't have been. That doesn't sound possible after your sarcastic description of rattana's lack of skills. I'm not sure, but I'd bet you'd feel kinda stupid if there was such a video floating around. You seem to be the well researched type though, I'm sure you're right. I think you need to watch the vid again, the iceman and cable fought for about 5 secs, the iceman was already down to like 5% and I think he hit cable once. Rat did win, the only time iceman did real damage to duc is when duc used cables aaa assist. Posted by Drahktar on 05:06:2001 08:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature I coulda swore I saw Duc's Cable get ripped a new one by rattana's iceman. Maybe in a video I downloaded? From even? Naw, coudn't have been. That doesn't sound possible after your sarcastic description of rattana's lack of skills. I'm not sure, but I'd bet you'd feel kinda stupid if there was such a video floating around. You seem to be the well researched type though, I'm sure you're right. I didn't say Rattana had no skills. In fact, him being so skilled proves my point even more. Iceman does not own Cable. I saw it in a video here. It can go either way, obviously, I was just trying to support my view that Iceman doesn't own Cable, which I did (or rather the video did). Posted by Rahsaan5 on 05:06:2001 03:03 PM: You think Rattana is good with Iceman?? You should see my cross up ice rock combos, when i use strider variety type. Talk about chaos P.S. Cable and Spiral are both joke compliments for Iceman, they cant even DHC well with Iceman. Although i think Rattana is a respectable Iceman player, he could never be up to par with me, until he gets better compliments. Yes an Iceman master, owns a Cable Master for free. Posted by Zazzarius on 05:06:2001 04:32 PM: ok, if you are so confident to the point arrogance, prove it you make a video of ice man beating cable IN A REAL FIGHT, you vs a skilled cable player i won't believe it until i see it Posted by Rahsaan5 on 05:06:2001 04:59 PM: beating iceman with Cable isnt even a big deal to me anymore. Iceman owns him for free. Posted by State of Nature on 05:06:2001 05:14 PM: OK, in this thread alone, only 10% or so of ORGs posts have mentioned any strategy, while I'd say a good 80-90% have just been him saying "Iceman owns Cable for free!" with no support. Just about everybody here who has said anything intelligent has pretty convincingly explained why a skilled Cable can consistently beat a skilled Iceman, so until ORG posts a very detailed and convincing strategy guide for Iceman vs Cable, I say everybody should stop posting here. And on a final note, here are some claims ORG has made in the past: 1. That he is better than Duc. 2. That he is waaaay better than Rattana. 3. That Rattana is an idiot (though they have never met) 4. Shit talking about Duc and making fun of his name (sooo witty and mature) 5. That Cable's grenades don't chip Iceman (false) 6. That he can protect his strider assist with an arctic attack (false) 7. That Icebeam is not AHVBable. 8. That he has never seen or done an AHVBx3. 9. Compared himself to Jesus. 10. Made fake accounts and posted within minutes of himself so there would be "people" on these boards who claim to have seen him and think he is the bomb. Frankly, we've been given more evidence to believe he is a scrub than we have to believe he is even competent in MvC2. So until he wins B5 (which shouldn't be difficult for him if he's really Jesus with a joystick) I say we all ignore him. Posted by peetah on 05:06:2001 05:24 PM: State of Nature: Very well put... couldn't have said it better myself... but... is it really enough to stop ORG/Rahsaan from posting? I mean... just look at the size of this thread! Posted by Mech Zangief Master on 05:06:2001 05:37 PM: State of nature ur an idiot (what type of name is that any way) this guy obiviously know's wat hes on about Iceman Must own Cable! VB dosent even chip Iceman Iceman owns Cable 100 percent! ICEMAN is the best character in the game! Posted by Rahsaan6 on 05:06:2001 06:28 PM: State of Nature what the hell!!! You must think i'm a blatant idiot. Who the fuck said Icebeam's couldn't be countered with AHVB?? I said super jumping downward icebeams after cancelling from small ice rocks. Secondly everyone knows i'm Omega Red Guru, i'm not trying to cover it up, i've been banned 6 times that's why my names keeps changing. I know rattana uses Cable and Iceman on the same team, and i also know that he abuses icemans assist. Which makes him a scrub compared to me. That's about it. I guess I cant express myself good in words, but i can definietly show you how to own Cable with Iceman in person. Then you will be able to stop flaming me, but i'm not mad at you, what i'm saying is something next to nobody has seen me do yet, other than people in New Orleans. Peace Posted by ELLwarriors on 05:06:2001 06:59 PM: State of Nature: Well put man. I couldn't have said that any better myself. Props to you. As for Omega Red Guru, no matter what I say that proves his shit wrong, it doesn't go through. Whatever. I say, lets let him think that he's better thatn duc. Hell, lets just shut up and let him think that he's the all time greatest. This whole thread is just ridiculous. After B5, then we can say all the shit we want. As for me, i'm tired of proving this guy wrong over and over again when he just won't hear me out. Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:06:2001 10:23 PM: What am I so wrong about? Posted by God_of_Poop on 05:07:2001 01:26 AM: What are you so wrong about? That Iceman owns Cable and mentioning your name along with Jesus makes me laugh State of Nature nailed it Come to B5 I'll own your Iceman with Cable and you can pick my other 2 characters or play my friend |nsomnia He'll own you too That is all Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:07:2001 02:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop What are you so wrong about? That Iceman owns Cable and mentioning your name along with Jesus makes me laugh State of Nature nailed it Come to B5 I'll own your Iceman with Cable and you can pick my other 2 characters or play my friend |nsomnia He'll own you too That is all You talking about that loser miguel fagan?? Anyway owning Cable with Iceman is old news for me, i'm trying to own Magneto. Posted by ELLwarriors on 05:07:2001 05:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan7 What am I so wrong about? *shakes head* Your stupidity continues to baffle and astound me. I'm not even gonna say anything. Let the rest of these people respond to that one. Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:07:2001 05:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by ELLwarriors *shakes head* Your stupidity continues to baffle and astound me. I'm not even gonna say anything. Let the rest of these people respond to that one. I'm stupid enough to get 70+ wins multiple times at the arcade. So what does that make you?? A retard right? Posted by Zero Warrior on 05:07:2001 05:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan7 I'm stupid enough to get 70+ wins multiple times at the arcade. So what does that make you?? A retard right? What the hell does that prove. Probably just a buch of scrubs, have you beat anyone on this site that can vouch for your skills?? If not shut your mouth your wasting server space! Posted by ELLwarriors on 05:07:2001 05:55 AM: *as sarcastic as possible* oh wow. your my hero. you are so smart and cool. I'm so jealous. Okay. enough of that dumb shit. So what? I remember back in the day seeing a little kid get 70+wins before. He was 12! You think I'm suddenly gonna change my mind because you say you have long winning streaks? doesn't work that way dumbass. Until you get those kinda numbers at SHGL when everybody's there, I don't give a flying fuck what about you're so-called streaks. For the record, I'm pretty damn smart. like if I was gonna say something ridiculous like iceman owns cable, I wouldn't do the things you've 1. compare myself to jesus 2. diss duc 3. say i'm gonna win B5 4. not post any strats 5. say stupid shit every time I post That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure I could think of some more if i saw the rest of this thread. Posted by Bruton on 05:07:2001 06:47 AM: C'mon people, we all know that Cable owns Iceman. Respecting him by arguing with him isn't worth it... he's just after some attention, and probably won't even show up for B5. Posted by Lord Doom on 05:07:2001 12:46 PM: Yo man, everybody just chill out with this topic. I know y'all must be tired of of it by now. I know I did like 2 weeks ago. Posted by Cipher on 05:07:2001 03:29 PM: . I dun think iceman can fight cable,. true that he takes no chip damage from his beams. but a lot of action that ice man takes has a recovery time that allows cable to ahvb. try throwing rock.. cable can do a normal jump and viper beam iceman outta the air. ice beam... worst. eat free ahvb.... Posted by Tuff Daddy on 05:07:2001 03:33 PM: My gosh, this is like a text war. I forget what this thread is about. Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:07:2001 05:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bruton C'mon people, we all know that Cable owns Iceman. Respecting him by arguing with him isn't worth it... he's just after some attention, and probably won't even show up for B5. I can beat Iceman with Cable without even throwing projectiles, i swear it's not even a big deal to me anymore. I'm very sorry if no one else knows how, but I'm gonna hook my vcr to my new dc when i get it this Friday. And i'll mail the tape to, is that fair?? Posted by JedahZero on 05:07:2001 05:19 PM: someone shoot this thread in the nuts Posted by OneDumbGook on 05:07:2001 05:23 PM: Doesn't anybody realize that Iceman sucks? Hiand Sentinel are the two guys I fight against most in the arcades. He was tough at forst, but once you start rushing him with anybody that has decent combos and strength, like Cap, Capcom or even that scrub Cable, Iceman gets owned. He's a good assist and that's about it. Just cuz he doesn't take chip damage doesn't mean he doesn't have to block. But is it true that Iceman doesn't get chip damage from supers like Proton cannon???? Posted by OneDumbGook on 05:07:2001 05:29 PM: Plus, Jin owns Cable. His Tornado and Armor Burst nullify that monkey shit Cable pulls even if he's slow. You know what monkey shit I'm talking about, super jumping around pulling crap outta his monkey ass and throwing it like his life was on the line, which it is. The Tornado is fast and'll catch anyone on the way down with a double hit, so it'll affect even armored guys. His Armor Burst is the nastiest special move ender to a combo. You can't Tornado cuz of some other monkey like Sentinel's sendin flyin monkeys on you? Use Cap's Dash assist, War achine Missile assist or Ken's Dragon Punch assist. Cable's a pussy. The fight I'd like to know who'd win is Magneto vs. Storm. Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:07:2001 05:37 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by ELLwarriors [B]*as sarcastic as possible* oh wow. your my hero. you are so smart and cool. I'm so jealous. Okay. enough of that dumb shit. So what? I remember back in the day seeing a little kid get 70+wins before. He was 12! And you allowed this to hapen??? Dont talk to me anymore, you are a loser. Anyway I'll send a tape to this website, so that it can be posted to the multimedia section. Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:07:2001 05:47 PM: Ells you will see who is the idiot in the end. 90% of you are wrong. wrong wrong wrong, incorrect, invalid. This thread is starting to disgust me, somebody close it. Posted by BarrelO on 05:07:2001 06:17 PM: I do have to give ORG some credit, though. He's been pretty consistent in keeping up with this thread despite the fact that he gets banned on a seemingly daily basis. Posted by ID on 05:07:2001 06:19 PM: Damn, this shit is still goin? No wonder more an more scrubs start crap. It gets so much attention. Posted by Diamond on 05:07:2001 06:27 PM: ID , you are the biggest scrub of all, Mister _i-better Posted by Bruton on 05:08:2001 01:46 PM: Sending a tape in is at least something. However, it will have to show a decent Cable. It would be far more preferable to actually play against a good, well-known player. You should make the trek to California. Posted by diegovaz on 05:08:2001 01:57 PM: Stop this thread....Stop this thread....Stop this thread....Stop this thread....Stop this thread....Stop this thread....Everybody NOW....Stop this thread....Stop this thread....I can't HEAR YOU....Stop this thread....Stop this thread.... Posted by Diamond on 05:08:2001 03:52 PM: KEEP THIS THREAD ALIVE!!!! IT IS GREAT! All others are owrse. Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:08:2001 11:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by Diamond KEEP THIS THREAD ALIVE!!!! IT IS GREAT! All others are owrse. This thread has been made possible by the following sponsors. Lord Doom Barrel 0 Chocobo EllsWarrior And the rest of you scrubs who thinks Cable stands a chance against Iceman. P.S. A tape from me is coming soon. Posted by *Magneto* on 05:08:2001 11:51 PM: Cable can do the most damage guranteed! Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:09:2001 12:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by *Magneto* Cable can do the most damage guranteed! Not really. Posted by MAGUS1234 on 05:09:2001 12:37 AM: can i drop the ice ball on cable and not get ahvb?? Posted by KungfuJoe on 05:09:2001 01:32 AM: well here is my 2 cents on this matter the main reason why cable is rank so high is because of AHVB the reason is that if you screw up (which in tourney play can happen) you eat a 3XAHVB Iceman and Omega red both suffer from this same problem(so does most characters except for Spiral) so regardless of the fact how good your trap may be one screw up and your dead. Posted by ELLwarriors on 05:09:2001 02:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan7 This thread has been made possible by the following sponsors. Lord Doom Barrel 0 Chocobo EllsWarrior And the rest of you scrubs who thinks Cable stands a chance against Iceman. P.S. A tape from me is coming soon. Hey dumbass, you spelt my name wrong. Besides, I want this thread to die. This is so ridiculous. I'm tired of trying to talk some sense into a scrub who just won't listen. I'm just gonna stop replying here from now on. Keep on thinking how bomb you are. No one will listen to you, no matter what you say. Why won't you understand that? Oh well. EVERYONE! Stop Replying to this damn thread! Lets let it die in peace! As for me, I'll be waiting until august 6th to see when the true players win B5, and you dissapear. You and golden Nismor. Later scrub. Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:09:2001 04:57 AM: Ellwarrior i think you throw around the term scrub too freely, especially towards me, considering I can virtually kill your entire team with Iceman, but you are obviously beneath me in terms of skill because you have to name call to get a point. But even though 90 plus percent of the people here thinks Cable beats Iceman, i still never called them names over and over but oh well. You are nothing to me but a statistic, and that's all you'll be at B5 another win added to my streak that i will obtain at my own disposal. Posted by God_of_Poop on 05:09:2001 05:47 AM: Hmm I keep thinking this is a joke by Duc but Im starting to think otherwise..... Ho Ho Ho you think anyone who disargees with you is a scrub? Your're the scrub my friend Like I said at B5 I'll pick Cable then you can pick my other 2 Characters and I will own you good. Since you think Iceman is all godly what does he have on Strider/Doom or Sentinel? besides dying? BarrelO: Love your quote Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:09:2001 06:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop Hmm I keep thinking this is a joke by Duc but Im starting to think otherwise..... Ho Ho Ho you think anyone who disargees with you is a scrub? Your're the scrub my friend Like I said at B5 I'll pick Cable then you can pick my other 2 Characters and I will own you good. Since you think Iceman is all godly what does he have on Strider/Doom or Sentinel? besides dying? BarrelO: Love your quote You actually think you are gonna catch me in AHVB?? I've only got hit by that corny ass move twice. That's right, 2 times. So where does that leave Cable against Iceman?? It leaves him useless. If you think you can own me, then i think you are getting sleepy. Your brain isnt functioning properly. Posted by Nathan Summers on 05:09:2001 03:38 PM: Rahsaan, I have a match up question that will also test whether you know what you're talking about: Two players of equal skill play with only one character each: Iceman vs. Sentinel Statistically, who has the overall advantage? Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:09:2001 05:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nathan Summers Rahsaan, I have a match up question that will also test whether you know what you're talking about : Two players of equal skill play with only one character each: Iceman vs. Sentinel Statistically, who has the overall advantage? Sentinel beats Iceman most of the time. Posted by Nathan Summers on 05:09:2001 07:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan7 Sentinel beats Iceman most of the time. You are correct. Wow, I thought for sure you would say iceman. Maybe there's hope for you yet. Here's another question: Statistically speaking, which character is superior as an anti character against Sentinel? Iceman with good assist? or Cable with good assist? Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:09:2001 07:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nathan Summers You are correct. Wow, I thought for sure you would say iceman. Maybe there's hope for you yet. Here's another question: Statistically speaking, which character is superior as an anti character against Sentinel? Iceman with good assist? or Cable with good assist? What do you mean by saying hope for me yet?? I dont use Cable but i know he is better against Sentinel than Iceman is, but I dont have him on my team so i use Anakaris or somebody like that against Sentinel. I know exactly what the hell i'm talking about so please stop asking stupid questions you are the lost one. Iceman is top tier and I know this for a fact. Posted by Nathan Summers on 05:09:2001 08:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan7 What do you mean by saying hope for me yet?? I dont use Cable but i know he is better against Sentinel than Iceman is, but I dont have him on my team so i use Anakaris or somebody like that against Sentinel. I know exactly what the hell i'm talking about so please stop asking stupid questions you are the lost one. Iceman is top tier and I know this for a fact. First of all, I never said iceman wasn't top tier. Secondly, you just contradicted yourself. Earlier you said that tiers are dumb, and that you don't follow silly tiers invented by others, and consider people that follow tiers to be dumb. Yet you state that iceman is top tier. Posted by Paxtez on 05:09:2001 09:33 PM: I can't belive this thread is still going. I thought for sure his comments about using ice beam to chip cable would prove he does not know what he is talking about. (and yes he did say that 'I use dash lk,hk then I air combo cable! And if he blocks the knock up I use ice beam to chip him'. Ok its not a real quote, but its pretty much exactly what he said. (one of his first posts) Why don't you post some vids of your skills, send me a tape of you playing and I'll encode it and even host it on my ftp. Basicly without any proof, you are never going to convince us that your iceman is better then any of our cables, and we won't be able to convice you of the oppsite. Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:09:2001 10:08 PM: Did i ever say an icebeam on the ground?? Read it again and tell me where i said this, also i can chip him with grounded icebeams with certain assist backing me up, but I only chip him to get off the last amounts of damage, and even then i still back it up with an assist. So shut the fuck up, and I will send you a tape. And Nathan excuse me for saying the silly term that is 'top tier', i simply meant iceman is one of the better characters. P.S. SRK is 90 plus percent scrubs. Posted by Nathan Summers on 05:09:2001 11:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan7 P.S. SRK is 90 plus percent scrubs. Of all people, you should know this all too well. After all, you are their leader. Scrubs from all over the world usually say a prayer before each match. They send their prayers to their cult leader, ORG. If a scrub performs a gamebreaking glitch such as gambit glitch, they usually become afraid that their opponent will kick their ass. That's when they start praying to the god of skinny punks. But if a scrub is praying to actually win a match, then they pray to ORG, the cult leader of scrubs. Posted by Rahsaan7 on 05:10:2001 12:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nathan Summers Of all people, you should know this all too well. After all, you are their leader. Scrubs from all over the world usually say a prayer before each match. They send their prayers to their cult leader, ORG. If a scrub performs a gamebreaking glitch such as gambit glitch, they usually become afraid that their opponent will kick their ass. That's when they start praying to the god of skinny punks. But if a scrub is praying to actually win a match, then they pray to ORG, the cult leader of scrubs. I'm sorry to hear you feel that way about me, but I do want you to retain that mind state until you face me at B5. So that you will look even like more of a fool then you sound. P.S. You have already lost thinking this way. Your ignorance is unimagniable, you stupid American. Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 05:10:2001 12:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan138 Wow, you said half of one of your characters losing half life would be something?? You have another thing coming, and i dont have the mutherfucking finances to rush to your fucking scrub ass town to beat you mutherfuckers. I'm still trying to fianance a trip to B5 and buy clothes and shit for my fucking self. I will be at B5 if you cant wait bitch, then fuck you. Calling me names wont get me there any faster. Holy Fuck ..... This shit still isn't over ... will U people forget about this shit thread and wait 4 B-5 .... fuck ... this shit is just a waste of time ... All times are GMT. The time now is 01:09 AM. Show all 574 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.